I have a lot of Ichigo pictures so I can use them for my sigs. xD But I saved some of the GIFs because they were funny. P: (^Me when nobody posts in KF. ;_; )
No-No: O.o.... Anywayyyyyyyyy.... I haves several GIFs in my photobucket, but I'll just post a couple for now. ;o
No problem! I'm good! ^-^ ...But I'll have to go to bed early tonight so I can get enough sleep (and I'm gonna be doing a lot of sleeping tomorrow), because I won't get enough sleep on the plane (the flight is all night long...) and sleeping on a plane is really uncomfortable... I've been on tons of them. X_X
Hey guys!!! Ichigo-kun, I love the new name! ^-^ Yeah, some people say I'm immature too... xD But they expect me to act like I'm 20, and mentally I'm 12... Well, I am 12 after all. P: I know it sounds weird, but I don't want to turn 13. (I'm turning 13 in a couple weeks...) xP EDIT: Somebody post!! D: ...Please?
Ugh... MAKE IT STOP!! DX And, I kind of like your current user name better. P:
I know, I was thinking "What is she saying? That makes no sense... O.o"
I know. xD But, as one of the comments on another video with the Japanese version said: "What I'm hearing: Hey hey I'm a cold. Why am I so itchy? Nah. Nah. A terror. I hits your yo-yo."
I found something very strange... http://youtube.com/watch?v=94h7nJ9VjMA O.o Oh, and hi guys! I'm back from dinner! P:
... http://youtube.com/watch?v=94h7nJ9VjMA XDDDDDD In Mandarin (Chinese) she sounds like a robot! P: ...But I have to admit, even though I don't really like the song, I like the french version. ._.
I have to wait for the oven. -w-
o_o Oops. D: I'm gonna go get dinner.... bye bye!
....SOMEBODY POST!!! I ish bored. :'(
Where do you live(nation)? America.What do you believe(religion)? Christian.Politically how do you stand? You mean political party? I guess "Green Party"...How old are you? 12. Turning 13 in a couple weeks though.Why did you join? Complete and major boredom.What is your best academic subject? Foreign language.Do you think you're a good person? ...Sometimes. O.0Do you lie often? No, or at least I don't think I do...What do you consider proper punishment for killing another or oneself? ...I don't know...! Prison...?What's the thing you think is most wrong? People who only seem to care about themselves, I guess...What do you think is most right? I don't know...Why is the world how it is? I REALLY don't know...Are people all good or bad? If not which way are they inclined? They're a combination of both; It's impossible for something to be no good at all, and it's impossible for it to be perfect.Who is the worst leader in history? I've mostly just learned about American history in school, so I can't say I know about very many leaders...Why do we think? I don't know.... Do you? O_oWhy do we exist? Ugh... I don't know...Why am I asking you? You tell me. o.o
I'd be so mad if my mom threw mine away... Even though my friends and I have read them a million times, they're still fun to look at. Plus, they're our only source of entertainment when adults are talking about boring things or when we're eating lunch and we're already finished. xD
I think I have $80 worth of manga in my room. xD All of the Tokyo Mew Mew ones, and the first Mermaid Melody. I want the second one. Dx
xXxMewIchigoChanxXx I have a lot of favorites, but I haven't put anything up yet. Though, one of my friends said I should try actually designing the clothes I draw and modeling them, so I might try that.... but I haven't figured out how to use the sewing machine properly, plus I'm a horrible model... but I still might try that and post some pictures on DA. (;
Morning, guys! ;D I have to go to brunch in a couple hours, and right now I have to finish getting ready, but I just had to say good morning... P:
I gotta go to bed now... night, guys!
Last time, I went to Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, and Florence. This time, I'm going to London and Barcelona. And yeah, I do have MSN. (:
Wow... I went through sex ed in fifth and sixth grade. xD Anyway... This thread is very awkwarkd...