Sitting here Lol
Sup brah
Nice to meet you Madoka im william :) Pm me? :3
Im actully not sure why it did that. I copyed this poem from my poetry page on facebook i assume thats why? :/[DOUBLEPOST=1362008603][/DOUBLEPOST] Fixed it :)
Hey! Just wanted to personally say thank you again :)
Its fine! Im sorry about nercobouncing!
Hello! I recently came back tothe site after a long break. I was told i was able to be awarded the everlasting pin? I assumed you coul help me...
Thank you so much! I plan on posting more of my poetry soon. Ill send you a link to them if your intrestd :)
I wish u the best of luck . :)
The name rings a bell[DOUBLEPOST=1361915739][/DOUBLEPOST] It has quite a bit by whjat ive seen. And thanks so much :) And wojo hopes you enjoy iot to :D Your name also rings a bell :O And im sure your not old
Oh ell ood! Im glad to talk to you again :)
Oh well thank you! At least i can get one :)
What i would do is take her out somewhere. Make her dinner. Do something with her that she enjoys and that you can enjoy. And at the end of the night let her know how you feel. Let her know that youve had true feelings for her for such a long time.
Thats just it tho. I have no idea if i qualify or not o_o I know i should at least have the pins from 2009-2012 tho since i assume being a meber is enough XD As for some of these other ones i dont quite undertstand. but thank you :D
Ive been where you are. You feel absolutely broken to the point of your shell breaking... Im not here to tell you how you may or may not feel tho... Listen seriously. Suicide is not the answer. Whether you believe some stranger over the internet or not. Its just not the right thing to do. The right thing to do is to talk to somebody. I understand that some of the community may not be very friendly now. But i promise you ill always be here to listen. And i assure you im not the only one here who cares about you. Seriously dont even think about it just hit me up if you ever need anything. The names William by the way. :)
Lol i know i still get my giggles ;D Excuse me if im incorrect but its not Catch The Rain is it? She was a admin at some point and possibly one of the nicest members on here i knew back in the day o_o And also excuse my ignorance but how do i equip pins i have? That is if i even have any XDD
Thanks all of you for being so nice :D I remember in 2009-2010 id do something like this and get spammed by trolls. Its good to see the community has finally matured a little :D And also who is Rainshine?
Really? o_o I kinda thought you disliked me after all that ****. Thats actually why i came back to tie up loose ends ^_^'
Then that's what you do. You dont hesitate you just have to tell her... Thats the best way to approach this. How long have you liked her?
Yes i do. Take it from me somebody with experience. It is better to be true to your feelings. You dont hide your feelings. You express them. Now how you do so is up to you <3