WHOAH! We have more smileys than I thought! =O :silence: Oh, these will be sooooooo much fun!!! :roll:
New smilehses? =O :censor2: xD These are fun. .... ....Hi guys!
No-No-onee-chan!!!! =D *Glomps* How are you??
Hey guys! I see you, Jazz! =^-^= It finished converting! Now I have all of the episodes and I can use them! : DDDDDDDDDD ....But now I have to upload them to FileFront so I don't have to download the torrent all over again if my computer crashes...
Somebody POST!!! ;_; Hi, guys. WASUUPPPP?? xD My torrent ish ALMOST finished............................................ ................SHEESH FINISH ALREADY! Dx Oh, and I figured out it's in great quality, but the file type doesn't work on WMM, so I have to convert the episodes. The problem is, my video converter kills the quality. x_x It's not horrible, but it just doesn't look quite as good. But I can live with it. :P EDIT: FINALLY! It finished! : D Now I just have to convert it... OH EM GEE IT'S 6 MUSKRATS AND I'M ALONE! D8 EDIT EDIT: I gotta go to bed. Night, guys!
*Jumps into zeh house* WASUUUUUUPPPPP???? ;D None of the Kadajians are on, are they? ;-;
Hey guys! ^-^ I'm back from my trip! ... ...Where is everybody??
HI GUYS! ;D I'm leaving for MAD (Music, Arts, and Drama) camp this afternoon, sooo.... BYE GUYS! (;
I rock because... :| You guys don't have time to "hear" all the reasons why I rock. ;O I joke. I guess I rock because I'm nice to people even if they're jerks. (: And people say I'm good at singing. (;
Blossom/Blumchen (I'm not sure which one sings it...) - Just a Dream
I'd be a hero or a damsel. Not a cheesey, "I'm-so-awesome" hero, but one that helps people and is basically a normal person. Or a damsel, but not the type who can't do anything by herself, just somebody who needs help sometimes. Being a villian would be cool, but me as a villian wouldn't make sense. xD;
I ish confused. :| You told me to post in the thread, then you told me not to. I did the first thing I was told to do. (; Now, I shall do the second thing I was told to do... Oh, too late.
No it didn't! >;D
I'm waiting for the oven right now. ^^ *Is pounced on* Hi, Val! =^_^= Oh, Barnes & Nobles. xD You guys are obsessing over... BOOKS?!?! D:
What's B&N? O.o I'm gonna go get some dinner, I'll be back in a little while! ^-^
*Is having a random conversation with her "brain"* Brain: Help me! HEELP MEEEEEEE!!! Me: My brain! It's GOOOOONE!! ;__; Brain: I'm buried, along with some of your friends' brains, you moron! Me: ... Brain: Don't you miss me? Me: ... Brain: ... Me: ... Brain: ... Me: No, not really.
Groove Coverage - On The Radio I <3 this song. *ç* Song change. Groove Coverage - Only Love
*Zeh gaspez* I did. o_o Why did the subject of this thread change? O.o
No comment. o.o;
xD Mice! You guys are hitting on mice. o_o;;;