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  1. Jaxed

    Remembah Me?


    Old jokes aside...I used to come on here from time to time. Wasn't very social so it is unlikely anyone here has any recollection of me, but if you do, give me a shoutout. I want to see if any of the other old members are still on.
    Thread by: Jaxed, Oct 21, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jaxed
    OOC:Thanks everybody.

    Btw, Nulix, my I cleared out a few old pms, so I have room now.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Jaxed
    18 years old.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Jaxed
    OOC:Now with it rolling on past is now my birthday.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jaxed
    Good ol' insomnia. Where would a true writer be without it?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jul 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Jaxed
    OOC:I am brain?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Jaxed
    OOC:Try what?
    *Wunts DarKnight's head with a hammer*

    Seriously though...I've tried making an epic post for Darxess.

    I've got nothing. I've been having over severe writer's block the past two weeks. I can't think of anything to write at all, even in stuff not involved with this. Just sheer mental shut down.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jaxed
    OOC:Sorry I have never posted my "Epic" finishing post yet...Its just been that last week I was studying for and taking my driver's test. I took it 3 days ago. Failed. Big time. Afterward, I spent time with my family during 4th of July weekend. So, how have you guys been doing?
    Post by: Jaxed, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Jaxed
    OOC:So far, all the posts are coming out epically. I hope my future post will come out to that of the same caliber...

    However, I am certainly liking how it is turning out so far. Darxess is getting pumped for a final epic battle, and Orb is secretly downloading his will and backup memories elsewhere, almost sure of himself of joining the scrap heap. And, of course, when they get there the battle is all over. Expect typical Darxess/Orb arguments and humor as a result. Also, considering its nearly the end of a small era for us, and since Darxess is generally an old man (If half-crazy) there will be plenty of recollections of the past while Darxess recaps the major events of the story. Also, among his recollections will include futher info about why Darxess has never come across a lover for himself, the information about the love he once had. By association, we will finally hear more about the mysterious Organization XIV as well. I'll try to include as much as I can.

    Just one tiny little problem. It may take me a loooong time to write. Even if there won't be much writing there, unless I'm properly inspired, progress will be slow. But I'll try and make it as quick as I can.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jaxed
    OOC:Well...I'm out of ideas at the moment. I can come up with some good ones every now and then, but the problem is that it takes me a long time to do it. That's probably all I'll have to offer tonight. Let's see what Darknight has to post.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jaxed
    OOC:Thank you. Now I'm just waiting till everyone else gets on.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jaxed
    Darxess uttered a groan as his hand appeared from beneath the rubble of the ruined pillar. After several minutes of hard work, he finally managed to pile all of the rocks off of himself and climb out of the rubble. By now, it was much more than merely his finger that was broken. He summoned his staff and leaned on it, for he was incapable of standing on his own at the moment. Slowly wandering down the rocks, he finally managed to get on solid ground. By now, a half hour has passed since he first woke up from within wreckage. Darxess shook his head. He had a headache far worse than any hangover he's had in his life. He heard a sound from behind himself as Orb made his way out from the rubble. It was hard to describe the sound, for Darxess had not heard any sound like it before in his life. After several minutes of contemplation, Darxess finally settled on a word.
    "I'm not exactly sure, but it distinctly sounded like "WUNT"...Yeah, that's what it sounded like."
    Smiling to himself over this new word in his life, he wandered off toward a bright flash of light he saw in the distance. He wasn't an expert on the matter, but it appeared a portal had just closed off. Orb floated wearily, slightly damaged from his encounter with Scourge. When he got to Darxess, Darxess pointed out the general direction of the flash with his thumb. "Any idea what that was?"
    "Obviously, a portal closing."
    "I knew that much, smarty-pants. I meant, what was on the other side?"
    "Oh, just a secret U.O. facility with soldiers, tanks, agents, that sort of thing."
    "We had a secret facility and I didn't know about it?! Come on! I'm the leader! I'm supposed to know these sort of things! Why was I left out?! I want to command my own little secret facility!"
    "Me and the other members agreed that you in command of anything was a scary thought, so we left out that little detail. For the sake of the U.O. as a whole, you see."
    Darxess raised an angry fist toward Orb in response to this, but slowly lowered it with a sigh. He knew Orb was right.
    He stared at his toes in shame in shame for a few minutes, making an off-hand comment about himself being plenty able to command.
    Orb waited patiently, like a father to a child that found out he would likely never become an astronaught.
    Raising his head, Darxess waved his hand toward Scourge's throne.
    "What happened to ol' Captain Comatose anyhow?"
    "My sensors indicate he apparently went through the portal."
    "Since when did you become Southern?"
    Orb made a whirring sound that sounded distinctly like a sigh.
    "He'd kill us both, you know that...right? We have no part in this battle, especially in the condition you're in..."
    Darxess calmed down as Orb's words set in.
    "I...I know, Orb...But, I want to help! I can't have my whole Organization torn apart while I sit at the sidelines! There has to be something that I can do!"
    "Don't worry. The other members have grown strong. Far stronger than either of us. And don't feel so responsible, its not like your the real leader anyway, more so in just name only. You know, for ceramonial purposes and all that. Kind of like the Queen of England."
    Darxess sighed. "I don't want to be the queen...I know that I might not have any real position in this U.O. anymore due to my extended absences, but that doesn't mean the I've completely forsaken it! I want to help! Orb, help me help them!"
    Orb couldn't help was like saying "no" to a lost puppy. "Fine...We'll help them...somehow. You do know that this will probably kill us, right?"
    Orb made another whirring noise. "Ok then, its settled. Pack your bags, for tonight, WE DINE IN HELL!"
    Darxess raised his staff over his head and made the toughest yell he could muster. A passing kitten scoffed over how weak it sounded. Darxess rolled his eyes.
    Tapping into the reserves of Scourge's castle, Orb was able to gather enough power to reopen the portal. Assuming the face of one who walks to his own grave, Orb passed through. Darxess passed behind him, grinning like a monkey.

