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  1. Terra254
  2. Terra254
  3. Terra254
    Hm... I wonder if I can get Riku to come back tho. He's my bud, I need him haha. Or atleast, I need someone to not leave me for once .

    Oh, also, did he say why he left?
    Post by: Terra254, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254
    Haha well it's nice to know someone misses me, my girlfriend is always telling me she doesn't ... or ex girlfriend I guess... so.. where is Riku? or Beuce? My brother, My other half ? Haha . Also, are you going to obliterate me on DN or should I make a new deck?
    Post by: Terra254, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254
  6. Terra254
    Yeah things have been hard, but I'm sure things could be worse. I'm not exactly surprised my girlfriend broke up with me, highschool relationships are just highschool relationships after all, and I have a reputation for being someone who has a lot of "lovers", I guess is the best way to put it, and I don't know why... It's just very hard, but I found drinking helps some. If you see brooklyn, tell him I'm ready to let him use unconventional decks on me again. Or you can, but usually brooklyn was the one who did that.
    Post by: Terra254, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Terra254

    IN Terra
    <------ SYNERGIST

    Yes, It is I, Terwumbo, back from the dead. I don't know how long I've been gone, but it's spring break and my ride to California decided to get a kidney stone so... Yeah. I'm back. A lot has changed about me since I've been gone, I had a girlfriend for 2 years (I think we started dating a few months either before or after I left, I'm not sure) almost and that ended terribly on New Years Eve. We still talk everyday however... I went back and saw all post mentioning me, seemingly only Brooklyn (surprisingly) and Rafa (unsurprisingly) noticed I was gone. I'm not sure what fred said about the password, I don't recall that to be honest, but hey, I've had a few concussions since then ( I took the break up pretty hard). I never really was friends with anyone at the arena (as everyone made very clear) but right now... I don't really need to be with people who party 24/7 nor with people who only make me sad .I haven't looked at a yugioh card since my absence, so I'm rusty, which says a lot given I wasn't very good to begin with. I helped this girl I know audition for something, I played the Piano for her, and the song reminds me of my return to the arena...
    "Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me... All the odds are in my favor, Somethings bound to begin-- It's gonna happen, Happen sometime !! Maybe this time...Maybe this time, I'll win."

    I'm not sure how long I'll be back, but I'll be around. I'm on DN as Underdogg, for those who don't know me... I'll be waiting for my re-inaugural duel .
    Post by: Terra254, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  8. Terra254
    I'm leaving KHV for a while, guys.
    I left my messages to Rafael,Fred,Brooklyn,and Jaden,in my signature. It should be easy seeing who is who.
    3/4 of them are my message to said person.
    1/4 of them is the first thing I remember that person saying to me.
    I'll be on DN today on variable times, If anyone wants to test any decks out since I'll be gone any they'll have to find someone else to beat up.
    Also, Stay Icy is for everyone. It's something my friends say for some reason, whenever we depart from each other for a while. It's easier than Goodbye.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254

    I know, but no one plays that loop anymore.
    But I guess with that Heiratic card back at 3 it might be a viable deck again.
    I knew that loop existed, but like most loops or decks, I don't know how it was done since I don't duel random people (i.e. The Meta Players).

    For the record though, when only Tidal (I think) was out I told Riku I was going to build an Elemental Dragon deck when they all came out. But when they did, I was busy, so I wasn't here but when I returned everyone was talking about how broken E-Drags were and I was like

    Post by: Terra254, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. Terra254

    Smokebomb has appeared!
    Smokebomb used Confuse!
    Smokebomb has Confused Terra!

    Terra's hurt itself and lost against Fred and Brooklyn 4 times! (1 from time out, but like it matters)
    Not that it needs to be said!

