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  1. Jaxed
    OOC:Grr....Database errors keep eating up my posts.
    Post by: Jaxed, Feb 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Jaxed
    OOC:Alright...I'll just hope that we'll still have power tomorrow so I can get back on.

    Edit:By the way, I edited my last post to continue the storyline.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Jaxed
    OOC:Sorry, after a week of not having a computer, I wasn't the only one who wanted on. Now its my turn again and I can continue.

    Darxess:"I would if I could...However, my condition is getting worse. I've been able to identfy it as a curse of some form, but I have no idea on how to remove it..."
    *Darxess sighs*
    Darxess:"And I've aquired quite the list of enemies in my lifetime, so I don't even know who might be behind it..."
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Jaxed
    Darxess:"Yes. And I'm getting tired of it."
    *A thin film of dark flame began to cover Darxess*
    *Darxess then quickly regained his composure and the flames went away*
    Darxess:"I...I promised myself I would never get caught again after finally escaping from that hell. But...if its for the good of the Organization, I guess, perhaps I could...But damnit! Why does it always have to be me!"
    *Darxess slammed his fists against the wall, cracking it slightly*
    *He then went over to the bed and sat down, trying desperately to compose himself*

    OOC:By the way, I'm perfectly fine with the situation, its just Darxess who's not a happy camper about it.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jaxed
    Darxess:"...I know. That doesn't stop it from sucking, however."
    *Darxess leaned his head against the wall and stared up at the ceiling*
    Darxess:"After months of staring at cement walls, slowly loosing my mind, thinking that there was no hope, I've kind of lost my fondness of prison cells."
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Jaxed
    *Darxess looked around at his current location and facepalmed*
    *He just escaped from prison after months of being trapped just to end up in another cell*
    *On the bright side, Orb wasn't around to rub his nose in it*
    *Darxess sighed and looked outside the cell at his two guards*
    Darxess:"Now what?"
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Jaxed
    OOC:Fortunately, no one was hurt. We kept it a good distance away from the house. Good thing too. So, where are we in the story now?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jaxed
    OOC:The whole dang generator blew. Seriously. Fortunately, there wasn't a fire hazard, but it kicked some shrapnel a pretty fair distance. Since we didn't have the extra $200-$300 to buy a new one, we had to borrow one from a family member. Thankfully, they had an extra. Perhaps running the computer is too much strain on a generator. I hope not, cause that would really suck.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Jaxed
    OOC:Power kicked off again....

    Got it working a few minutes ago.

    BIC:*Darxess got back up after what felt like a coma*
    *He shot to his feet, but nearly fell back down again, catching himself on his knee*
    Orb:"That was a close call, master."
    Darxess:"Its getting worse...whatever started as chronic sleeping is now evolving into something more dangerous."
    Orb:"Indeed, but your body shows no sign of infection."
    Darxess:"That's because the source is not an infection. I thinks its a curse."
    Orb:" we need more of those."
    *Darxess sighed*
    "At any rate, let's regroup. On the bright side, no one else will be infected, this curse seems to be only aimed at me."
    Orb:"I'm right behind you."
    *Darxess followed the closest signal to the nearest members of the Ultimate Organization*
    Darxess:"What should I say to them? Its kind of been a while..."
    Orb:"Your their leader, yet you don't even know what to say to your own men?!"
    *Darxess made a nervous chuckle and reached back and scratched his head*
    *Orb sighed*
    Orb:"You really are clueless aren't you?"
    Orb:"Fine. What you need to say is..."
    Darxess:"Yes? I'm waiting..."
    Orb:"I don't know."
    *Darxess facepalmed*
    Darxess:"YOU IDIOT!"
    Orb:"Hey, at least I'm not the one who doesn't know how to address his own troops!"
    *They both sighed*
    Darxess:"I guess we'll just have to "Wing" it."
    *Darxess chuckled at his own joke while Orb just sighed at how stupid it was*
    *Darxess finally reached the other members and waved*
    Darxess:"Hey remember me? You know, old guy, chronic sleeping habit, supposed to be your leader but can't lead worth a flip and all that jazz?"
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jaxed the way, now what? The blizzard kind of killed my last plan, so, what do I do now?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jaxed
    OOC:No offence, but I'm having a small bit of hatred for snow at the moment. I've had all I want of it.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jaxed
    OOC:Nice. What extra features does it have?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jaxed
    OOC:Wow....this week sucked....
    Every other weekend I visit my grandma. For the most part, no problem. Its just weekend without computer, right? No problem, right?
    Wrong, sadly.
    I was caught up in one of the worst blizzards I've seen in my life. Perhaps you heard about it in the news. I was caught right in the middle. Nearly every tree for miles in ever direction is about two or three feet short from snapping in half. And around a fourth of them tipped over. No power, no heat, not even running water for a week. We had a gas powered generator for essentials (Sadly, central air and heating taxed the generator too much and shut it off everytime we tried. However, we did manage to get some lights working and the oven for cooking food)

