I agree D= Haven't had much time to actually be on the comp really.
I'm doing just fine, my bf is living with me now, so that's really nice. :)
XD Oh, that makes sense XD and wow
I was up late. XD
o.o you ok dude?
XDDD yaaaaayyyy *hug* =D We get to kick ass together!
0.0 I've been pre-ordered, we're on the same team. =D woo!
Yep yep :/ No money though now.
lol, yep, and nice
uhm, I don't think I should if the anti virus doesn't like it.
Pretty good, I've finally uploaded pictures of myself on here. XD How are you?
uhh, that wouldn't be a good idea. If I had to download it then my comp wouldn't be virus protected.
eheh... about work, I'll have to pm you about it.
well, I'm having some complications with it, it's not liking my virus scanner for some reason. :/
lol, a lot of stuffs, a lot.
lol, sweet :)
kk, did that, what now?
oooohhh, how do I do that??
Pretty good :) You?
uhh, lemme see here....It says LG o.o