    Also, is Stratos Banned?
    Well, there goes my "Villain Hero" Deck (Quotes because it's hardly that.)
    Also, When Riku returns, he'll probably summon Cthulhu to destroy Konami (Although he could use like, Banisher of Radiance or something, but that makes the deck less credible.) andSlifertheExecutiveDragon

    aannndd yep, there go all my staples...[DOUBLEPOST=1377110774][/DOUBLEPOST]On a side note: Jaden might come back if anyone can convince him to stop using trash E-Heros.

    Also, some random Gishki got hit, which makes it seem as if though Gishki's need to be hit, which makes me feel like I play an almost Meta deck, which is not good. Although I hardly use Gishki's anyway. As long as Vision's, Shadow, Zeal, and Levi are all at least Semi-Limited, I'm good.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Terra254
    Fred,I challenge you AND brooklyn!
    I will join the duel twice and tag duel with myself, against you two.
    When you guys can...
    This might not work, but when Riku and I were looking at duels, alot of people tag dueled with themselves,It may not work but we can try.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. Terra254
  13. Terra254

    I wish Rienzel was here so he could also like this post...
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Terra254
    I never said Pot of Duality was bad, I said I thought it was slow. In my decks, Gimmick Puppets and Gishki which can get their boss monster out first turn, It's slow. In my sacred deck which can swarm but pretty much just Normal Summons multiple times, It's okay.But if my decks aren't fast, I lose in pretty much 3 turns.

    In this format, I will never attack again.
    However, I suppose it's okay since people (like Jaden) always complain about how easy it is to OTK or FTK, And Mirror Force at 3 and Gorz at 2 will help with that. Although you could argue Mirror Force can turn the tide in alot of duels, but It'll punish OTK/FTK .

    Zeal still can bounce Mirror Force and get over Gorz > :D
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
    Who asked for Scapegoat to 3?
    Also, Fire fist/Fire king/whatever is still playable with Tenki and Rooster at one, I don't understand why some people are raging about having bought 2 Roosters when it went to 1. I don't really play Firefist anyway, but It's funny because were actually just stating to buy Rooster, since they thought Firefist would be Meta next format lol
    I guess they still could be.
    Also, I usually don't even run Duality at 1, I think it's too slow.
    Since I usually (seriously) play Gimmick Puppets and Gishki's, I just use Trade-In. And Gusto and Butterspys have their own ways of drawing. (Guard Penalty, and Caam)
    Mirror Force and Gorz moving up one (Also Scapegoat but seriously I think Rikus Token deck is the only one who cares)
    seems to promote stall ,which it okay when I do it but when other people do it it makes me want to kill myself.
    Also, My Blackwing Deck could easily No.7 so Gorz at 2 might help that a bit (Just swarming, not No.7. Nobody goes for No.7)
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Terra254

    That...Gave me a headache. lol
    But, I think I understand what you mean?
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  17. Terra254

    Probably, yeah. Since the first time around I got INTJ (with 1%), then again I got ISTP, which aside from the Sensing and intuitive changing, The thing went from "No or [some strange word for 'little'] preference of Judging over perceiving" to" a slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (12%, I think it was)".
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  18. Terra254

    I think that was probably talking about Diz, but I'm not sure.
    I took it twice and got ISTP and ESTP . I guess I could be either, since strangely enough when I'm alone I think being alone is better than being with a group, but In a group I do talk alot and have fun (sometimes). Maybe it's just me trying to convince myself being alone is okay >.>
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 11, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Terra254
    Right...I forgot that. BUT WHAT DID YOU GET
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Terra254
    >is on
    >no one else is[DOUBLEPOST=1376184982][/DOUBLEPOST]You must all now take this test:

    and find out who you are even though most of you (Fred, Rafael, and Brooklyn) have never played KH:


    I'll take it in a bit. I've taken this test before though, and got INTP and INTJ (It said "No preference of Judging of Perceiving, and the percentage was 1,so ) ,though. But some things have changed since I'm taking it again. Good luck to all (and I hope none of you are unfortunate enough to get Kairi)
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground