Excellent job as usual. Kairi has some pent-up frustration apparently. I'm glad you made Axel incapable of talking about whatever's going on. Subtle foreshadowing=teh bestest. Anywayz, keep up the good work!
Uhh... online somewhere. It might have been here. Or maybe DeviantArt or YouTube. I'm not a yaoi fangirl, but I think Akuroku is more plausible than some of the other relationships in the game.
YES! I can't wait for December!
It's cute, but not really a story...
I completely agree with you. The Disney was just noxious filler in KH2.
ROFL. That will not leave me alone now. Well, in response to Nashida's post, all of that is hinging on the idea that they lost their physical hearts instead of metaphorical ones. If they still had physical hearts, they would still need to eat. And it would be sort of a force of habit. Even if Organization XIII doesn't need to eat, they would remember eating before and act on memory and instinct. A lot like my theory on why they seem to have emotions. But anyway... I think they do need to eat. It just wasn't mentioned. Sora was never shown eating or even being hungry during the game either. And we know that he has to eat.
All right! One more reply! I'm on a roll! (Note sarcasm.) Well, I just thought I'd give this another bump. Hopefully someone else will post. I'll have the next chapter soon.
Well. I know I said I wouldn't do this... but I'm giving this a bump and an update. By the way, very slight adult content warning on this chapter. You have been warned. *** The various members of the Organization showed up, portalling directly into their chairs. A few of them talked quietly, while others sat silently. Clorox spotted the blue-haired man who had been barking, now showing more composure, and stoically surveying the room. Xemnas portalled into his chair, and any quiet conversation stopped. Where has he been this whole time? Clorox wondered. “Hello, Organization,†Xemnas began, looking around the chairs. Clorox looked up as well, noticing two empty ones. Xemnas frowned. “Where are Numbers VIII and XIII?†A few of the members laughed. A gray-haired teen set down the book he was reading and said, “It’s a Wednesday, Superior.†“Ah, yes.†Xemnas said. “‘Hump Day.’ Number VII, go get them.†“Yes, Superior,†said the blue-haired man. He seemed displeased, but portalled off anyway. Clorox was silent, wondering how the entire Organization seemed to find this normal. No one talked, waiting patiently for the return of the three. Clorox thought he heard screaming far away in the castle. A few moments later, a portal opened on each of the empty chairs and the last three Organization members materialized. No one said anything. “All right. Now that all the members of the Organization are present, we can continue,†said Xemnas. Axel and Roxas pouted at their knees. “We have a new member of the Organization. And it’s time to introduce him to everyone,†continued Xemnas. He looked over to Clorox. “Hello,†said Clorox, feeling uncomfortable under the stares of the thirteen Nobodies. “I’m Clorox.†He grimaced as a few of the Organization members laughed. Xemnas silenced them with another glare. “Now, Clorox, these are your comrades. Remember them.†“Well, you met me already, Clorox. I’m Number II, Xigbar.†“Xaldin, Number III,†said a man with muttonchops and dreadlocks. “Vexen, Number IV,†said Vexen. “Lexaeus, V,†said a large man with red hair. “Zexion, VI,†said the teen who had been reading. He opened his book again and didn’t bother looking up. “Saïx, VII,†said the blue-haired man. There was no sign of his acting like a puppy earlier. “Axel, VIII. Got it memorized?†said Axel. “Demyx, IX,†said the younger man with the blonde mullet. “Luxord, X,†said a man with a goatee and a British accent. “Marluxia, XI,†said a... man (at least, Clorox thought he was a man) with pink hair. “Larxene, XII,†said the only female member. “Roxas, XIII,†said Roxas, still looking disgruntled. “n00b,†Roxas muttered after his introduction. But Xemnas heard him and shot him another glare. “And this is the Organization, Clorox. You will receive your first mission within the next few days,†said Xemnas. Axel and Roxas were the first to portal away, followed by the rest of the Organization in a few moments. Clorox got up, looking around for a door. There wasn’t one. “Dang it, I need to learn how to do that.†He sighed and walked aimlessly around the room until it was entirely white. Eventually, Demyx portalled back. He smiled upon seeing Clorox, opened a smaller portal, and yelled into it, â€ound him!†“Yep. And I need to learn how to do that,†said Clorox, following Demyx out of the meeting room. ***Please someone respond?
I'm not going to disagree with you about not knowing what happened to Aqua, but this doesn't convince me that the 14th member is her. If I'm interpreting what you posted correctly, you're saying that the 14th member has to be Aqua's nobody because she's a girl, and she's not Namine. Aqua may be the only preexisting female that may fit the description. But that doesn't make her the 14th member. Why can't she be a completely new character? And about the darkness of her skin thing. It could be shadows from the hood. It can't be proven or disproven until we see another picture, so I'm not going to argue here. One last thing, you didn't come up with an answer about how the 14th member looks younger than Aqua. It's just not possible. I'd say the 14th member looks about Roxas' age. Aqua, in the time of BBS, looks a few years older than that. Even if Nobodies don't age, that would be impossible. And Nobodies do age, by the way. Namine is distinctly older in KH2 than she was in Re:CoM.
Try to do longer chapters next time. But nice job. Keep it up. :D
He's okay. Vexen creeps me out a lot. Just listen to him laugh.
I hope she is. And there's a good chance for it, I think.
That was another great chapter! And don't worry about your homework. It happens. And you have to get it done. I know for sure that I'll still be looking forward to this story. I think the Luxord fight was the funniest yet. Great job.
Lessee... The first time I beat KH1 I had 20 hours of play time spread out over several months. I think I finished on level 56 too. My favorite moment... finally synthesizing the Ultima Weapon. I took studious notes for two days to get the right ingredients. And it was SO worth it.
