I won't suggest much of anything for you to change or play with here since I generally like this. BUT... I'd like to see a version that doesn't have the duped stock. I like your effects/color choice here. They fit very well with the whole peaceful sleep deal you got. I would lower the opacity on some of the brighter pencil stuff you got going on here. Just me though. Other than that... Keep making more stuff. I'd like to see moar from you.
Damn this thing is bright as hell on this dark bg
What I used to do when I was stumped in GIMP is spam the flame filter or whatever it's called. It can end up looking great in these dark tags. Also, experiment with textures. They help a lot. And always experiment with smudging where you feel it would fit! GIMP isn't the best program for it but it can work well and you should learn it anyway. It's a very powerful technique.
Not just Marvel but any fighter TBH. It's a great genre with a huge following and there's so much to learn in them.
What program do you use?
Now, I'm in the school of thought that tags don't need flow but this is the exception. Sprite tags live on flow. They need it to survive. That's step one. Other than that, I like where this is headed but it does seem incomplete to me as well. I do like your text, it just needs a little work. tl;dr get back in the lab =P
Lol .
I'm not digging any of the effects here :[ Overall it seems flat with a few rough patches. The text and fundamentals aren't too bad though, so that's good!
IMO the smudging needs work here. Try a combo of long and short strokes with different brushes and more objects to smudge. Otherwise do the text part because in this state this tag looks very unfinished. The reason misty gets away with minimalism so often is because she is very good with typography, smudging and composition. tl;dr spend some more time with this.
Need to work on your foreground bro :P
While these are, for the most part, good, there seems to be some effects you through in for the hell of it in these haha. Also, I'm not digging the third one too much... There's too much going on in the foreground. I'm all for chaotic, but there does need to be direction to it all behind the scenes for it to still look good. This either need more definition of where the fg and bg's are, or you need to incorporate flow into it. The lighting is also seemingly random and doesn't appeal to me personally. The Tokyo Streets one if very nice and I do like that one a lot. The first is seemingly random but it has flow and direction to it so it still looks good (save some random nitpickey gripes I have with it).
Last version is the best. Text needs mucho work and so does the stock. Don't be afraid and take some time going through your layers and taking off any unnecessary effects that cover the stock. Lighting is also very fudged up in this haha. It's not too bad, though. just needs touching up IMO.
Don't know what program you're using, but try and mix up the strength of the brushing while you smudge. It would help create a distinction between foreground and background thus breaking up the monotony. Still, you have to start somewhere and this is a good start if I do say so myself :]
Might want to at least change the bg color from white haha
Seems unfinished. You have these two complex areas then the rest is blank... Maybe if they were closer or something? I dunno. It looks alright to me.
I like everything about this tag. Some good text would add so much more to it but it looks awesome as is. Great work!
Good idea with the text; execution not so much. Work with it and make sure that it's very readable and also blended(in this case). Contrast on the stock poor, but you know this so I'll assume it's there for style. If that's the case, then why not also make the lighter parts of the tag very bright as well...? The stock is also very lost in the background. Always try to make your stock the foreground(In a tag I mean. For other works, like a poster or something, you may do what is best for the piece but in a tag it's a good idea to keep to some guidelines). Keep at it :]
Nice effects, coloring and compo here. Though, the stock placement is kinda off to me but I can offer no tips on how to fix that. good stuff.
Honestly zombies is becoming not worth the purchase with every installment... it's always more of the same :[ But when I did used to play it extensively, I could get from 20-30 fairly easily. On Kino, I got to 24 with friends and 30 or so by myself.