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  1. Terra254
    I don't have a steam, So I'll just help move this along.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Terra254
  3. Terra254
  4. Terra254
  5. Terra254
    Profile Post

    Oh, Hey. How are you?

    Oh, Hey. How are you?
    Profile Post by Terra254 for Scarred Nobody, Jul 14, 2013
  6. Terra254
  7. Terra254
  8. Terra254
  9. Terra254
    Fix'd .
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Terra254
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Terra254 for Brooklyn, Jul 12, 2013
  11. Terra254
    I didn't see this on here, which surprised me. (However if it is and I missed, feel free to take this down.)
    It's a tad late, but since I wasn't active when it happened I didn't post about it. I still would love to hear your input.

    Do you think the police officer could have handled the situation better, or do you think he did the right thing?
    I personally believe that he did the right thing, because the child's life was valuable and crazy people never stop being crazy. However, do you guys think this can be seen as parallel to the dog shooting in California? I think the situation and odds were too different to change my mind on either incident, but if it changes your opinion, feel free to talk about it...
    Thread by: Terra254, Jul 12, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. Terra254
    They said he was playing his music very loud and it was distracting the police, and he refused to turn it down, So those were the grounds for arresting him. I'm not sure if that's legal, but I believe it's what I heard. I'm not defending the police, though. One of the things that surprises me is the fact this dog wasn't wild, It's owner/master/tamer was right there. They could have got him to calm the dog down or something, But obviously this officer wasn't the brightest or most responsible.

    Also, there's this:

    Which was a lawsuit a couple years ago involving the same police dept. , for brutality.
    So, that might change peoples opinions. Have at it.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  13. Terra254
  14. Terra254
  15. Terra254

    I have an Abra and a Kirlia so I had to dump Treecko, But I know that after I beat Roxanne I'll have to fight Team Aqua, Who uses a Poochyena . And since Kirlia and Abra NEVER learn any non-psychic damaging moves, I was wondering if this counts as an obstacle, or if I'll have to teach one of them cut.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Terra254
  17. Terra254
  18. Terra254
    Profile Post Comment

    So how's life?

    So how's life?
    Profile Post Comment by Terra254, Jul 7, 2013
  19. Terra254
  20. Terra254