OOC:Well I'm back. Not that it matters much...nobody is on. That, and I can't think of anything to post. Now I know Darxess is back, but back were? Is he just simply back, straight into the Organization as if his entire jail experience ever happened? Or is on a remote territory, and has to fight his way back? Or does he just teleport in, completely oblivious to the storyline and more or less ramble about the "Good ol' days" like an crackpot? Perhaps I'm just thinking about this too much. Perhaps I should just return to my spontaneous roots, completely making up plot points at random and following them through to the end, just wingin' it as I go along. While that may be risky, who knows? It may turn out for the best. That's how the story started and what it was based on for a long time. Darxess being kidnapped, The Party, and many other tiny plot points that I created and don't remember (And I, by far, didn't come close to creating all of them. I am extremely thankful for the talented crew of RPers to hang with to take care of most of that for me. I would be mostly lost on my own) all started that way. Most of the time, they were even started as I was writing a post, having no idea that it would branch out that way, just a spur of the moment kind of thing, and having the story lead me on as it went. I would love to return to those days...If only I could have the proper inspiration. Which is also why I went on the big hunt for fan art, comics, posters, games, etc. of our RP, desperately searching for inspiration. So far, I haven't quite found it yet. Perhaps all I need to do is just type some storyline, and let my fingers lead the way? I will most certainly have to settle the matter tomorrow, if I have time by then. As for now, au revoir! And, by the way, sorry about the massive sprawling wall of imposing text. tl;dr: Just a long winded rant about "the good ol'd days" again. I intend to have an in-character post finally by tomorrow.
OOC:Sigh...It apparently doesn't matter if I'm better or not...I have a ball game to go to. I probably won't be able to get back home till late, likely too late to get back on the computer to post. However there is one idea I've been thinking of. Since we've been going in a new direction, as far as from established media as possible, it might even be time to change the title. "Ultimate Organization" is a bit too cliche and to similar to Organization XIII. However, that doesn't mean we have to change our classic "U.O." initials, just what they stand for. Here's a few title I've been tossing back and forth: Utopia of Oblivion
OOC:Try stuck in a bed all weekend puking my guts out. There's been a bad virus going around in my area causing people to get real bad sick. Its even been hospitalizing a few folks, and not just the very young or very old. Quite a few people from my school and people from the school in the area got the same treatment. Heck, if I still had it for a few more days, that story would apply to me as well... Needless to say, I had a rough weekend. However, I am thankfully much better now. I shall return to the RP today as soon as school ends.
OOC:Ok, I've decided. I really wanted to flesh out the prision story (Lurking in Fear), but that will just have to wait till later, perhaps as a later fan-fic. I even had an escape plan laid out with a few plot twists. But for now, I will return to the story. The prision escape is a thing of the past. Darxess is now free. Orb was also in the facility and is free as well. The escape happened a month ago (Both RP and IRL time). They have already recovered from the experience and ready to bust some heads.
OOC:Yeah, I was busy too...We were snowed out the entire last week of school before Christmas break, but instead of taking away from the break, they were just going to add it at the end of the year. The bad news is, semester tests were that week. So, I've been spending most of this week making up semesters tests along with the rest of the school. Its bad enough just taking them, but taking them after a few weeks of not being at school was kind of difficult.
OOC:They never wanted to be demons or Yokai, but they were cursed that way. Perhaps by the shadows, much like a heartless would turn someone into a nobody. Or, the Virus. A ritual gone wrong. Who knows? However, most certainly not by choice. And, as such, our goal would be to return to humanity, much like a nobody desires the return of his own heart.
OOC:I know. But still, it was a fact that played, even though a tiny role, it did serve for at least a few plot elements. Thus, I wanted to make sure all the bases were covered and not leave that part out. So, what does anyone think of that idea? Demons are usually frowned upon in most societies, so they would definitely get the "hated" part down.
OOC:Ok, one thing real quick, how about this? Instead of nobodies, we could be demons/spirits, you know, like a Yōkai from old japanese myths? Or like demons from Disgaea? Specifically, Disgaea 2, where everyone is cursed into becoming demons. Also, those demons did not have a conscious, much like nobodies don't have feelings.
OOC:Speaking of which, when is a demo going to be out?
OOC:What he said.
OOC:Any idea on when a demo might be out?
OOC:Cool, but just wondering, are you able to use actual music in the game, or just Midi's?
OOC:Yeah....but, much of our story is connected to established media. If tried too much to branch out on our own (Especially into actual media, like video games, actual published books, etc.), many of our previous storylines would have to be thrown out. Any reference to Kingdom Hearts? Gone. Midgar? Gone. Any character from any of the final fantasy series? Gone. Us as nobodies? Gone. See a pattern? I understand that it would be awesome to have this as established media and to have a bunch of our fan junk and franchises, but I'm not sure that's possible...Not matter how awesome it would be. We have fan-art, and fan-made games, but anything produced into mass-media? I'm don't think we can make that conection...
OOC:I also have an idea for another change in look. It kind of changes the past storyline a bit, but here it is: Darxess's weapon. It originally was going to be a single spear, but since gaia didn't offer spears as a weapon, I had to use a scythe instead. Then the weapon stuck. But, Marluxia already has a scythe. So, how about this: Darxess has always been a heavy magic user, much more so then hand-to-hand combat. So, how about instead of a scythe, it would be a cool looking colored battle staff, with a spiked point at the bottom of it? Wouldn't that be more unique?
OOC:Yeah, that probably would be a good idea. I am interested in seeing this new look you have in mind.
OOC:Hello. Since we've been discussing pictures for a while, here is some fanart that I found and liked: I'll admit, I really like this first one: http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs14/i/2007/018/8/e/Organization_XIII_by_Neecross.jpg This next one was fan art for Marluxia, but it could fit Darxess as well: http://fc59.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/213/b/b/XII__Marluxia_by_bassforte.jpg
OOC: Don't worry, not much has happened. Mostly discusses future art and projects for our RP. As for storyline, it has progressed very little. The holidays are notorious for that...
OOC:Yeah, I got Guitar Hero for christmas, so I've been playing that a lot as well.
OOC:Sure, I can deal with that. Can't wait to see finished product. Oh, by the way, out of curiosity, where are any of you guys going on Senior Trip? I'm going to Disney World! Apparently, our class just won the super bowl. Ok, joke aside, I'm looking forward to it. Where are you guys going?
OOC:Well, I'm back from the holidays, merry christmas everybody. I might make a video project myself, whenever I have the time.