NUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Not the stick! D: Hi, Ian-kun! No, I don't think you missed anything, but I could be wrong. :S
Tee hee. >;D Okay, I won't steal your job. :S ...For now...
I'M A BARBIE GIRL!! ;D :silence: Interesting way to say hi to everyone. Hi, guys! ^.^ Heh, better. I'm back from eating dinner and playing a few games. ^_~
That should SO be your profile pic! xD Since you always tell us to post! XDD
Okay! :guns: :soragettingshot: Yays! : DDDDD
SÃ. xD Soy insano. :3 ....Sora still won't die. ;.;
Silly boy. =P :breakstick: It won't work. D8 ....I take "silly girl" as a compliment. >;D
>p< So what if I'm a silly girl? xD :poke:
:ff10sora: :silence: Get your own post!!! D:< :guns: :ff10sora: DIE SORA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >: D ...It's not working. ;_;
Muskrat!!! :poke: *Ahem* ....I mean-- :guns:
I'm good. ^.^ ...But very bored. :bored: (^This is a very odd smiley, ne?)
*Falls in through the ceiling* >p< ....I mean, HI GUYS!!! :glomp: WAZUP??!!?!?!123 xD
I don't like burgers. >p< ....NUUUUUU!!!!!! I DUN WANT A MUSTACHE!!! D8
Hola, again! I went to make another sig because I needed more of a change in my siggy. (; Plus, my old one didn't look good with my new one so I had to change it, then I decided on a new avvie and a new profile pic. xD
Gomen, gomen... I went to get some dinner for a bit... and 3 pages! O.O;; VGN: I do make sigs that aren't TMM. Plus, just because you don't like an anime doesn't mean that a signature of it sucks. -_-;; I still say you guys type too fast! ;_____;
Last one. ^_^ I need an opinion of which is the best. ^.~ VGN: I knew it. Heh heh.
Do you have to say that about every sig that isn't yours? xD;
New one... ^^ It's not as pretty, but it looks more like a fam sig. (;
I actually like this one, so don't be mean. :sideways: