Very I love it so much its beautiful
Thank you I'll raise ur Rep
No I havnt really died except for on Demyx but I still get mickey I died and there he was so yea thanks I'll try the jump thing
I'm on level 35 I use comet with donald I do use my drive gauge and I am using the thing that tells me how much health is left on him
XALDIN IN BEASTS CASTLE cant...beat have to beat him though........Thank you for anyone that helps me and if I beat in atleast two weeks after I get my third post I will raise your rep if you really helped
well Im not really ever in these threads so Now I am a lot and if I see one you make I'll go to it and If you give me the link to the ones you already mede and I'll post there too. I'll help anyone becouse I'm good at it btw my names Kayla I'll put you on my bl if its ok
lol I think I believe her wait no I don't Am I supposed to believe her hmmm shes not real soooooo......I should haha I have uno brain cell yee piii mi have one brain cell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please excuse me for my rudeness lmho (laugh my head off) Hello anyone heres a new pic
ok I have too go byea
I don't care me and I'll tell you if you can have it LOL
I like that one heres another
Hey I love namine and I have a lot of her pictures so I wanted to see of anyone else has some too. Heres My first one
lol dont take it hard I can be a bit pushy and smartie pants soemtimes sorry
Roxas_loverXIII not Roxas_XIII_lover
Then when you guys get to disney castle you see me and riku and namine trapped inside the cornerstone. "Kayla namine"screams Kairi at the same time the king roxas and sora yell"Riku". " Who is the one that looks like Kai....Kayla."said Ven "Yea" "What happened to your brunette hair why isnt it short and why haven't you been taking your wern't supposed to find out"he says "Hello you have to unfreeze David" I think a few secounds later "Kairi thinks Kayla can you read my mind" "yes i guess I think back then namine thinks why can I hear what Kairi and Kayla are thimking "namine thinks "Namine we think "listen Go un freeze david" I think "Ok Bye "bye "C'mon you guys lets go...
I TAKE THAT AS A COMPLIMENT theres nothing wrong with me lol your banned for having a ~ in your name ☻
NO WAY this game is so attached to me if they changed it it would be like someone ripping a piece of my heart out
Banned for putting a pic of them with pence done first
Here bertie botts every flavor beans
Banned for having a bird in your user name