No every little bit helps I'll watch the video
Luxord Time limit Sucks Keep geting turned into A card Level 55
Ok "When we got to the great Maw We saw Cloud and liz just about past and started mumbling to herself there he is there he is...hehe. "Hey Cloud"I shout he turns around "Who are you with his wepon Pointed at us. "Well , I'm Kayla this is Kairi"I begin "You too are twins"says Cloud "Yes and this is namine and Liz." I finish "Liz" He says under his breath I know that name "Can you wield a keyblade"Says Cloud. "Well I don't know there havn't been many heartless so we havnt really had to fight" You say. "Heartless Liz Watch out then a keyblade pops into her hand imposible unless Liz is Kaylas Nobody wich isnt possible"Says Cloud. "Cloud Behind You"Kairi yells. Cloud turns around and whachs the heartless "lets go." I say. We whack Bunches of heartless. "Now what did You say about liz being a nobody" I asked. "Namine made a little noise like a whimper like she was trying to tell us something.......UK and KH 1 our turn
Well Are you done wit HOllow Bastion if not Then I Cant post yet it sounds like your not
lol i do‼ So yea Ok I'm laying off TWTNW so I can level up
LOL yea thats why half of us are here or we cant figure out why else we are here
*Thanks you guys *Run on Edge *Don't Jump *Go with all Changes *Beat the crap out of him when he reloads ~Right~
In TWTNW Can't Beat him Level 44 Lots of Potions Donald Level 44 Goofy level 45 Help Help Making me mad Threw Controler Lost Temper Need to beat the living crap out of him Have to make him Fade away
Well Lizzy Please Can You post soon......
Yes it Does some one close it
No Prob at all take your time I'm still thinkin And I have to Read Davids Section ok Lizzy, PS Ashley called you lizzy so I figuered it was safe
WEll Thanks Everyone
I didnt know wut section to put this in so I stuck it here I've been on for one month yay
Well it's ok lizzy Umm David You do port Royal first and then Lizzy will do Hollow Bastion Sephiroth vs Cloud battle and I'll write were we go after that and on the gummi ship like when we all meet up ok? ~♥Kayla♥~
Thank you everyone I think I get it now Thanks so much
Well that must be it Cause when i move the analog stick I go forward and thats it.
yea but I cant get down low enough to shoot it with blizzard
No I no that but how do I get down under neath enough to get to it.
When you have to get the three switches I cant get the one under the tower type thiing. How do you get down that low
Well the girls could go to Hollow Bastion like we promised Leon and them we would and the guys have to go to Port Royal