    I say again: This week, how was your week? :)
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jaxed
    OOC:Now you know why Darxess has a tendency to go off on his own adventures. I'm sorry I wasn't on much yesterday...I felt a lot worse, and I went more or less straight to be last night. But please, nor more fighting. It isn't pretty :(
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Jaxed
    OOC:Crap....Sorry guys. I went off to get a bite to eat, and the next thing I know, my sister forces her way on the computer and refuses to get off. I was already on the computer for a few hours, so my parents reasoned it was her turn anyway. My parents usually side with her. She closed everything, and I couldn't even get on for the rest of the night.
    Did I miss much?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Jaxed
    Orb:"Uh sir..."
    Darxess:"What is now, Orb? Can't you see I'm celebrating my escape? It can wait."
    Orb:"Uh no, it can't. The signal has changed location."
    Orb:"Just what I said, this signal is moving. Xardius got tired of waiting I guess."
    Darxess:"No, that's not it. He would be reasonable enough to wait, that is, under normal circumstances, of course...Which is why this isn't good news. Something happened."
    Orb:"Excuse me, but what happened?"
    Darxess:"Well how in the heck am I supposed to know? I was locked in a cage for half a year, who knows what happened?!"
    Orb:"I, should I keep heading toward the original location of the signal, or should I head to its new location."
    Darxess:"...I simply don't know. We need more information."
    Orb:"Right. So what do we do?"
    Darxess:"The early scuffle didn't damage the ship's communicators, did it?"
    Orb:"Unfortunately, it did."
    Orb:"However, it may be possible that with some time for repairs, I may be able to boost the signal and contact him."
    Darxess:"Good. Start on it immediatly...I hope that whatever the cause for him to suddenly move like this isn't too serious...I just hope everyone is still there. Orb, while your at it, check for any other signal from the Organization. Make sure that everyone is ok. Its been a while, and I don't know if everyone is still alive..." Darxess sat down and looked at his feet. Perhaps he was just overreacting...perhaps Xardius just simply did get tired of waiting...but still, no harm in being to careful, right?
    "Anything else you would like to pile on me, your higness?" Orb said in a sarcastic tone.
    Darxess:"No thanks, that will be enough for now, slave."
    Orb grumbled to himself, but continued working. Even he knew that something wasn't quite right with Xardius leaving like that, and he intended to find out the reason why.

    OOC:I know the reason is because Bellatrix is missing, but Orb and Darxess don't, but they are about to find out.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Jaxed
    Darxess tried to stop Orb, but it was too late. Orb slammed right into the pilot of a patrol vehicle right as he was taking off. Still in its auto-pilot rountines, the ship began taking off even as its pilot fell out of his seat and ten feet below to the ground.
    Orb:"Need a lift?"
    Darxess:"Orb! Don't you know how much trouble..."
    He stopped because he could already here the alarms. Someone witnessed the attack and people were starting to flock to the scene.
    Darxess:"Ok, screw it. Let's get out of here!"
    Orb:"Will do." Orb already began reprogramming sub-routines to the location of the signal Xardius sent. Darxess climbed into the seat just as it shot out of the dock. Of course, they weren't the only patrol ship to shoot out of there. There were followed by a small squad of six patrol ships. Darxess turned around to see them and sighed. "Why can't things ever be easy?" Darxess flexed his hands. "I guess its my turn to save our hides, isn't it?" Darxess wrote out a small symbol on the wall. Shots from the ships behind screamed past the ship or into the shields.
    Orb:"Shield at 37% strength. Our current probablity of escaping is..."
    Darxess:"Just keep that kind of thing to yourself."
    Darxess smiled. "Well, in that case..." Darxess placed his palm on the symbol he wrote. The symbol glowed.