    With its power source cut off, the portal closed. No turning back now.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jaxed
    OOC:Sorry. I was too busy getting WUNT'D

    And now, to explain Darxess's extended absence yet again...

    BIC:*An hour before the rest of the U.O. challenge Scourge, Darxess decides to take care of the matter personally...*

    Darxess casually walks through the front door and into Scourge's throne room, having managed to sneak all the way into the inner facility. (He teleported right in front of the door)
    Scourge leaned forward in his seat at seeing the door open, but after seeing it wasn't the person he was expecting, he lazily laid back in his seat and propped his head on his hand, completely ignoring Darxess and moving his focus back to the door.
    Darxess waved at Scourge. "Yo, what's up?"
    Scourge said nothing.
    Darxess cleared his throat.
    Darxess rolled his eyes. "Hello? Are you even alive?"
    You could have heard a pin drop.
    Darxess made an impatient groan. "Don't ignore me!"
    Ignore him, he did.
    Darxess leaped up onto the throne and waved his hand infront of Scourge's face. "Anybody home?"
    Scourge blinked. This bothersome fly was getting annoying.
    Darxess reached out his hand in order to poke Scourge in the face, but quickly found out how hard it was to poke someone with a broken finger.
    It happened too fast for Darxess to see. By the time he was done screaming in pain over his finger, Scourge was already in the exact same position he was before Darxess made his attempt to poke him. Except for his Darxess's broken finger, the event might as well never happened. Of course, it did happen, and Darxess wasn't too happy over his mauled finger. He made a motion with his hand that had no broken fingers and Orb appeared from behind a pillar, heading straight for Scourge.
    Scourge casually caught Orb with the hand he wasn't leaning on and tossed him into Darxess, knocking them both off the throne and several feet away.
    Darxess picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off. Now, he was starting to get angry. He summoned his staff, made a dramatic twirl about himself with in, and stabbed the end of it into the ground beside him. "Scourge, I'm giving you this one last chance to give up! The rest of the U.O. will be here shortly. I'm sure you would rather not end up dead. Seeing as we're the main characters and all, you know, the good guys? You see, we would be destined to win, you wouldn't stand a chance, you wou-"
    Darxess's speech was rudely interrupted by the fact that he was now a couple of football fields in length from his previous location...and through a pillar the size of a redwood. A small rumbling sound could be heard in the distance as the pillar collapsed.
    Scourge lowered his hand back to the arm rest of the throne, the glow from it slowly beginning to fade. He managed to magically toss Darxess and Orb without the slightest break in his concentration. Despite his nonchalant appearance, Scourge, for once in his life, was beginning to feel apprehension...but, for the most part, it was merely impatience.

    Xardius was late.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jaxed
    OOC:Yo Doxyc! Its good to see your still around! But what Wing said is right, this RP is wrapping up. However, feel free to join us on are next adventure. I'll vouch for you, at least.

    To everyone else, this is Doxyc. He was one of my first RP partners in the first RP I've ever done: The Enigmatic Knights. They later became a semi-large part of the U.O. and had an impact my RPing as a whole. So yeah, he's welcome (from me, at least) in the next thing we start. I will wait until I hear everyone else's opinion on the matter before I make any decisions, though.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Jaxed
    OOC:Xane wasn't the only one on vacation. I was busy this weekend. Nonetheless, here I am. And here I go. See ya tomorrow.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Jaxed
    OOC:I now edited Dean's Voice. It sounds worlds better now, IMO.

    Here's the link, in case anyone wants to see the changes.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Jaxed
    *Darxess poked his head through the hole he made from the top of the ship and smiled*
    "I might have something to do them...What's it to ya?"
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Jaxed
    OOC:Like I said, a fan-made RPG,

    Its made with RPG Maker. Nothing official. Just some small random thing I found on the net and decided to contribute to because I was bored.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Jaxed
    *Darxess sighed*
    "Fine, have the ship. While I honestly doubt your intentions, its nearly too damaged for me to use anyway. I'll just go "aquire" another one."
    *And ending with that, Darxess reached up and punched a hole through the emergeny plating (Nearly breaking his hand in the process) and jumped out of the ship*

    OOC:By the way, while I was waiting for everyone to get on, out of boredom I decided to lend my voice to a small fan-made RPG called "Moonlight Iris". If anyone wants to hear my voice to see how I sound like, just click the link below.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Jaxed
    OOC:Ok, I'm back. Any ideas on what I should do? Darxess and Orb are busy at the moment with Pirate's character.
    Post by: Jaxed, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home