well its when peace is restored
Thanks raised you rep/karma
Yep but this is fun
Yea well Kairi said she knows he loves her but he wont tell her. Ha Ha Ha. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Yea and when ever they were near eachother namine and roxas could talk to eachother. and namine owes me too. she said she wouldnt be able to tslk to roxas for anothrer 2 days. lol hahaha
Yea and other scenes where there together
Yeah but do you know where I can watch the scene from kh2
what is uop with them can someone tell me the whole story. cause I'm so confused aand if you dont want to type tell me a site that i can go to to watch wut happens with them IN english WITH sound
Soumds like the life man I would make great friends with kairi and i would help her with her boy problemswith sora. And you would help Sora
I hate these couples I HATE....... Kairi/Namine Roxas/Sora #1.it would be like liking your self #2. they are NOT gay/lesbos!!!!!!!! GOT IT ALL YOU SICK PEOPLE WHO MAKE NAMINE AND KAIRI VIDEOS. oh I also hate selphie/kairi KINGDOM HEARTSCHARECTERS ARE NOT GAy!!!!!!!:nono::nomore:
Totally TWTNW even though I never been there OC doesnt give you experience so ya tottally TWTNW:ff10sora: levels up beter