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  1. Spike

    The Offspring

    So...anybody like the Offspring? They're a alternative rock, skate punk, pop punk or (simply a) punk rock band from California. They were formed in 1984, so you may have heard they're songs. If not, I have some posted over here. They've also won awards like ''Best Independant Label'', because their lead singer, Dexter Holland, owns Nitro Records (So for the AFI fans out there, it's partially thanks to him that they exist).
    Personally, they're one of my favorites. On for almost 20 years, but they haven't gotten old.

    Here are some samples:

    Staring At The Sun-
    Come Out And Play-
    Gone Away-
    Defy You-
    Original Prankster-
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 19, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  2. Spike
    Okay, the rules are simple.When you post, you post a song that you think goes with the person who posted above you. This is just to kill time when there's nothing to do.
    Eh, I'm bored, so sue me. Just don't take it overboard. This is all for laughs.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 18, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spike
    Okay, about a week or 2 ago, someone added me on MSN.Her MSN username is Dafty Emma. Do any of you know who she is? I'm guessing she's from this site. The reason why I'm asking all of you is because she's never online, so I can't ask her personnaly.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 17, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spike
    ...I got mugged.Holy crap.I was going for a walk this morning because I had a headache, and when I got to the bike path,this idiot I know (not in a friendly way) bumps into me. I fell flat on my ***, and I called him a bad name, and he started flipping me off.When we were arguing,his friend punched me in the back of the head and I woke up with a bloody nose an my face on the ground.I went to see how long I was out,but when I went to look at my watch,it was gone.I got home and when I lllooked att the clock,I was out for 2 hours.
    Most painful day ever.And they say walks are good for you.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 16, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Spike
    I know I love watermelons :D

    Thread by: Spike, Jul 15, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Spike
    This could be the end of the banana daquiri as we know it

    ...also life
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Spike
    Like the title said.Post me the score and the song title of the song you aced in
    GH2.Any difficulty is fine.
    Mine's Killing In The Name with 256722 on Medium.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 14, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Spike
    The INTERRUPTER!!Tremble in fear!
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Spike
    Okay,basically,I want a sig done.I posted the information at the end of this post.Now,what you're probably asking is why didn't I go to a shop to get this done?Well,I want to see different ways this thing can be done and I'll pick the one I like the most (yeah,I'm one of those people that like variety).So,if you want to go for it,here's the info:

    Text: (on upper left corner) Rock Like Heaven (on bottom right) Silver_Bullet
    Background Color: Brown and White
    Size: 450x250
    Font: Sort of a rockish type of font

    Also:If you don't want to post it here,PMing the sig to me works fine too

    Just so you know,I'm sorry if I'm being an @$$
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 12, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  10. Spike
    Okay,so I bought the Power Booster at one point.But when I equip another upgrade it's always the Power Booster that appears on the gun. For example: I equip the Auto-Reloader and it shows it on the Customize menu, but when I'm actually playing, the Power Booster shows up on the gun instead of the Auto-Reloader.Am I the only one with this problem or is it just a glitch in the game?
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Spike
    Yeah,I don't know what section to put this in, so sorry if it's in the wrong one.I'm not asking to change my username,just to fix the typo in it.It's supposed to be Silver_Bullet (obviously).Anyway,i'm just tired of seeing Siver, I don't mean to be a pain or anything, I just want my spelling mistake fixed.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 8, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. Spike
    You read the title. I personally have no idea. They're both kind of kick-***.

    ALSO: Vash the stampede is the blonde guy in the red coat from Trigun, look it up if you don't know who he is.And Dante is from Devil May Cry.
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 6, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spike

    Holy Crap!

    I just went to wash my face for a minute,then when I look in the mirror,I have a freaking face-rash.This just popped out of nowhere.It's around my right eye,my cheeks,my nose.How did this happen?Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get rid of this thing before I consult a doctor?
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 5, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spike
    ....For all the bad things I have ever said about McDonald's.These chicken-wraps are the best thing I have ever eaten! :D
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 1, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spike
    Am I the only one that's heard of this band?Because if I am,that's a damn shame.These guys rule.Best Irish rock band ever.
    If you've never heard them before,I have one of my personal favorite songs right here.I found a good vid on YouTube a minute ago.Enjoy.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 29, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Music
  16. Spike
    ...I'm going crazy!My bloody alarm won't turn off and it's going to be the death of me.I'm already at the point where I'm telling it to shut-up.I can't pull out the batteries because it's the home security alarm.IT'S DRIVING ME INSA-HA-HA-HANNNNNE :(
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 29, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spike
    At 9:00pm my Dad tells me to go water the grass and to not come in untill he says so.So I spent a few minutes watering the grass and the plants,no problem.Then he comes outside and criticizes me for dpoing suchy a ''mediocre'' job.So,he tells me to stay put on the balcony in the dark,while I'm wet with all the god-damn mosquitoes out there.An hour later,my mom tells me to come inside,but I tell her that dad told me to wait for him,then she tells me he came back inside a ****ing hour ago!What The ****,man.I got mosquito bites all over my ****ing legs and I'm cold and wet all over.He's such an ***!

    Sorry to bother everyone with my rambling,I just had to find someway to get all of that out of my system.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 28, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spike
    Heyo,everybody.Last Thursday I told everyone to vote if they liked the thread,and I got enough good responses to do another today.Don't forget,vote on the poll if you want another one next week and post in suggestions for what you would like me to rant about next week.AND PLEASE NO NEGATIVE POSTS,USE THE POLL.

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?:

    Pets.Yeah,yeah,yeah,I'm one of those people.But hey,everyone loves their pets,right?I mean,we feed them,we clean them,we groom them,we play with them,we walk them,we pick up their crap off the floor for them and we/you wipe their asses.My point is:They are the biggest free-loaders since Renji from Bleach (does'nt he wear animal stuff?,anyway).
    We do these things for them because we think tthey can't help themselves.But,what do our pets think of us?How is it like on the other side of the fence,you what I mean? (Yes,I think pets can think)
    For example,once I went to a park to sit and eat a sandwhich (Canadian smoke meat pwns btw,but I digress)and I see this old lady that I knew walking her weener dog.I was being polite,I waved,but as she walked away,that weener dog was glaring at ,me.He just kept walking along,giving me the stink-eye and this dog didn't even break eye contact with me.I know to this day,that dog wanted to hurt me.I know it.
    Also,WTF is up with dog farts?If they were in a bomb category,it'd be Silent but Deadly.My friend has a golden retriever,and I was with him playing Halo 2 in the living room with my friend.So the dog just casually struts in all proud-like,and with no form of provocation,no warning at all,that dog releases an aroma so foul to the smell,I thought I went from a basement to a Monkey Whorehouse/Monastery,and the creepy thing was:there was no sound at all.Silent as the grave.
    You know what eles pets can do?Get away with anything.If your pet scratches the hell out of your couch,you can't do anything.If you hit it,you'll feel guilty later,and you know later that evening,that dog will demand food and you will feed it,no matter what happened.It's like,c'mon,who's really whose b**ch here?You know what I'm saying?
    My point is:Pets will love you,yet they will gladly sell you the rope you hang yourselves with.But not your human friends,we'll give you the rope for free :D.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 28, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spike
    Well,I was going around YouTube looking for videos and I found this,it made me laugh for a bit,so I decided to share it.Basically,Kadaj is throwing a pool party at his place.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 27, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  20. Spike

    Now,you will all spam about how glorious I am.Muahahahaha!
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 25, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone