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  1. Terra254
    Admin Exams on DN again, Another chance to fail miserably.

    Also, I didn't know people still played Inzectors or Wind-Ups.
    Hopefully the same thing happens to Spellbooks and E-Dragons. I personally don't care since the one or two times I've dueled them I won, But it's really annoying having people complaining about it.[DOUBLEPOST=1375752442][/DOUBLEPOST]Master Brooklyn and Sir Fred, Rienzel and I...Challenge you to ...
    a tag duel!
    Don't ask. But If you accept talk to rienzel because I don't have people skills.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Terra254
    You guys ,I just dueled a Malefic deck that was so bad...I mean that coming from me. It was so bad. I was using a Duston Deck with all Level 1's except BLS and I legit believed I could win. I only lost because I had to move , so I quit. He had no field for 20 turns. It was just...just...No. I couldn't. Note to self: Never build Malfic's so terrible.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Terra254
    Jaden, Why don't you just use DEVPro?
    I just got it, Because I never random duel people because I get anxiety and whatnot but DEVPro is Automatic, so you don't have to interact! Yay! (INB4someonequoteseinstien)
    Also, You can set the banlist. And there are some Anime exclusive cards there, too. They have Orichalcos Anime version (You can choose weather or not to allow Anime Exclusives like that.)
    Also, I can't say yet for sure but there seems to be a little bit more variety on here. Not everyone is playing E-Dragons or Dragon Slayers or whatever/ Spellbooks.

    EDIT: Also, I'm currently actually watching an E-Hero vs. Constellar.

    DOUBLE EDIT: I say this in solution to the "Everyone on DN doesn't know their plays/ I made a misplay ", Because there you or someone else can't misplay. Well, You could but ... You know what I mean. You couldn't break the rules.

    TRIPLE EDIT: Also, There's Tag Duels. And Turbo Duels. And there's a time limit of either 3 or 5 minutes.

    QUADRUPLE EDIT: You can add your own music and cards.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254

    Well, I suppose that's more understandable.
    Maybe you could watch Fred and Brooklyn duel. I really didn't feel like dueling after a while either, since All I did was lose(I even made a deck that would make me lose quicker) but Watching other people do it, plus the release of Gimmick Puppets , Made me want to play again.

    Are you feeling it now Mr.Krabs?
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254
    Well...We don't really know the situation or anything so you shouldn't take anything we say seriously, but... I think your friends deserve an explanation. Making your friends fight is a bad thing, but if you just leave the problem might not resolve. I would say it's better to sit down and talk about it. After that, If you don't want to stress them more, then leave if you see it fit to do so. If you try and resolve the issue, make sure to do it with both of them, though. If you do it separately, the other might get the wrong idea, and.. yeah. Remember, you don't have to do what I/We say, but if you think this over any decide it's what you want to do/ the best thing to do, then go ahead.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  6. Terra254
    D.D. Sprite ?[DOUBLEPOST=1374892747][/DOUBLEPOST]

    It's funny because I actually AM the person most people duel when they want to test a deck. I don't even know where you got this assumption if you only dueled Fred like 3 times, I'm not sure you ever dueled Brooklyn (I know you did once, but that went unfinished because you used gales effect on the same turn as using PoD. I also found this funny, because you see me as a bad player and I was the person who pointed it out). You've riku multiple times,and I think Riku has won once or twice. So, yeah.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Terra254

    Maybe you can use Esper Girl?[DOUBLEPOST=1374872882][/DOUBLEPOST]Rafael, Grady is on DN.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. Terra254
    In news but not really news:

    There are other synchros that have been released, but I post this one because I think Riku might like it since
    a)He likes Angels
    b)It would be okay in his Banish deck
    c) HE CAN STOP USING FREAKIN STARDUST[DOUBLEPOST=1374822673][/DOUBLEPOST]Since some of you might not able to read that and don't want to read the article , the card i'm referring to is:


    And the effect is
    "This card gains 100 ATK for each of your elopement's banished cards. During the Standby Phase of the next turn after this card was banished , Special summon this banished card. You can only use the effect of 'Angel of Zera' once per turn."

    MAYBE THEY ARE RETURNING EARTH TO 3. Or 2. Since this seems like an Agent-y card, and it could be used for Hyperions effect. (the image name is archlord in training though, so)

    Also, A card Jaden will like:


    "If this card attacks or is attacked, Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage step."

    Theres a new (and only) level 11 synchro too.
    "Must first be synchro summoned and cannot be special summoned other ways. This card's synchro summon cannot be negated. When Synchro Summoned, Cards and effects cannot be activated. If this cards attacks, It is unaffected by other card effects until the end of the damage step."

