Morte should be easy if you think about it, so should Pourquoi.
Yeah, we're ok, it just kinda created a gap between us.
Me and the bf got in a huge fight that day.Biggest one we ever had.
It was a disaster actually. How was yours? lol
Happy Valentine's Day guys.
"Pourquoi devrais-je me réveille quand je suis à moitié morte passé?"
Haha, thank you. I sing too, and play guitar.
Ahh, just stuff. I got a poem of mine published, and a song I wrote has been recorded by an industrial artist. I'm currently writing a novel too.
That's awesome. :) So have I. Huh, I don't remember him. :/
Nope, I was just super busy actually. XD How've you been? Coby?... Who is that again?
lol, All went well. Except I had mono. Mono sucked.
D: I miss you. I've just never have any real time when you're online. Don't grow up. D: It's a trap! I've been doing ok, how're you?
lol, I don't know.. it's pretty cold here.. lol Nah, it doesn't surprise me one bit.
Yeah, I do. I believe you're very intelligent. :) Much more so than most.
lol, nice, I'm excited. :3 I get to go tonight and pic up Assassin's Creed 3. I've had it pre-ordered for about a year. lol
lol, WOW, a miracle! I'm good, how are you?
WOOT! That's pretty awesome luck. lol
Aaaaaaakkk, It's making me nervous. >.< GO AWAY SANDY. D<
No, I'm not, are you ok, Bro? Cause I'm pretty sure you are....
This comment, and all the comments on the comment, are the best birthday present ever. XD Thanks, bro.