I'm ading you to the story liz. Well we have to go back to hollow Bastion, Why dont we all go to Port Royal Cause all of us together will make the batttle against Davy Jones easier cause all of us are fighting together right?" Says Sora. "Wait, before you go I found this Girl Surounded by heartless in Twilight Town and she fought them all by herself she is very strong and Powerful sahe has a ring like you girls. Her name is Liz. She has a Keyblade too so she will help you on your journey "Hey Liz" says Kairi "Hey" Says Liz. "This is Kairi, Namine and Kayla" says Mickey. "Heya" I say "Hey" says Liz and this is David Riku Roxas Sora Donald and Goofy so now we have 10 people in your group" says King Mickey "well lets get started" Says Me Liz Kairi and Namine at the same time "Wow thats a lot of jynxs'" Says Sora. "C'mon" Says Sora.
Heya I'm here lets get typing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We headed back to the gummi ship to Go to disney Castle. When we got there Daisy Ran up to donald tackled him down And started yelling "Where were you. "Are you ok" Mickey wants to see all of you in minnies room" Oh Poor minnie she is very sick." "Still"me and Kairi Jynx. "Well then lets go" says Sora *when we get there mickey is standing by minnies bed "Hey fellas, Glad you came did you get maleficent"he whispered "Yea we did" Said Roxas. "Good"he whispered "Minnie wanted to give something to you guys" "Here For namine Kairi and Kayla these are rings not only are they rings but they increase your inner strength and they have mirrors that show you if thre is danger comming see they feel warm on you finger if theres danger and it shows you what the danger is" For Sora Roxas David and Riku......whose turn
Welcome LOL well I'm glad your good
I'm fine liz is gonna post soon how are you david
Hello you guys
Kingdom Hearts Duh
So are you gonna continue?
oh thanks it is theres only too of us though
Shamen King Mew Mew power (?) Sonic X Not sure if it's an 'anime' or not but it's Ruined One Piece Magical Doremi
That sounds good Cause I've no idea wut to put next
I'll do the next part or you can Liz
No duh we are or we wouldnt be on a kh fan site
Character/s: Namine and Kairi Amount of slides (Max 10): 6 Speed (Slow, med, fast):Med Would you like me to choose the avatars? (If no post the pics you want me to use):Yes
ok The ending is where there on that island in the middle of no where where sora gets the message from Kairi right David?.....But yea that place ok liz your writing next right?
lets go there later ok And we could do the battle in the world that never was. and we could fail there and catch up with them in the secret ending place sry just Ideas
Awsome love em
Thanks I beat him yesterday at like 11 pm so yea thanks
"Herc"asks Kairi curiosly "who is she" asks Hercules "here let me explain, Kairi, Hercules, Hercules, Kairi." says Sora "So this is Kairi" says Herc with an aproving look at sora. "yes and this is Roxas, He's my nobody"says Sora "A what" asks Hercules "Roxas show him please" asks Kairi. *So Roxas walks right into Sora""Wow" said Hercules with amazment in his voice. "I know" says a voice out of nowhere "Hades" says Hercules Sora and Roxas at the same time. "Fetch" says Hades. Soon a 3 headed dog comes running shaking the rocks off the cealing blocking the exits. "looks like we'll have to fight"says Roxas. "1" says Sora "2" says Roxas "3" says Kairi. The next thing they knew they were swiping and hitting the beast with there keyblades Then about 5 minutes into fighting the monster hits Kairi with his paw. Kairi screams "Kairi" yells Sora. "Sora you can go and see if shes ok ok." says Roxas "ok thanks" says Sora and he runs over to her. "Kairi" says Sora softly "Kayla" Kairi thinks. "KAIRI" I scream in my head. *she needs my power to heal her* I concentrate on my power hard and my strength and pass to Kairi. Instantly I faint while thinking fight like you know you have the strength because you do. However Kairi is lifted into the air her hair turns flaming red and her eyes glow blue. And she summons my keyblade then she floats over to the beast and starts hitting it over and over .......whoever gets there first will be the one to write next.
You are Roxas! The Key of Destiny, and the other side of a very important person. You almost have a split personality: one minute you're happy, and the next you're pretty down. It also seems that you like to be noticed, and if you feel invisible, you might as well feel like you don't exist. Poor you *hugs* You don't seem to have the best memory either, since you can sometimes forget who you really are. But you're compassionate and a great person to get to know as well
I did but thats nice to ask for em