Kingdom Hearts is where all hearts are stored. It looked different in KH1 and KH2 because the real Kingdom Hearts was in KH1. Xemnas was buillding his own version in KH2, to replace the hearts of the Organization, which is why it looked like a heart-shaped moon. It's not a dumb question at all. It can be quite confusing.
Yeah. It's the same reason Demyx didn't drown Sora instead of hitting him with a musical instrument. It would ruin the game if the main character died.
I always assumed that he was referring to playing with Sora's head. Because after that, Saix fought Sora instead of playing mind games with him.
The KH1 Ultima was way more powerful. It had like 10 ATK and 12 DEF, if I remember correctly. And both looked about the same, so I went with KH1.
Uhh... I don't remember. When Namine told Roxas that they were both Nobodies, I think.
Just spare pods. They weren't used.
Axel, of course. ^^ Closely followed by Larxene and Demyx.
I liked some of the reaction commands. It was fun for the most part. I hated Luxord's though. I could never get all the "O"s. ^^;
Time is Luxord's power. And I think death is part of Marluxia's. I think the best bet is darkness.
Staph infections like MRSA are rarely deadly. It's nothing to be worried about. Just wash your hands.
AkuRoku. But within reason, not the yaoi-fangirl version.
Actually, it's spelled kaerimasu. It does mean "to return," but that's the conjugated form. The root word is "kaeru," which doesn't sound anything like "Kairi," now does it?
If the entire plot of 358/2 Days was dedicated to Roxas angsting and we find out nothing about the rest of the Organization.
I think Xemnas would win. It took both Riku and Sora to defeat him in the game, so I doubt Riku could do it by himself, no matter how powerful he is.
It's... undignified. And kind of weird. To be a fangirl. No offense or anything. ^^;
Going into first-person mode and staring at random characters. <_<
Well, good luck with that. I don't even have the patience to get Sora to level 99.
<< >> I don't like to admit it, but I'm a total Riku fangirl.
AHA! I can prove that the 14th member is not Aqua or her Nobody! The proof that most people hang their assumption on is the video in KH2: FM+, where Xemnas enters the Room of Sleep and converses with Aqua's armor. But also in that video, Xigbar and Zexion are talking about the Organization. Xigbar has been ordered by Xemnas to recruit new members. And he says the newest member at that time is MARLUXIA. It's also obvious that Aqua is not alive/a regular human any longer, since Xemnas has possession of her armor and Keyblade. If Aqua had become a Nobody, Xigbar would have recruited her into the Organization then. But the latest member was Marluxia, and not Quaax or something like that. Added to my previous anti-Aqua evidence, I think I have a pretty solid case that Number XIV is not Aqua or her Nobody.
I picked poor Lexy, because almost nobody cares about him.