I also remember that even in your early times here, you were always extremely friendly as you are now. I know he wasn't the most nice person, but I'll admit, I looked up to Shadowjak at times. His posts of completely destroying people would nearly always make me laugh.
OOC:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm going to my mom's this weekend, so screw him. I'll be able to get on. See ya guys this evening.
Oh, lol. I'm gone for too long of periods of time. I need to get on more consistantly.
Ditto. I'm live with my parents to save on room and board while in college.
A classic. I don't really like the rap remix recently made out of it, though.
Perhaps it was all of the radiation in their systems.
And what happened to Jube?
I've been wondering that for quite some time. There is a lot of people that I remember but haven't seen in a while. Though it is good to see Da Freak again.
I'm not too old of a veteran, but I still get on some times, and its possible that at least some of the older members might still remember.
OOC:Yeah, but it's not fun to be grounded all the time from not doing said homework, either. EDIT:FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Despite the fact that I had my research paper done before anyone else in the class, dad is ticked off that I didn't get it finished until the last day. That combined with the fact that I slacked on my other subjects and other homework while I was working on my research paper (I will admit, there was some homework that I flat out didn't do just get it done so I could return to this site, my bad.), has lead to me being grounded yet again. I am seriously begining to think he is just being an ******* for his own amusement.
OOC:I got all of the typed up version finished, now all I have to do is copy it down as a hand-written version to turn in. I am quite certain that it will be finished tomorrow.
OOC:Still busy with Research Paper. However, I have good news. I am very close to being finished. If, all things go well, I hope to finish everything tonight. Out of 2500 words due, I have around 2300 (I'm not sure if acronyms count, if they do count, I have even more than that) Thus, I may have a day or two of free time before I leave for Senior Trip.
Old, overused, annoying. Even so, still not as bad as /b/.
You know, it probably wouldn't have been much of a problem if she wasn't wearing the pants while you were in them.
DR. OCTOGONAPUS!! BLAGH!! *Shootz Lazah*