    Orb:"Shields are down. Hull is weakening. New probability of survival is..."
    Darxess:"Keep quiet!"
    The symbol spread to encompass the whole ship. Then, in a bolt of lightning, the symbol began spreading to other ships. The other ships' reactors died from an energy overload and fell back to the planet, which just enough emergency power to activate escape pods. Darxess's ship then broke through the atmosphere and into space, with the symbol finally dying down and fading away. Darxess smiled again. With those ships behind him, he was free and back in control, the universe was at his doorstep. He didn't even have to knock.

    Darxess:"Ok, plot a course to that signal you got from Xardius. We need to get out of here before more ships arrive. And try to make it look like a blind jump without any distinct path, we don't need any nosey ships follow us to cause more trouble."
    Orb:"It is as good as done."
    The ship hummed for a bit, and blasted into hyperspace.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Jaxed
    OOC:What messes?

    And I'm sorry, I've been sick all weekend. I finally get over from being sick to my stomach last weekend, only to get blindsided by a severe cold that makes me feel like I got a knife in my throat. I can't even go longer than five minutes without blowing my nose, and I'm having trouble sleeping at night. I'mnot trying to complain, just trying to explain that it was difficult to get on. I'm starting to feel a bit better now, so I'll try and stay on for the rest of the night.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Jaxed
    OOC:Yeah, I'm here. Darxess and Orb are going on one last little adventure before arriving with the rest of the group.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Jaxed
    Darxess sat on an old cathedral, leaning against a steeple, watching all the people go about their normal lives. Darxess was just glad he could finally return to his. He was trapped in that prison a long time. If it wasn't for Orb, he might have been still stuck there. Which is ironic, he headed to the prison to save Orb in the first place. A fact that Orb still hasn't let him live down. Darxess sighed. He was finally free. After nearly a year, he escaped and managed to finish the last of his pursuers, which wasn't a small order, either. But that was all part of the past now. There was just one problem. As nice as the view was from here, he had not even the slightlest idea where he was. Orb didn't let him forget that, either. In fact, Orb was in the middle of nagging Darxess for getting them in this situation when he started beeping. Darxess rolled his eyes "What now, Orb?"
    "A transmission."
    "Apparently Xardius located my signal. He telling us to meet him at a place called "Avalanche". If I didn't send out that signal, we would still be stuck here, no clue what to do next."
    "Yeah, yeah, quit your bragging. Where in the blue blazes is "Avalanche" anyway?"
    "Well, thanks to my tracking software..."
    "Just stop it Orb, no one cares. Just tell me where to go."
    "I could just follow the signal and leave you here, you know."
    "Right, and all I would have to follow your signal. Now get serious Orb, our ship is ruined, so we need to find a way off this rock."
    "You're right, for once. Ok, we'll just take the first shuttle out of here."
    "Takes money."
    "I just got of prison, I'm not doing anything to risk getting thrown back in."
    "Ok then, we're stuck here."
    Darxess facepalmed. "Now what?"
    "How long would it take to get money?"
    "At least a day. If not longer."
    "Leave that to me."
    Darxess scowled "I already told you! No breaking the law!"
    "Don't worry, I won't." and on that note, Orb flew off, leaving Darxess looking dumbfounded. Darxess just shrugged. If Orb wanted to go on a wild goose chase, that was his problem. However...He knew Orb wouldn't listen. Darxess stood up and sighed. "Why aren't things ever easy?"
    Post by: Jaxed, Jan 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home