Throw some filters and textures at the second one. Bastila looks like she doesn't know why she's there. Make her comfortable ya digg. If all else fails just go the B&W route. Trust me, my worst tags look great b&w.
Fruit ninja for me :D
Lol really daxma? An expensive piece of hardware, which was gifted to him by his dad. It obviously holds value to him and the natural human response is anger when someone disrespects your property. And his mom even said that it would NOT be replaced if broken. What a weird piece of advice haha. Anyway, all you can do in a situation like that is just avoid it entirely. Don't hang with your parents if you aren't completely engulfed in what they're doing. For some odd reason, if you're doing anything else it means that you don't "respect" them or something to that effect. At least that's how it is in my experience.
Yeah, two is the best design you have in the set.
Nice icons. Only thing you really have to work on is making them crisp without over-sharpening them. Also don't be afraid to mess with levels and gradients and textures when working with icons. Doing this will help your overall skill and make your icons poppin'. The text tag is kinda lacking but it's good to try new things always. Biggest thing you could do is make everything readable at a glance. If you could do that it would be a major improvement. Keep it up.
Not exactly digging how harsh the lighting is in these. Keep at it though!
Wow I'm really digging that SP tag. Great design there.
Change the colors, lighting and make your stock stand out more and it would be fairly decent. You could also Throw some texture around to help make the mass of blue less like a mass of blue haha. As it stands though... it's very uh... random? Not sure how to describe it. Get back in the lab, son!
Well you certainly have one style down... and the ones in said style are fairly good. But try expanding your tool set. Your tags start to become very homogenized if you use a limited number of tools. Just try and learn as much as you can about your program. Knowledge is power :D
I think making the stock and the FG in general darker would work well here. I like the first. The second is too bright and the third doesn't look right it B&W. Nice text, though.
Tone down the light blobs. Otherwise, it's very clean which I like. Looks good with the animuu style stocks. It's nice.
Final Fantasy 11. Worst game I have ever played... Damn addictive though.
Finally some juicy news about this game! It does not disappoint at all. [video=youtube;XB_dN9xj5s4][/video] Very excited for this, seeing as I never got the chance to play this as a kid.
Well the multiplayer IS reaches engine... which I don't like one bit(for obvious reasons...). Everything else about this game is hype and I really look forward to reliving my childhood haha.
Been wanting info on SFXT and 3S:OE for ages... we'll see how much Capcom releases I suppose. Probably won't be much.
While I haven't really every been into SC, I always welcome more fighters! Lookin' forward to it.
Very clean avatars. Good stuff.
Reisen, what do you mean by your first statement? It's fairly confusing to me haha.
It's not lq it's just the style that Street Fighter goes for. The whole Ink filter spam stuff. Personally I hate it but I can't change that haha. I will try to somehow work with the stock, next time I use SF art, to make it seem more HQ. Thanks for the CnC in any case ^_^
Monster Hunter... for PSTripple.... SO.DAMN.HYPE. uhhhhn....