*huggles for you* ^^
Lulz. Mind is Australia, South Korea and Japan. I went off just now to study. Sorry.
D: I might go for a vacation at countries that has snow when I grow up. It sounded so fun. ><
It's always hot here. There's only two seasons in my country: hot and rainy. I do wish I could play in the snow. D:
o_o It's the first time I see someone so amazed at where I live. *hugs* I'm a Chinese. :3 But I speak English and ish very poor at Mandarin. ><
Hey there Twilit_shadow. Remember me? I'm a fan of your fanfic. >D
Hello Pure Beats~ Long time no talk. I hope you still remember me. :3
Lulz hi. I'm 1 year older than joo but there's not much difference, am I right? :3
Gray stood up and looked around. Her Umbreon jumped on her shoulder and gently licked her face. She stroked in lovingly. I don't even know if there's an inn or a hotel around, she thought and sighed loudly. I guess I'll just sleep under a nearby tree.
I live in South-East Asia, in Malaysia. I don't think anyone knows where it is. >_<
But have you any friend that lives in your country? I haven't meet one yet. ._.
Hey there my friends~ ... Am I the only one here?
Me too, but next year I'll be trying my to be active in sports at school. It might be easier for me to get a scholarship to study overseas in the...
It's true. But sometimes I do wish meeting some of the members in real life. But even if we speak through the phone for a little while, the...
Are you good at sports? I'm not. I'm kind of a nerd, always at home, avoiding the sun. ._.
I've only a few, such as making my friends laugh, drawing comics and mathematics. Lulz
Well, it's been long since I've posted here as I'm kinda busy. But I'm trying my best to be up to date.
Thank you for viewing my profile although it has nothing interesting in it. Here's a message from me to you~
Wow! I dun really have talents like that. I'm still seeking my talents in stuff. What are you good at?
Yeah, chatting with friends is nice. Nah, not much. Just the same routine every day. I don't really have life. >_<