I don't really plan on using it anyway. *Shrugs* I'm doing 3 others, and they're probably gonna be completely different. :S
Hey, guys! I can't decide which sig I should use, sooooooo... Here's my first idea for my fam sig. ^_~ EDIT: It somehow kind of messed up... Oh well.
Lol, it wasn't supposed to be pretty, I just tried using a bunch of random features. X3 Now I'll make a REAL sig....
Who wants to see my experiment of doom????? >:3 Lovely, isn't it?
I'm gonna make my own fam sig now. ;D But first, I'm gonnna do a hardcore experiment-sig. X3
NO WAI!!!11!!123!!FOUR!FIVE He was asking me, Minto. -_-;; I know, but obviously I'm smarter than you so I should answer. :satisfied: W-What?! You :censor: !!!!
It gets easier to keep up with. ^_^ It's different in other people's posts. I shall explain mine: Me Minto/Mint/Corina/Minna Retasu/Lettuce/Bridget/Lora Purin/Pudding/Kikki/(I forgot her Italian name. xD) Zakuro/Renee/Pam Kisshu/Kishu/Kish/Dren/Quiche Pai/Sardon/Pie Taruto/Tarb/Tart And if anybody else talks... they don't have a color. (;
That's insane! "Dark land of Japan"?! Isn't that a little... racist? XD Plus, it's because of two animes?! Wow. Just wow. I mean, some animes are inappropriate, but so are most other TV shows!
Muskrats!!! :guns: Can I borrow those? Why...? I want to use them on Pai. :sideways: ....? He won't shut up. >_< Hey! I heard that! :yelling: Please don't shoot Pai-san! How did all you people get in my post? Well, if Kisshu can use your computer, why can't we? Na no da! Get off my computer! x_x
I am Ichigo, the free spirit of the Kadaj family! ;D ...And I ish sugar-high. :3 Who's that?
Oh, I didn't think it was gonna be something that obvious, seeing as you're posting here... :locked2: I can lock this thread!!!!1!!!!!1111111!!!!!!TWENTY1 ...It won't work! D8
Yes, pwees spell it out. :3 If she can read it. :sideways: Stop calling me stupid, meany-head!!!!1!!!!!123 ;_;
:ff10sora: :lol3: :silence: Sora, get out of my post!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< ....I want ice cream. :stupid:
You stared at girls today? :sweatdrop: ...I'm bad at guessing...! Ichigo, you're kind of slow sometimes. :stupid2: Um... :imslow:
Nobody's here. :bangbang: ...Smiley-fest time~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!23 :locked2: :sleepy: :guns: :rockdover: :yelling: :) :censor2: :nono: :stupid: :( :locked: :sleep: :guiltygearXpc37: :registro5B15D: :yell: :censor: :nomore: :starwars: :laughing-smiley-004 :silence: :glomp: :ranting: :xp: :bounce: :ninja: :star-wars-smiley-02 :kiss: :sigh: :fight: :poketoungeb: :wow: :bored: :nerve: :speechless-smiley-0 :inlove: :sideways: :ff10sora: :poke: :woohoo: :blink: :mellow: :spam2: :imslow: :shocked: :dead: :party-smiley-015: :whatsthat: :birthday: :mail: :spam: :huh: :satisfied: :cryinganime: :party-smiley-013: :wacko: :bangbang: :luv: :sorry: :hairy: :sarcasm: :p :crybaby: :unsure: :badimg: :lol3: :sneaky1: :guns4: :roll: ;) :cold: :offtopic: :sweatdrop: :action-smiley-057: :lol2: :sneaky: :guns3: :rofl: :D :china: :noworries: :sweat: :action-smiley-030: :lol: :sly: :guns2: :rockdoversad: :yessir: :o :cheers: :nonono: :stupid2: Well, that managed to kill some time. I bet I'll have to edit this post. (;
I know, it's not fair. >.< I am SO bored right now. :bored: EDIT: That smiley looks freaky. o.o VideoGameNerd: Um... Your pet ate your homework? xD
I haven't been on the computer much lately. xD And I was on a trip last week.
Yeah, I noticed. xD :ff10sora: ...Get out of my post, Sora!!!! Dx ...:silence:
It's the muskrats! D:< ......*Pokes guests* :poke: ...Why do you poke everyone? :blink: 'Cause I want to. :poke:
*Ish glompeded* HI VAL!!! ...There are too many smilies to choose from! ;_____; ... :silence: ...Say something, you haven't talked in a while...! :glomp: