Pretty sure you need photoshop for it. Also, On GIMP you can make a series of pictures, but that's not really a gif, although technically a video is a series of pictures, just with audio...But I digress. The GIMP version of it (The Free one) doesn't really work well, So unless you have photoshop... Although, There are some websites that can make gifs, but they are usually water marked. I'm sure you might be able to find another way,I'm just basing this off of prior knowledge.
I can't speak for Fred,So I may not be right, But He's not mad at you at all, from what I see. He's also not trying to offend you, Fred wants to be your friend.
That sounds exciting. Any idea what you will be doing?
Excuse me? I don't know if you guys know this, But I don't spend my free time spitting on children and kicking small dogs(Puppys). I don't want you guys to fight. Where(or When) ever have I said " Lol Jaden sad is so much awesome ugh i love it" . I spend my free time trying to spend time with people who don't try and assume what I'm thinking, And with people who make me feel happy. I'm not sure how you guys can question why everyone here thinks they hate each other, when all anyone does is single each other out, and argue about things over and over again. Also, Fred and Brooklyn probably recognized you made a mistake by bringing me up for no reason, and wanted to stay out of it. Unless you mean my soap opera comment, which was a reference to DRAMA, not ATTRACTIVENESS. It wasn't "Wow, This should be a Soap Opera" it was "Wow, This is enough drama to be a soap opera". kthnksby
Yay an argument. I think this brings more people then all of the Picture fighting nonsense. We're like a soap opera to them, And the need to catch up on their soaps. Brooklyn is my favorite character. Ugh,Terra just needs to die or something, he's just there like ugh. I'm just saying if they keep Terra on, They are going to lose viewers quicker then American Idol. ...Okay, Maybe not so severely.
Van,Are you on?
You guys know, even if those pictures do bring new people, Nothing is to suggest it will bring people who also play yugioh. Also,Alexander means "Defender of Mankind" (apparently),So his name could be that. DBZ just needs to end already, after a while it gets kind of annoying, And don't get me started on the constant "OVER 900011!!1" jokes.
I'll name it "Terra". Or "Collection of Terras".[DOUBLEPOST=1364150939][/DOUBLEPOST]I interpreted that as "Cards with less than 500 ATK and DEF", and I figured while I was at it I might as well also make is 60 cards, so here: Bow down to me[DOUBLEPOST=1364151053][/DOUBLEPOST]Does anyone here want to duel this deck? Or watch me duel random people with this deck? I think it would fun...
A woman raping a Women Hmm...Does anyone want to help me build a deck? Just a deck, I'm not sure about what, but I'm bored...
My friend is getting rape threats from this creepy lady. She (The Creepy lady) calls me and says nothing for like 7 minutes then hangs up and repeats. She know where we live and what we're doing. One time when I was eating breakfast she said "Those pancakes look good..", I guess you could have just guessed What I was eating because it's a common thing to eat. She has this thing where it either shows her as a private number or a different number every time she calls. She told my friend " Your church dress looks nice on you. Maybe I should rape you in it" . Maybe I shouldn't be sharing She made a page called "R.I.P. Michelle" and it was kind of funny/sad because I heard this girl she was like " OMG did you see the RIP Michelle facebook page? I didn't know what it was about, but I liked it.". I think it got deleted, though. We think we know who it is,But ... Is that happening to you, jaden? Are you being harassed? Maybe you and her could go into the witness protection program. That would be kind of cool. Also,I wonder if the bleach pictures will attract anyone...
>Tries to leave every other week >Keeps arena alive Also Lyris is probably in over her head. Who would use T.G.'s on Nemi? It seems like trying to extinguish a fire with lava. Well,That might work, but it would end up setting more things on fire...
Have you all not seen the page on peoples profiles where it shows how to else reach them? Like their EMAIL and their SKYPE.
Star wants you to email him back, Jay. Email is a funny way of communicating...
Jadens dueling again? [Insert "Dis Gun Be Good" gif]
...Yeah. You're saying people don't have time. And I'm saying they do.
I have an okay amount of patience, I usually don't snap at people , Not unless I just don't like them,Or they offended me. I have patience for everything. People used to try and torment me, but I never reacted so they gave up and now Most of them are my friends or are scared of my friends.
*cough*toldyou*cough*[DOUBLEPOST=1362350306][/DOUBLEPOST] lol no. An Oxymoron! Or something like that....Yeah.
To be fair, Rafael said he was going to take a while. That rule is pretty useless,TBH. It does the exact opposite of what it's supposed to. It's one of the reasons I don't like to duel here. It kills most duels that could get some arena viewers. It's a contradiction of itself. It's a...Hmm...Riku knows the word...
You swore and said "'I am not, I am not a shining star" This we know, we never said you are Although I've never been through hell like that, I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back, If you're lost and alone, Or you're sinking like a stone, Carry On~ May your past be the sound, Of your feet upon the ground Carry on~ Carry on! Carry on!
While I see why you closed the thread (Since the very nature of the thread-calling people out- is against the rules), If anything escalates I want...