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  1. Cody
    Profile Post

    Yes I do .

    Yes I do .
    Profile Post by Cody for Trigger, Jul 26, 2011
  2. Cody
    These aren't the best icons i've ever seen in my life. They aren't bad, though.

    Pretty big but here....

    I really like how you said you just " around with effects...". This is a very important trait for any graphic designer. Keep doing this.

    As for the icons here's a quick tip: Make them as crisp and clean as you can before you edit them. They come out much nicer.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Cody
    High quality stocks.
    Simple design.
    About as good s it gets without getting extremely fancy as far as icons go.
    I approve. Keep it up man.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Cody
    Thanks trig. Got more on the way :D

    My post was deleted for reasons unknown to me by the local mod. Mayhaps if I phrase it differently it'll be more acceptable:
    The textures used in this signature picture are just exquisite! It's on par with the quality you might find in a professional graphically designed piece.

    Alternatively, excellent use of textures mang.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Cody
    Honestly no particular order
    10. MVC2:
    I wanna take you for a riiide
    9. COD4:
    M40A3 acog errrday
    8. X-Men 2 Clone Wars:
    Playable Max Eisenhardt. Oh yeah it's also ****ing awesome as a game in general
    7. Gears of War:
    6. Oblivion:
    5. KOTOR:
    Bastila is sexy
    4. SpiderMan 2(the movie game):
    WHEERE'S MY BALOON holy balls that game was so great
    3. KH1:
    yeah this has to be on the list why else would I post here
    2. Halo 1:

    (Kay this one is in a particular order)
    1. Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal:
    This game was great on a fronts. The story was funny and starting to take things in a different direction. The online multiplayer vs. mode was well done for it's time. This is my "babbys first shooter" and i'll love it forever <3
    And i'm gonna cheat and tag on Monster Hunter(original ps2 version) onto this like the US government does to bills.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  6. Cody
    H Y P E.
    I swear CapCom is the only company that could get me to buy a game twice and not be pissed off.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  7. Cody
    You need to be a partner to have a banner, hence the positioning. Thanks, i'll keep it in mind, though.
    And I plan on posting some street fighter gameplay later today because I don't want to have an all COD channel lol.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 19, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Cody
    Keep a few things in mind:
    It's my first layout. It's basic. It's not professional. It's low quality(thx youtube). I know.

    I won't be editing any of it. Just tell me what you think.

    I'm not advertising. I couldn't give a **** if you watch my videos. So mods, if this is a problem i'll waste my time and try to get a print screen of what it looks like, or i'll ruin the point of this thread and upload the raw layout.
    Thread by: Cody, Jul 19, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Cody
    Your text doesn't fit here. That whole random gibberish stuff works best in a more modern style tag. The ones with c4d spam all over, you know the ones.
    Since this is more grungy, smudging your text or something like that would be fitting.

    Or you could just be lazy and look up some good grunge tags and see what they got going on lol.
    Post by: Cody, Jul 19, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Cody
    Whatever happens
    my body is ready
    Post by: Cody, Jul 19, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  11. Cody
    Well COD 4 is probably the most balanced COD out and after that is Black Ops. Yes there are still "S tier" guns but every COD has had those and the design choices help to alleviate the unbalance created by super guns.

    WaW could have been a great game... but the MP40 and tanks ruined it for me, along with the overall unpolished feel of the game. I had some fun with it but it's been my least favorite. I liked the story mode at least.

    MW2 was complete garbage. Horrible design choices and unbalance everywhere. Holy hell I hated this game.
    Scratch what I said earlier this is my least favorite because it's complete ass.

    I've never played COD 1-3 but I don't really care too much as I was playing better games at the time these were out.

    So i'd have to say 4 is my favorite, since I favor game balance and I just think it feels the best out of all of them. Black Ops is close... it's fairly well made (from a competitive standpoint) but that's also a weakness. I don't want to run round with my HURRDURRFAMAS all the damn time stacked with a motion sensor with ghost pro sitting in a corner. .
    This wasn't an issue with COD4. Sure I wouldn't always go positive or do very well when I started to take the game less seriously, but I wouldn't get completely destroyed like you do in black ops.

    @Trigger, Quickscoping and noscoping have existed in every third person and first person shooter that have had the design for it to be possible. Thing is, these two things were meant to be tools a sniper could use to combat people at mid-close range and quickly dispatch multiple targets efficiently. The reason that you didn't see very many in COD4 back in the day is because it was much harder in that game and people didn't quite catch on to it. It became a problem in MW2 when IW made SoH Pro. Now you have these kids who miss 80% of the time going for trick shots, treating these sniping techniques like a playstyle(Something only viable in COD imo), while they yell "HAAAAAAAAARRRRDSCCCOOOOOPE" at people who actually try to try and snipe while they 360 past B flag.
    Pretty much goes against the whole "efficient" part.

    "Cod4 ftw" & "Damn kids ruining my Call of Dutiez gtfo my lawn"
    Post by: Cody, Jul 19, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. Cody
    This would be a wonderful opportunity for you to get acquainted with the wondrous pentool!
    Post by: Cody, Jul 18, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Cody
    I hope everything goes well.

    Deepest regards, Lux.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Cody
  15. Cody
    He has also stated that he has tried suicide before.
    The argument can go both ways, friend.

    But I'm not saying I disagree with you. I'm just saying.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Cody
    Not wanting pain=/= not wanting to die.
    You know what they say about assumptions.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Cody
    You're right. It isn't fair.
    But it's not disrespectful. I bet this gentlemen would trade his life to someone in need of it. I know I would if I could.

    But I guess this is where my brain differs from most humans...
    I actually have some respect for this... He's facing what all of us fear our whole lives. Any humans worst nightmare... The thing that spawned the belief in an "afterlife" in many religions. He's willing to face death

    In a sick way I respect that.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  18. Cody
    I'm going to disagree with you sir.
    This is his choice. Those people fighting to live make theirs too. It's not disrespect in the slightest to them.

    He would be disrespecting some people, though:
    His loved ones.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Cody
    Seriously though, bro, look. I know that your life sucks and you want to die and all but have you really factored in the people that love you? You didn't choose to be born. It's not even fair is it? Trust me death does sound great sometimes but not at the cost of hurting and betraying those that care most. It's not your fault that people love you but what matters is they do. Think about that. If you can tell me that doesn't matter to you at all then there's nothing else to be said.

    Think about it.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  20. Cody


    Actually some people are just asexual :x

    Honestly I haven't read anything but the op and a few words of the above post I replied to, so I dunno if it's been said.
    This is from my experience:
    I can't say anything to help you. Probably no one can; there is something you can do, though.
    Ride it out. Yeah, just like that. I've been in the same ****in' position as you're in right now. I looked for the answers everywhere... family, friends and anyone I could trust. I even went and tried something I had no belief in and saw a councilor. None of that worked, though.

    One day I felt like I cracked. I got up and came to terms with my emotions. I got up that day and I had made up my mind already. I was going to end my life. I wasn't even scared. I stared at myself in the mirror for what seemed like hours. Just looking at myself. Contemplating everything I had done(as well as not done).

    And you know what? I'm here typing.

    I know that this wont help much. I know we haven't had the same experiences. We never truly felt the same. But I can relate. I've had the mood swings. The constant thought of death lingering in the back of my mind.

    Just hang in there. I genuinely hope you make it through.
    Post by: Cody, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Help with Life