You guys lefted me! TT_TT *Ish boredededededed...* Somebody get on the thread! NOW! D:<!
D8! Er... I'm a barbie girl! ...No, wait... I can't think of anything else to put. ;_;
I think this should be in music. :S But I love pop, especially JPop, KPop, CPop, and pop from the 90's and 80's. (;
I listen to lyrics when I'm dancing. :S (I'm too young to go clubbing, but I go to dances.) Honestly, though, when I'm in a dance class and we're dancing to a rap song, I have a lot of problems with the beat... I can't catch onto it, and it's too slow for me. (Even though my friend says rap songs are really fast. O.o) Well, everybody has their own opinion. And plus, even though I don't like the beat and such, I have heard an actual intelligent rap song before. (;
There's nothing wrong with having your own opinion. :p (This smiley fweaks me out, but I use it anyway...! x3)
I don't. >:\ I don't like that it's always about pointless stuff (I'm exaggerating when I say "always", I've heard ONE rap song that was about something that I actually cared about...), the fact that they're NOT EVEN SINGING, the annoying "music" in the background, the fact that EVERYBODY IN THE CITY I LIVE IN listens to it, the fact that everybody says you can dance to it; I can't dance to it, but I can dance to almost every kind of music. =/
And now I have the brain of a brainless cat. Wait...! *Falls over laughing*
I'm not quite sure if mine ever existed, but... I think it was replaced with the brain of a kitty and then it dieded. :O Meow. ;3
So many dead brains. ;______; Actually, I'm not sure that I had one in the first place...
Don't forget my brain! ;P
Don't forget my brain! ;D And Kisshu's, Taruto's, Pai's, Purin's, Minto's, Retasu's, Zakuro's, Ryou's, Keiichiro's, Sora's, Kairi's, Roxas's, Namine's, Axel's, Demyx's, Larxene's, Marluxia's, Lucia's, Kaito's, and Hannon's breains! :O
I'm good. : D I'm happy and hyper!! ...As usual...! ;D
HEY GUYS!!! ;D What's up? Oh, I just figured out something today (XD I guess it took me a while... Oh well...), people at my school make fun of me for being perky. There's even a rumor that I'm gay just because I smile a lot! I mean, WTF?! O.o You have some weird classmates...
Must... stay... awa-- *Falls asleep with head on Kisshu's shoulder* *Has been sitting next to her watching her type but never talked yet* Guess it's time for her to go to sleep...
Soy muy loco. >;D
Sayonara, No-no-chan!!! ^.^ I should go to bed soon, but I'm busy with some other stuff, and while I wait for that stuff, I go on here to entertain myself. (;
Hurry for burping. >:3