    Eater and Armades are on DN, Angel isn't. They've been on DN for a while, but I wasn't here so don't judge me ; ;.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254


    Moving on, This is kind of hard to do, but Mine are:

    10.I hate "Black History" month or any other month dedicated to race. When is White History month? I realize it's supposed to be moment to reflect and appreciate the hard work people like Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Nat Turner, ect. but "White People" have figures like that as well. Maybe not for the entire race , But in America we have The Boston Tea Party and such, and there is no month dedicated to that. I don't understand. I don't believe they should make a "White History" month, I think they should terminate all "[Insert Race Here] " month's, because they are our equals and there shouldn't be a month dedicated to them as if though they are exotic or something.
    9. Most of you know this and probably judge me for this, But I hate Doctor Who. It's not a "I'm a hipster" or "I'm different " sort of thing it's a "I could care less stop posting about it every 6 seconds". Sorry for all of you "Whovians" , But when you all calm down and don't try and make everything about Doctor Who, Get back to me.
    8.I hate it when people value inanimate objects more than people. For example when people say " I love this bag! I couldn't live without it!".
    7. I hate it when people talk about being in love every week. With a different person. People on Facebook who every week say things like "Just got broken up with aha whevs in single hmu". Maybe you have been in 3 relationships in the past month because you never take a second to look at what went wrong. Or even worse, the "It's over... I though she/he was the one. Anyone have a shoulder I can cry on?" and a week later "[Name] is the love of my life, I think I found mrs/mr right!"
    6.This isn't as unpopular amount people with an IQ above room temperature but, I'm going to say it anyway just incase hate people who genuinely believe "God hates gays" is a legit argument . Or "Gay marriages will cause divorce in Happily married Straight couples" . These pretty much the only thing I've heard homophobics say and all I can say about the first is "Keep the State and Church forever separate". Your God (I'm not Atheist,By the way. I am a theist but I won't say what my beliefs are but it really shouldn't matter)shouldn't dictate weather or not two people in love can sign a piece of paper or not. The second, If the marriage was healthy, it wouldn't end. Divorces happen anyway, and of course if someone is unhappy they would divorce.
    5.I hate people who think their music is special . As a music lover, I hate it when people say things like "I can only do classic music. No other music really speaks to me. Today's music is garbage" I mean, It's fine to have an opinion (as I've said before,But there are a reason these are Unpopular Opinions.) but really? I especially hate it when people say Modern Rap is ruining music. There is decent rap looking at rap from an unbiased perspective (I.E. If I'd never heard any other rap song, or knew nothing about rap, I would like it because I wouldn't already hate it from the start), Such as "Same Love" by Macklemore,"Is Anybody Out There" by K'NAAN or "The Show Goes On" by Lupe Fiasco just to name a few. Just because it's not on the radio doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    4.I hate it when people compare issues. I mean yes, Children are starving in Africa and that's unfortunate but no problem should "not matter" when compared to that. We are all human. We should help each other with every problem, and help each other with every task big or small.
    3. I hate it when something I enjoy or don't enjoy changes peoples opinion of me.
    2. I hate it when people say that Americans are stupid because we only learn English, While Germans learn English and German,ect. I saw on youtube the other say, Germans (Not hating on germans, but they were german, so.) talking about how superior they were for knowing English, and how Americans were stupid for not learning languages like French, German, or Swedish. American's learn English and French or Spanish as a language option because it's probably the only languages we'll need to know. Mexico (spanish speaking) is to the South, And Canada (French speaking, Parts of it atleast) is to the North. Germans,French, Spanish,ect. learn English because they are near English speaking countries , Like England. Get over yourselves for knowing two languages .
    1.I hate it when people say suicidal people are selfish. If they want to commit suicide then they probably wouldn't feel like if they killed themselves on one would care. If you really cared, you would have showed them you cared. Pretty much all of my (best) friends are mentally unstable. Not the attention seeking unstable, but legit unstable. I make sure that I start with at least every other conversation with "Are you okay"? Because annoying with someone with this question is better than them aching for someone to ask them. If I ever stand before a lifeless body crying, I don't want to wonder if I could have done anything, I will know I did everything I could.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Terra254
    jaden you should watch me and riku duel. We usually use trash decks for fun but
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Terra254
    You guys I'm more blue now
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Terra254

    lol, That's Hope. He's also from FF13.
    He kind of does nothing and dies every 5 minutes, but His eidolin is epic.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Terra254

    But I run DD Capsule, and Side Return from the Different Dimension, So I could just Banish Zeal summon Zeal Return Zeal, Then Conjure up a way to summon another zeal.

    Or Ziel. (I prefer Zeal) Plus, with the first zeal I could just bounce Macros, The Capsule Mirror and Zeal/Vison/Shadow.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Terra254
    I think I'm going to Change my Avi to Zeal.
    Maybe people will like me more.

    Also, I'm just saying you don't have to duel the cars you don't want to face.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
    Zeal would slay all of you and meta[DOUBLEPOST=1374607856][/DOUBLEPOST]Zeal 5 ever
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Terra254
    Saying again:You don't have to duel against all these card you're afraid of if you are only dueling us.

    I don't use Gravity Bind, In fact, The only cards I use you would hate are probably Torrential and Mirror Force , And I could probably exchange those for something, since I only use them to take up slots .
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  17. Terra254
    It's okay guys we're not on drugs.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Terra254
    I adhear to you now, so that it may be known that I adore a member of yours, and who else be it but, Beucefilous!
    I ask that you bring us together and let my love be known everywhere the light touches, and then some.
    Thread by: Terra254, Jul 23, 2013, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Terra254
    Also, I still am not good so you can duel me and probably win. Also, no one said you had to duel stall or burn decks. No one said you had to duel anyone else. If only we duel you, We could not use stall decks if you want. You could make a Jaden Approved Banlist for when we duel with you .
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Terra254
    ssssooooo Jaden, when can we duel again?

    I want to see Jaden duel again suddenly, I dunno why.
    Post by: Terra254, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground