Ooo, updates! Nice job, W7F! Nice having you back!
Not counting Sephiroth, I'd say Xaldin. (I just beat Sephiroth, by the way. It was amazing.)
I really didn't have a problem with Xigbar, but I'll try to help. Stage 1 is pretty easy. Make sure you have guard equipped. If you can time it right, you'll reflect Xigbar's shots back at him. Make sure to use reaction commands on the larger blue gun arrows when he starts shooting them. Um... then when you have him down to about 2 and 1/2 helath bars, he'll say "All right, now we're talking." And that signifies that he went into Stage 2. This is probably where you had trouble. Xigbar will start using the attack where he's invincible and shoots blue gun arrows. And he spams it. Just keep moving, and make sure to heal. After that, he usually takes a few shots and then uses the larger arrows. Just keep using reaction commands and whittling down his health between his invincible spam attack, and you should come out okay. I reccomend the Decisive Pumpkin keyblade. And make sure you have Cura and Hi-Potions shortcuted. Hope that helps.
I always felt bad for Axel and Roxas. Especially since the first time I played, I thought Roxas killed Axel. I really felt bad for him, killed by his best friend who doesn't even remember. But of course, Axel survived and Roxas remembered eventually.
Wow, this is really good. I love Namine and Kairi's inner dialogues and how you manage to keep the story serious and funny at the same time. Please continue, it's awesome!
This is pretty old. I think Lord Knight Xiron said it best.
Sora. No doubt about it.
You mean the Gizmo Shop?
I agree with the personality matching the elements idea. I've actually thought that for a while. But I still think it's darkness. Cure sounds good too. That would make a really annoying battle.
W7F! I was beginning to think you died or something! Thanks for updating! :D
I can confirm a few of those through my very limited knowlegde of Japanese. "Kokoro" is "heart." "Nan" or "nani" is "what." I don't know what "oridacho" is, but it's not "that." "Sore" is "that." "Juusan" is indeed "13," and "kikan" is "Organization." "No" is usually a particle, used like " 's." (In polite form anyway, I know nothing about plain form.) The rest I don't know.
Yup, makes sense now, since Roxas didn't dual weild in the Organization.
I don't think they can bleed. Because the Organization members faded into darkness when they were defeated. I don't know. Just wait for Repliku to find this, I agreed with what he said in a similar topic. But I do agree with you about the metaphorical hearts thing. If they didn't have real hearts, it just wouldn't make sense.
Technically, it would be Roxas, but yes, Sora.
YES! Organization XIII only wanted to have hearts. And Sora was fed nobophobic information by a wizard and a revenge-crazed man. Nobody ever said that Organization XIII would go on a destructive rampage. I think that once they got their hearts back, they would have disbanded. But Sora the Serial Killer was like, "LOL, NOEZ! YOU MUST DIEEEEEE!"
Not bad. Just make sure that whenever someone new speaks, it's a new paragraph. ;) One of the fundamental rules of dialogue. Other than that, nice job. I'd like to hear something about the other characters as well.
If Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days were Japan-only releases.
358/2 and BBS are definitely going to have outside of Japan releases. Coded, maybe.
Yeah, I can see that. I really like that idea.
Yes. I tried to get on KH-Vids when I got home from school, and it wouldn't work until about 9PM.