I've barely gotten any time to rest, and Dylon's pissing me off.
eh, I'm tired and cranky, you?
Actually, Aerith isn't "mother" Genova is. It's Sephiroth's mom, and kadaj, and the other two are just Genova gene remnants. Hence why they call...
XD Nice plan, Bro, nice plan.
=D The ****** bag that was messing with you?!?!?
Yea... same here.
No problem :3
Hey, good, how've you been?
.........What.. The.... Hell... do tell.. 0.o now that we're on at the same time.
so... who are you targeting then?
so this is a group murder?
.......0.o.. who pissed you off?
yep :/ sorry
yea, $40 when I had gotten it.
I use Magix movie edit pro 16.
Yea.. I do, why?
....yea? what is it?..
No, I wont, it's not just one fight. This is just the one I'm doing something about. How she's been treating me for years is immature bullshit,...
Friday... She yelled at me so much I cried.
dumb stuff.. you don't understand, it was so bad even if she wanted to be friends I wouldn't be.