_I have written around 14 teen time scince you wrote last its th eweekend please take a half hr of your 42 hr Weekend to right some more in the story 6 days since your las tcomment I would die if one of the three of us didnt post for six days Please please right more I'm crazy for this story and When I like something I dont give up on it so ya Bye and Sorry if I sound a little rude.....
well Fine I...Breath breath I'm sorry When I get Angry or Sad wich I am both right Now I lose my temper asnd that is not good You know wut...mmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmmmmm mmm" "Erin (my sister) Get your hand off my Mouth "NO your gonna get banned" "Will not PLEASE DONT" Alright I'm Sorry
"We are here to celebrate the Joining of David and Elizabeth." I said with Tears in my Eyes for it was a private weding with only Roxas Sora me you two Ansem Axel Kairi Namine and King Minnie Queen Minnie and Walt and the other three babies so I had to do the reception. I was so Happy for them but my heart had felt way to whole scince liz became a Somebody."Do you David Take Liz to be you lawfully wedded Wife in sickness and Health Till death parts you." "Yes" You say. "Do you, Liz Take David to be you lawfully wedded Wife in sickness and Health Till death parts you". Yes Said Liz Crying. "You may kiss the bride"I said You too kiss break apart and you pick up liz and Carry Her Over too The others me Following you two behind and You set her down on The chair. \"So We walk out to Find David Feeding Liz Cake. "Kayla Come here" Kairi Whispers "Ok" Well" "Well What oh I said No I had to I dont yet know wut I am supposed to Do with my heart Wut If my Destiny is to Die to save one of you it Wold Break his Heart even More If I died while we were married so I Need to Know We will All be happier when this is Over."I need to Know" All of a sudden My Kayblade pops out and Starts shaking Its sparkles and falls back in place different than Before. "your destiny Keyblade" Said King Mickey. "Wow" I say Softley. It was A Red and Black Keyblad einstead of Blue and yellow and My matching Flowers with Kairis There WAs a bleeding Black rose on the end of it And Thorns Going all the was up until where my hand grips it. When The weding Was over we Packed all of our stuff And Decided to head to desting Islands Because My New KEyblade Can Put Protection Shields over Worlds to Keep out The orginization. When We got there we set down the triplets on a blanket i nthe secret place on Destiny Islands That We turned into a room for people to Live in when they Have no where else to Go. Kairi Put the blanket By the picture of Her and Sora eating the star berry together and the triplets crawled for the first time to go see it Closer We all freaked out Like "Oh my God The Crawled oh my goodness" After about and hour we all got over it and I decided to Go Congratulate Kairi and Sora. "You guys Have raised them so Well." "We Couldnt have done without your Guyses help" "So when do you think the will Summon there Keyblades well Kairi and Me think that we have to Bless them with it for them to get it we where thinking 5 years so They can defend them selves" says Sora. "When Did you two Draw that picture over there?" "umm when we where six I think" Said Kairi Well I think we should get to Bed" "Ok" So we all went to Sleep. Meanwhile the orginization was playing to "TRY" to get in to Destiny Islands and they Were not Aware of the Barrier Shield Made by me no My Keyblade and I fell asleep wondering about my new keyblade still and then Wondering wut everyone else was dreaming About. ~*~ In the morning I woke up to find Kairi trying to summon soras keyblade. "Kairi wut are you doing" I whisper "Trying to uhh ok I was trying to summon the keyblad efrom sora so I could Bless the girls cause well the woke up in the middle of night Walking so I figured they can walk and the can hold a bottle so why dont I make so I can let them summon there keyblades only when they are in danger or when we are not around ya know so . "Well you wouldnt be able to Do It maybe I could but Wait I'm related to him now" I say A little to loudly because Sora and Roxas Tumbled in there aleep and Liz woke up. "Hey wut are you..." I explained "Oh well I'm not related to him let me try" She stuck her hand over Sora and Pulled out her keyblade and Put that over it to . 5432 "Oh" Said liz in Surprise. she did it Kairi Goes over to the babies puts her s and soras keyblades together puts it over there blanket and says Princesses of Heart, Mistresses of the keyblade I bless you the power of Your Parents Gifts. We all hold our breath nothing Happens oh I forgot Kayla hold Soras Keyblade You have my blood Therfore you have theres" Princesses of Heart, Mistresses of the keyblade I bless you the power of Your Parents Gifts." Then Sparkles fall Slowly from the Keyblades and fall on them. "Well Lets egt back to sleep Before everyone else wakes up"
