SCOTTY KNOWS! He figured it out! Everyone run! Stomp on anyone on the way out if you have to, just RUN! *runs for the exit*
*pants and breathes heavily* The koala got my shotgun! Don't ask how, just RUN! Head for the hills, folks! *shotgun sounds comin' from the distance*
Colonel Roy Mustang.......has joined the Furbies
This is a little somethin' I just thought of. Lead Singer: Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Temple Of The Dogs, Audioslave Guitarist: Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine, the Nighwatchman, Audioslave) Bassist: Michael ''Flea'' Balzary (Red Hot Chili peppers) Drummer: Travis Barker (Blink 182, Box Car Racer, +44)
It's a GIF, but it doesnt seem to be workin'. I've done all I could, but as you can see, nothin' works. Any suggestions? Please?
Which one of ye daft de'ils took me retirement grease!?
This guy's friggin' awesome
Swing away, Cloud, swing away
Don't you just love politics? XD
This or the one of Sven drinkin' coffe? I don't know, they're both good. What do you guys think. Problem is, this one's a GIF but it won't move.
Okay, at some point in Live Free Or Die Hard, a song is playin' on the radio and John says it's from Creedence. If you saw the movie and know what I'm talkin' about, for the love of God, tell me what the song is called.
It's a sequel to Resident Evil: Apocalypse. This time, the gang's killin' zombies in the remains of Las Vegas. It looks pretty promisin'.
In this corner, we have Leon Kennedy. Main hero of such games as Resident Evil 2and 4. In the other, we have Solid Snake, the main protagonist of the Metal Gear Solid series. Who do you think would win in a fight?
Once you see this, you'll agree
President Bush was in a secret society at Yale called the Skull and bones. His Dad was too. And they all worshiped Satan. Little kid: George Bush worshipped Satan? Me: In my personal opinion? Absolutely And one of the Skull and Bones' initiation rituals, is that to get in you had to lie naked in a coffin, and mas******* in front of the older members. But the really messed up thing, is that since former President Bush, Bush Senior, was also a member, he requested to be there to watch his son's initiation. So he watched his own son mas*******. President Bush mas*******d in front of his Dad. Yeaaaaah, it's pretty gross.
Yeah, so, my Ma just got back from the grocery store and bought me a box of assorted flower-flavored gumdrops. I'm currently eatin' rose flavor. What's next? Tulip? Oh, wait, there it is....
It changed people's lives that year, man XD
I just watched a video from a band called Silvertide. HOLY CRAP, MAN! That was some intense rock n' roll. (I'd say Lynyrd Skynyrd-like, but I don't want to risk insulting a friend of mine) Not to mention one o the guitarists is using a Gibson Firebird VII ( I always get jealous of that >.<) It's the black guitar doing th high-pitched solos But enough of my rambling, watch for yourself
I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable Hot pink! With whale skin hub caps An all leather cow interior And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights YEAH! And I'm gonna drive around in that baby At 115 miles per hour Getting one mile per gallon Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers And when I'm done sucking down those grease-ball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the Canadian flag And then I'm gonna toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side And there ain't a Goddamn thing anybody can do about it You know why? 'Cause we got the uranium, that's why! Two words: Nuclear Figgin' Weapons Okay!? Russia, Germany, Romania They can have all the Democracy they want They can have a big Democracy cake walk Right through the middle of Parliament Square And it won't make a lick of difference Because we got the bombs Okay!? John Wayne's not dead He's frozen! And as soon as we find a cure for cancer We're gonna thaw out "The Duke" And he's gonna be pretty pissed off You know why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well, multiply that by 15 million times That's how pissed off "The Duke"'s gonna be I'm gonna get "The Duke" And John Cassavetes And Lee Marvin And Sam Peckinpah And a case of whiskey And drive down to Vancouver- Anonymous: Hey, hey! HEY! Me: WHAT! Anonymous: You know, you really are an ***hole Me: Why don't you shut up and cry to Mom, pal
I finally finished it. I've been working on these lyrics for a while, and I'm very proud of how they turned out. Please give me your opinions. I wake in the morning with the sun in my eye I wonder why the world seems so terrified of a stranger walking through the sand He just wants to walk around and see his land I've lost everything But I don't want it back All I want Is a chance to push Death back [Chorus] I know I'm not perfect, hell, I know I'm a lie Just the bottom of the bottle Is never enough for a guy I may be condemned but I want to try Just give me a minute for me to say goodbye [/Chorus] I ask my Priest Give me a confession But maybe I'm not worthy of this forgiving session Lord, can you tell me How to clean a soul ? Can anything be done Before I hear the bell toll? [Chorus] I know I'm not perfect, hell, I know I'm a lie Just the bottom of the bottle Is never enough for a guy I may be condemned but I want to try Just give me a minute for me to say goodbye [/Chorus] And in my final hour I see Death himself He asks for my hand But I say I'll keep it to myself I swear I'll live on Even if I die alone I'll make my judgement So you can make your own [Chorus] I know I'm not perfect, hell, I know I'm a lie Just the bottom of the bottle wasn't enough for this guy I may have been condemned but I wanted to try Thanks for giving me the minute for me to say goodbye [/Chorus]