Yep, mine's in my sig. ^-^ My friend (who is the type who thinks a ton of stuff is too "girly" for her) complains that my layout is too girly. xD
Yep! ^-^ My friend kept telling me to go on MySpace, and so I did. But while I was waiting for her to reply to my messages, I got bored, so I looked up random names (mostly of characters). And, it turns out that a lot of guys like TMM. XDDD (I found to "Ryou"s, one "Keiichiro", two "Kisshu"s, and a "Masaya". :P) I feel like posting random stuff. xD
ZOMG, HAI GUYS! :O I'm here, nyau~ ^w^ Happy fourth of July!
*Joins* Yay dancing like an idiot! ;D
It's okay, I feel stupid for no reason all the time. XD
I'm good, nya! ^.^ Oh, I finally started uploading my episodes of TMM... and YouTube completely killed the quality. x_x
Hey, guys! I'm here procrastinating my summer reading. =D How are you guys? (;
*Leaves and comes back as a person* I'm gonna kill you, Ryou!!! D< We can share that job then. ;D ...I guess I should go now. Bye, guys!
That's my job!!! D:< :poke: ...Shouldn't you be doing chores? :nono: I've got all day to do that. :S (I forgot to include that dark red was Ryou... Oh well.) Ichigo. :kiss: *Turns into cat* ?! Now will you get off the computer? She can't do her chores when she's a cat... EDIT: I command you all to post!! >D (*Is thinking to herself* She needs to get her own post. ;_; And she's stealing Jazz's job...)
I can tell. O.O But, I gotta say, your first sig is soooooo true. It took me over a week to download a torrent of 52 episodes. xD I know, my science teacher was such a psycho!!!
I fall asleep in class if I don't eat breakfast. XD I'm always really hungry in the morning, and usually not very hungry during the day. EDIT: Usertitle contest?
I have to get up soooo early for school, I've become a morning person, and now I hate to stay up late. I used to stay up really late and sleep in. O_o;
I'm usually such a morning person. xD But lately, I've been sleeping really late. EDIT: Hi, Lah!
Morning, guys!! ^.^ You guys still type too fast! EDIT: I thought I slept pretty late. xD Well, I'm gonna be doing chores for most of today, but I'm on for now. ^-^
I'm going to bed myself. *Yawn* Good night.................. *Falls asleep*
I think it's a good idea. ^^ New member? Hi! I'm Ichigo, the "Free Spirit" of the Kadaj Family! You can call me Ichigo, Ichi, Aqua, Ichigo-chan, Sam, or whatever. ^_^ My hiding partner is Kisshu, which means he "talks" in my posts and when we hide from guests, I hide with him. (Kisshu is the one with pointy ears in my profile picture.) Some other people talk, too. (;
Person and Random Idiot. No clue why, but I giggle when I read their user names. xD
Ian-kun and the wall broke up? D:
You're both very right. xD Hi, Macie's sister! ^.^ I'm good.
Three muskrats! D8 Why are they always here?! :guns: Why must we be so entertaining? :poke: