se' gracias Yes Thank-you when do we start Spanish tee hee
Namine' por favor
Oh my god David thats so sweet oh my goodness Liz better say yes thatts s cute
KH-vid Name: Kairi_and_sora_forever Scene: .22-.34 size: So it ll fit in my sig text (optional):
When we got to my house it was empty Kairi left a note saying Boys- We went to disney Castle because Queen Minnie had a baby. Mickey looked threw the cornerstone and saw that the babies were all right. We are fine here. Kayla and Liz are talking with king mickey about when liz was at the orginization. I'm so wooried about You. ♥ Kairi ♥ "Well lets go to disney Castle to see the baby" says Sora. SORRY ITS SHORT
Luxord "Well Well Soras Come to Save his Precouis." Oww" as Roxas swung the keyblade at him we will spare you if you tell us where they are ." Says Riku "Oh no well settle this Game style. Right when the Game began you guys were beating the Crap out of him. "Soon he started to Fade" "you will do anything to save them wont you. Almost there.....Sorry its short told you I would sneak on. Bye liz and David 4 now
I WONT BE ON UNTIL 18th UNLESS I SNEAK ON WICH IM DOING RIGHT NOW OK BYE LIZ AND DAVID I"M SORRY I"M still going to try and sneek on to right in the story so yea I'm not Quiting so byea ~♥Kayla♥~
Lizzys Turn I've written enough today
Mine means sora and Kairi forever obvious
"You pulled Sora and David out and told them In the room Namine was holding namine and Liz was holding Elizibeth and I was Holding Kayla. "They have our hair color and soras ye color but they have our nose mouth ears but the have soras tiny little feet. "Says Kairi to me. "theyre so cute I'm an aunt better yet I'm a godmother. When the boys walk in they are looking very serious and where just crying our eyes out then Xemnas swoops down Hand them over now" He says "No" I shout. "Hurry you no where to go" Says Riku as he made a portal to Darkness that would take us to earth "Careful" I say to Riku "I'll be fine just go" He says "Ok" I say. When we all get in the portal we walk towards the exit Axel and Lizzy holding hands. Wow I tell myself even liz has someone And my thoughts go to Riku. Sora and Kairi are holding liz and Kairi and I'm holding Kayla. Then I see Riku run by the opening. "Hurry I shout. I remember my powers tat I found and I put up a wall of flames and touch everyone thats with me and rearange so Riku can get through. Come on" Lets go" So we run to Earth Lets go to My house. So we turn the corner and theres my house riku must have put the portal here then riku Shows up and I run over to him. Riku are you ok theres A huge cut in your arm I run over to liz give her Kayla and walk back over to rikuPut my hand on him and heal him. There "thanks" says Riku "Your Welcome" I say "Save the Romance for after we are safe" David Shouts "Hea hea" I laughed and we blushed and ran over to the others "Come here Kayla" I say and I take her from Lizzy. "Ok Lets go Liz unlock the door with the keyblade "Cmon lets go in" I say. Once we were In I shut the door Ok I got three cribs for the babies. "So we put Liz in a light blue one Kairi in a pink one and Kayla in a yellow one. Liz and Axel sit on the couch together. Sora and Kairi Are looking over the babies Namine is taking a shower and Roxas is inside Sora right now. Me and Riku are holding hands standing above the cribs also. "Oh what are we going to do" says Kairi and starts cccrying into Soras Shoulder. Liz is Crying and I am thinking about what we should do. "Oh Riku What do we do" I say "I dont know. David walks out of my room and is carying a letter. "Read it" You say. "Dear Kayla We have figured out your conection about the fact that you can read My mind And we also know you and Riku are now Godparents of the babies. You will do anything to protect them if Sora and Kairi die therefore...." Its ripped I say. "Exactly but how did they find out" All of asudden I take out a handfull of flames "WHOSE BETRAYING US" I shout "Shhh Kayla no one dont go crazy" says Kairi. "right Kairi you need Rest you just had three babies and we are making you fight. " I say "Thanks" and she walks off to my bedroom Namine follows after her and disapears in thin air to Kairis Body. "Sora you need sleep and should watch over Kairi." Says David. "ok". "So its just me rikku david you and Axel" I say to Liz. "Lets go The babies are crying."