Hey mine new one they DONT FIT IT MAKES ME MAD
Well you could go to Amoria (place from a nother show) the island of Love they have a beach a 5 star resteraunt and hotel and for a little night time fun a night club" I suggest "Oh I really like it" you thought "well I will ask David later" However Naminea nd KAiri where giggling "Wut" I snapped at them. They stoooped at once and then Kairi set through fits of Giggles How do you"she bagan but couldnt finish and bursted out laughin. "Know about amor"Then she started laughing to. "Well a girl named Violet who surfs there and works at the bar told when I was.......all of a sudden KAiris Laughter died And she said "Wait how do know Violet PlotivviKai."..........David your turn again Im so sorry
hey I just read your story all the way and I think its actually better than my story Of course mine is being written by 3 people but we write in paragraphs
I love it its so cute Oh open a shop pwease pwease
Yes liz you next then me thx for righting
Lizzys Turn So Yesa see yas
ok then well heya
"Ok" said King Mickey after he told us the plan "You know the plan Keyblades out" 'Wait " said KAiri and we set the triplets into the crib with Walt. "Ok" We took out our keyblades and walked to the cornerstone. "This may work we all have to say who we Care about the Most." Says King Mickey. And we have to Point the keyblade at the cornerstone when you say it." "Wait" says David. "Where did Kairi Kayla Roxas namine and Liz go." "Wait a minute" says Sora "they are all orginazation traitors" "Yea" Says Riku. "Xemnas ad Xehanort" says David and Mickey Sora Riku and David......hanged ending whose turn Davids turn then Lizzys
Hello Liz your turn and hello david you can add more if liz doesnt right and I'll right after you two we are slacking giving up we cant let the story die
Ok who wants to start the camp up again btw Camille is the camp girl who is Secretly trying to steal Roxas from namine And All the guys like her instantly so is that ok for her to do or try to do?
Well I'm going to Arizona so I'll talk wherever ther is a computer its up to you till I get to my Grandmas on the 19-21 then I'll talk at my uncles in Oregon dont worry I'm saving up for a laptop so yea no worries for long byea
Ok I have a charecter Name: Camille Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Waist length curly dirty Blonde hair with red streaks. Light Blue dress like namines but shorter. sky blue capris underneath dress inch high heals with light blue fabric tied on top. Description: Brave, helpful, friendly, clever Her best friends Namine and Kairi Weapon/Element/Abilities: no one knows exactly not even her. her powers come to her when she is angry or out of control. My color is deep sky blue So now I'm Camille and namine
"Hey we are here" I say to riku and Kairi Loudly cause I'm plugging my ears to block out the singing. We all start to get off the bus. "hey Roxas and I run over to him.
Well now that we have lizzys Answer . "Yes" She says . So you put the ring on her finger and go in to congrate minnie and tell us the news. "What" i say "Congrats" says Riku. Hmm I wonder if riku will propose to me" i asked myself. I wonder if ishould ask KAyla to marry me" Riku thinks. "So you fellas got any ideas. Well Minnie mickey will you watch Namine Kayla and Elizabethfor uss. "I'm going with" says Kairi. "Sure" says minnie and Mickey. "Kayla your not going at the same time roxas says namine your not going and Sora says Kairi yyour not Going. and David says Liz your not going."3 words." Says Kairi "Yes" I say "We" says Namine. "ARE"we all shout.......Whose turn
Confused what that mean like no wut
"I hope Axel Doesn't hog Roxas" I say to Kairi and Riku. "Sometimes axel can be a butt head." I say a little to loudly "Hey" says axel apparently offended
"So Kairi Arent you excited" I asked "I'll get to have A whole camping trip with Roxas.