That was epic. LOL. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a final boss battle. Did the last few Ansem battles in KH1 make any sense? Nope. So I'd just go with "Shoot first, ask questions later."
=D So cute! Larxene is definitely way scarier now. Keep up the good work!
I have the next update ready now. But unless a few more people post, I won't put it up. If no one else posts by tomorrow, I'll be happy to send you updates through PM, W7F. But I don't want to keep a topic open for a story only one person is reading. And if there are people reading and not commenting, please do. It helps me as a writer and encourages me to write more.
All right, I guess three replies is good enough for me. :P Don't expect me to be this fast with updates most of the time. It's the weekend and I have nothing better to do. And to clear up any confusion on Saïx Puppy, I didn't think of it. Here it is. Okay, enjoy the updatez. I might have yet another by the end of today. But don't get your hopes up. *** Clorox ran a hand through his hair again, standing uncertainly in Vexen’s lab. This guy was scary. And Clorox had quickly learned that his name was not “Vixen,” after calling him that once. Suddenly, a boy with spiky blonde hair burst into the room and yelled, “HA! n00b!” “Roxas! Get out of my lab!” Vexen yelled back. “Um, Roxas, there’s someone looking for you,” said Clorox. “Axel! I completely forgot that it was Wednesday!” Vexen sighed and went back to what he was doing as Roxas ran out of the lab. “How long is this going to take, Vexen?” Vexen turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. “Never-mind, it appears I won’t need to test you.” Clorox looked down at a trail of white footprints on the shiny black floor. “So I have the power to make things white. Great.” “Now get out of my lab. And try not to ruin the entire castle.” Clorox happily left, Vexen creeped him out. He decided that it would be a good idea to resume his self-guided tour of the castle. 30 Minutes Later “Okay, maybe this was a bad idea,” said Clorox to himself. He was hopelessly lost. And half the castle was turned white already. As well as half of his formerly black cloak. A portal appeared in front of him, and Xemnas stepped out. “There you are, Number XIV. What have you done to your cloak?!” Clorox was relieved to see Xemnas. But he’d be relieved to see anyone. “Um. I have the power to turn things white.” He smiled crookedly and gestured at the now Zebra-striped coat, and the trail of white footprints. “Hmm.” Xemnas said. “Go back to your room and change into a new cloak. You have to be introduced to the rest of the Organization.” Xemnas opened a portal for him, and portalled off as well. Clorox went through and was relieved to find himself back in his room. He pulled off the Zebra cloak and put on a new one. It was at that moment that Clorox realized Xemnas hadn’t told him where to go. And he had no idea how to make a portal. Clorox stuck his head out of his room and looked both ways down the now-white hall. “Hello?” “You must be the new kid,” said a raspy voice with a surfer-dude accent. Clorox looked to the source and saw a man with a long black ponytail, yellow eye, and an eye patch. “I’m Xigbar.” “Um, hello. Xemnas said I had to be introduced to the rest of the Organization. But he didn’t tell me where.” Xigbar laughed. “Yeah, we haven’t had a new recruit in a while. Xemnas must be getting used to everyone knowing where they’re going. Follow me.” Xigbar opened a portal and stepped through. Clorox followed him and ended up in a black room with thirteen tall chairs. “That one must be yours.” Xigbar pointed to a folding chair sitting in the corner. “I hate being the n00b,” said Clorox. He walked dejectedly over to the folding chair and sat down. *** Pretty long one, this time, huh? Please tell me how I can improve. And if the whole Wednesday thing seems random, just wait, all will be explained.
Whoopsie. Fixing. Thanks guys! I really appriciate it.
Okay, this is in no way canon-related. (There may be some OOC-ness. No, there definitely will be.) And it's not about the 14th member that's being introduced in 358/2 Days. And it's not what would happen if I was inducted in the Organization. So expect something a little different. I know it probably sucks, because I realized when I wrote this that I suck at writing funny stuff. Okay, I think I got all my babbling out of the way, so enjoy. :D Please tell me how I can improve. And I shouldn't even have to ask not to be flamed. *** “Seriously, Clorox?” the man formerly known as Cloro asked. “And what’s with the dresses? And this castle, too? Why does it all have to be black?” Xemnas gave Clorox a warning stare. “Rule number one of the Organization, Number XIV, you must respect your Superior.” “You didn’t answer any of my questions. And my ‘new’ name is just my old one with an ‘x’ slapped on the end.” Xemnas glared at him one last time before walking out of the newest member’s room without a word. Clorox glared at the black cloak he had been given, and ran a hand through his short, bleached hair. Suddenly, a portal opened up in the middle of his room. “What now?” Clorox yelled at the man who stepped out. “Um... this isn’t Roxas’ room...,” said the man, scratching his spiky red hair. “Bye, then!” He opened the portal again and left. Clorox shook his head, finally deciding to pull the black cloak over his clothes. He walked to the door, pulling it open. Clorox jumped back as a blue-haired man raced by, barking. He blinked in surprise as a younger man with a blond mullet followed, talking baby talk. “Get the stick, Saïx, get it!” “I’ve landed in a crazy bin...” Clorox said. He sighed and decided he’d better take a look around his new home. “Number XIV.” Clorox looked down the hall at the man who had said his name. He struck him as... creepy, with sunken cheeks and long hair. “Yes?” “The Superior has ordered that you come with me. It’s time to find your power.” “And you are?” Clorox refused to be surprised about anything in this place anymore. “My name is Vexen,” he replied, starting to walk down the hall. Clorox ran to catch up with him, wondering if he heard right and the man’s name was Vixen. Clorox had a feeling that this was going to be one strange existence. *** I couldn't resist the Saïx puppy refrence. ^^; Anyway, tell me what you liked and what you didn't, and I'll work on the next part if enough people are intrested.