Back at Hollow Bastion "Hey I have an Idea" I said "We should go to Earth when the Babies are one week Due "yea thats a great Idea" says Kairi "Ok weel then thats settled " says Liz. "Well where to we go next"asks Roxas "We could go to spain" I say" "What" Asks Namine "What I've always wante ahh" "So its settled we will attack Kairi the day the girls are born And of course Sora David Kairi Kayla and the other brats will Come to save them Saix take care of the girls and Roxas And split them up from Sora and David using the hing we used on Sora and Kairi when they were 14 to split them. Then I jerk Back to life "No way" I say in a whisper......
KH-vid Name: Kairi_and_sora_forever Scene: .22-.34 or same link 2:00 through 2:07 size: So it ll fit in my sig text (optional): None One ? When its done where do I go to get it
No I Call Riku I look like Kairi He will want me Wait what Am I Talking about "Sora you do realize that your girls will be keyblade bearers and princesses "Yes I relize "They will be in Danger When they turn two " Yes we are willing to give everything to protect them. "have you chosen god Parents yes Kayla and her future husband "ok" Well then thats settled" Thanks and they walk outside to see Namine Kairi and Kayla discussing the Babies situation about the keyblades and org 13 and how they will protect them.
Still? ?????
Ok I'll write next "Hey are there any worlds left now" "No worlds but we have to beat All of orginization still." I said to Kairi Sora and David. Kairi starts rubbing her Stomache. "Umm Kairi Can I speak to you...Alone"I say "Sure"she says "why is you belly so huge and whenever we mention fighting you complain and look at your belly? are you? are you? "I say "OK you got me. It is triplets and they are Girls yes they are soras Kids. And Theyll be here in four months. "Ok WOW" I say "Why arent you telling Sora. " I ask "I have the feeling hes going to propose to me so I'm going to wait" She answers. "Ok then" Lets go out with the others." I say. Sora and David break apart from talking in a whisper. And Sure enough As soon as we walk out Sora walks over to Kairi Gets Down on One and Says "Umm Kairi" "yes" will you marry me" Yes She says with tears in her eyes So he puts this pure diamond with 7 diamonds on each side. "Oh" Says Kairi. Thenm Sora stands up and they Kiss Me Liz and Namine are crying our eyes out and David and Roxas look happier then ever. "Ok Sora We are going to have three Babies tripletsthat are girls they will be here in 4 months " says Kairi . "What oh my god thats awsome" Says Sora Me and namine and Liz are crying even more. "Well what are we going to name them?" Asks Sora "Oh Mckenzie Maria and Melissa. no noumm Casey Kari Cameron. "Well I was thinking Elizibeth Kayla and Namine" says Kairi Sora Agrees. "weel thats settled then says David " Not Quite says Roxas " Namine will you marry me? " "Yes of course Great we can have a double weding a quite one umm David will you be the Person thing the...What do you call it judge thing. "Sure but dont you need a liscence" No not here only on Earth. "Well ok then"...........Whose turn
Why Thank you you have helped me so much
Do You want me to write next Lizzy?
Can't beat him Help Level 46 All Drive forms Beaten everyother world
Well I beat it I was so happy Thanks you guys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now I'm stuck on Saix
Well Can it be my turn I'm sure liz dont care. "Wow" I say. "I Don't like to think about that day that was a long time ago."I say "Well, I never new whose nobody I was"Said Liz. "Well you'll have the chance to prove your strength" I say "Ahh Ow" I put my hand on my head and pass out and have this kind of trance "There in Radient Garden and they have Liz." "That little wimp" says Xemnas "She has figured out whose nobody she is" "That Brat Kayla" He says "Well as long as Sora and David Don't find out they need Kayla and her betrayer of a sister to Open the door to light we will be fine" he says. Evil laughs "Kayla Kayla Kayla" I hear in the distance I sit up and Go straight to Sora and David. "Roxas Watch Liz and Namine" "Ok" He says. "David Kairi and Sora" When I passed out I went into a vision thing where I Could see wat Xemnas was doing. Sora and David you need me and Kairi to help you close the door to Darkness. We cant tell the others." I say "Ok" Says Kairi meanwhile you too think I'm Joking. "Your Kidding right" "NO" I say. "Oh C'mon yes you are" "no I'm not" And I blow fire balls at you two "Woah" Are you two OK" I say Rushing over. "Does anyone have water." I might be able to heal them." I say Kairi Pulls a water bottle out of her bag "Ok" I put the water on the burn and touch my hand against the water it heals "Umm Kayla YOu have fire and Healing powers." Says Kairi "Well you must have some power" Says Me "Concentrate i say. "Put your hand up and point it at something like me." I say So she does next secound I'm blown back by a rush of air. "Air powers" we say together. "C'mon you guys lets go"I say to You and Sora and David.