I see even without me gone y'all have managed to retain an equal amount of wildness. Anyways, what is y'alls favorite card? Mine is soul release. Literally all my decks were as bad as they were because I had to add soul release into them some way. I still do. It looks cool to me. Also Kamui, Hope of Gusto.
Ah, not my old skype, Ill try and make one soon. And by soon I mean in like an hour or so xD but I'm kinda doing something right now so it'll be...
Oh god, yes xD Who's brilliant idea was that? Sounds like something I'd come up with
No, you weren't, It's just that ... well, I'm not sure how long I'll stay, and I don't know if it would be fair if I was inactive and stuff. I'm...
Role Play as in... here?
What?? That's weird, what do you mean? Also, We had a full video of our production, but that's actually highly highly illegal so it got taken down...
Oh, I assumed you talked to me because Gabi talked to me, But yeah, she told me, sorry if that seems weird I know that xD and yeah I'm trying to...
I hope you're talking about Tarzan , because the former would make me sadder than I already am xD
You should make it like controversial so it goes viral haha xD Like have a trans character or something
Ah... Im just in bed right now trying to piece together the shattered remains of my relationship, And lately ... lately my school put on a...
Visual Novel?
Yeah, I do definitely remember you haha. I've been not very good but I guess I could be worse. I dated someone for 2 years and we were devoted to...
like, what's up now or what have I been up to?
Well, everyone did hate me xD But I'm back for a bit to "find myself". I'm going through all the chapters of my life... How's the game?
I was waiting, the stars were not in position until now xD whats up dude?
Ah yeah, I know what you mean. I think he hated me, I'm not sure why haha. And wow, that's great . Is it everything you ever hoped for xD
ooohhh interesting... and sad. Im sorry about that. To be fair, two years ago is when I left haha, Glen lives in Australia right? So have you seen...
8D <3 Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku Riku
Oh yeah, Glen, Is he your boyfriend, or is that Sora? I dont recall haha