I was about to say that this isn't very good (in more kind words though) but I think if you black and white the effects, bring out zexion a bit more and make his hair a deeper blue, this would be dope.
Nice work on this. The only thing that bugs me is the frame. I would have used either a thin black or white one for this, but meh that's just me I guess. Otherwise it's pretty nice.
Well I do like these splashes so good work on that :] BUT... Some of the stocks you chose(1st and 3rd) don't really look too good in the vector-grunge style you chose. Try and go for a more clean and colorful style for the manga stocks. But like I said I do like them overall(too lazy to properly critique ]: ).
There's not really much to critique here... I'm not trying to be rude but you should probably read some tutorials or learn your program a bit more before posting here.
Looks very unfinished. You should take this back to the kitchen methinks.
Yeahh... need some work on the compo in this one. Try and move the random shapes to locations that don't cover up odd parts of the characters. Otherwise, it's nice.
I have to agree that your tags are very well made for the amount of time you say you have been doing this. The main issue with all of the is primarily the text. Now I'm not good at typography myself but I can add a useful tip: Try and be artistic yet basic. Don't try and over-do the text(A.K.A adding a bunch off unneeded filters and shtuff) , but try and blend it into the tag via color and placement. Don't just tack it on at the end, really think about it as if it were a whole piece itself.
Without mentioning anything the previous users have said, you have a case of what we like to call the "floating head syndrome" around here. This typically doesn't look very good, so try and use the whole stock and not just the head haha.
Make the stocks original color stick out more and make the black areas be darker. It's supposed to be shadowing, yet it's all bright and stuff. Fix that and you'll have a more complete look for this tag. Don't want to plug my tag or anything but if you look down at my sig, you'll notice I have the same type of color overlay yet you can see that the areas that are supposed to be dark are.
I'm very interested in this game... Probably wont be able to pick it up :( From what i've seen, it looks very promising though. Not just a run round lone wolf game (aka COD), but more of a collective experience. And by the way **** IGN. That review was so terrible.
Have you ever seen high level magneto play? He is probably the fastest character in the game haha. See for yourself :P
The first thing you should learn about using c4d's is how to blend them into your normal work. Don't look at any fancy c4d tutorials first. Use them for minor lighting effects or for little details(Like in the bg of the first tag, the metallic c4d in the back was a good choice). But before you do that, just try to work on your overall design. The text in these look to have very little thought put into them. They look like an after thought thing to me(text is hard and the only way to improve is to fail over and over. Even I am still horribad at typography). Blending is also fairly important. It helps your stock look like it's meant to be in your tag. Now blending does not mean to cover it up with effects, it's much more than that. Your stocks are not blended at all(The second is more blended because of the color choice, the first is not at all). See, Altair sticks out way too much. He is in a very dark environment, yet he's very bright, and pretty much on top of everything you have going on. He is essentially the whole foreground which makes for a very unbalanced tag. The last thing i'll talk about is your stock quality. In both tags, the cuts are bad. The first has a silhouette around it which wouldn't be so bad if the tag was designed differently. Here, though, it doesn't look to hot. The second has a very bad cut, and the quality is very blurry. Having a good cut as well as a HQ stock is important for a good tag (just as important as having the pr0 h0t signezzz of c4d spam effects ;P). Please don't be discouraged by this, I only mean to help <3
Battery/Point:Magneto- Generates meter, does good damage without it and has the sickest rush-down in the game. Zoning/Main:Deadpool- Great zoning mixed with good combo ability. Does take meter though. Anchor-Akuma/Dante- High damage without meter... Even better with meter.
Team V- Colors, flow and mood are just too sick here. Lovely use of smudging. Team A- Im not a big fan of the contrast in this one, but the effects are nice and create a solid tag. Team S- I like the text but there's waay too much blurring (though it's b&w so it's forgivable).
Whichever one you want to enter, it's cool with me ^^
Yeah sorry about the texture and scanlines. I've been wanting to do a tag with a comic book style and it seemed to fit here to me haha. .psd
I like what you have going on here for the most part. The left is very nice, save the text( Font's+ positioning need work). Now on the right, just brush a little bit with a gray/off white color and create some nice settings for your smudge tool and go at it. Good start though.
That blue in the text is dumb. Other than that, the tag is sick. EDIT: Oh, and you have a case of impossible lighting. But it's not too big of a deal. Still looks nice. Just keep it in mind.
[IMG] It was a little tough seeing as the tag was already pretty solid haha. Want the .psd or is this alright?