I'm eatin' puddin' right now. Stevey like his puddin' ^_^
Okay, last year at my Saturday school, there were these birds circling a tower every single saturday. They were doing this for the entire year (except for winter, of course). Today, when I went back to Saturday school from summer vacation, they were STILL going around in circles! I yelled ''WTF?! They're STILL there?!'' Everyone who knew what I was talkin' about reacted the same way.
Damn magicians with their funny stares...and, and their cheesets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EqGAaLsCP4
Yeah, so they were doing construction near my school, and they somehow hit the powerlines with the crane and all the lights went out. Since it was French class, and there are no windows in the classroom, we got to go outside or leave. I'm back an hour early :D
Let's scare the **** out of some babies >:3
....or am I seeing double?
Can you please watch this? I need some opinions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycp3JdDFa8U
Internet people! Who are you? :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pPCkhYMQgY
Does This Remind You of Anything? I Think it's Pretty Funny Okay, listen to the song in the link and tell me what the sound in 2:28 reminds you of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsjBtHg1T4E
Or THIS could happen to you.
I'm sorry, but don't you see what's happenin'? You guys are makin' an annoyinn' trend out of it and sooner or later, the OFFICIAL question thread is going to be closed because kids were gettin' too jealous. It's called commom sense people. Just wait it out. If you don't get your turn, don't make it so that others don't get one.
This is the one technique that is GUARANTEED to win your case It's opposite day.....
It's a super-size me whiskey diet :D
I finally got the string-winder for my guitar, and when I finish off puttin' the last string, it breaks. WTF?! It was the God-damn E string for Christs's sake! That's the thickest one of them all! Of all the strings, why was it THAT one?! *kicks Inky punchin' bag* Dammit!
Every time I die in Pacman, it's always Inky! Every single time! Damn you, Inky! Damn you and you're familly to the very bowels of ****! *starts sayin' curse words you don't understand* Okay *takes in a deep breath* I think I'm good, now
And it's going to happen to you! *points at Jube* and you! *points at Vivi* and you! *points at Higherbeing* annnnnd you! *points at Cin* Twisted Tail! A Thousand eye! Trapped forever! *falls to the floor havin' a seizure while makin' chicken noises*
It's like dr*** and alcohol to children
I pass by every mornin' and try to be polite But everytime I try You have to start a fight I'm sick of your atittude It's drivin' me insane I have to drive off a mile Just so you don't complain And what's my problem? Why you gotta shoot me down? I always try to make me smile but you make me frown [Chorus] I'm sick of hearin' it! I'm sick of hearin' how I'm supposed to be The one and only source of your catastrophies But since I'm only human and I care so much I guess my only choice is to leave without a fuss But I hope before I dissapear Before I'm forced to get ou That you won't simply think of me WHo just got up and gave out [/Chorus] Now I'm stranded on the road My only thought here are of you I only pray to got That from here you know what to do This was your choice after all So don't be the one to complain If you miss me your heart tells you that your love is insane I'll be waitin' on the bench of that park we both knew If you think you care you can stop by for a few [Chorus] I got sick of hearin' it! I got sick of hearin' how I'm supposed to be The one and only source of yor catastrophes But since I'm only human and I care so much I guess my only choice Is to leave without a fuss But I hope since I dissapeared You really do know what to do I left you all alone Without really sayin' ''adieu''
Just like a rescue of a stray dog in the rain I was Hungry when you found me And you could tell by my tail and my rib cage what was Once around me I've been chased by a rain cloud I was lost and nearly drowned and kicked around But now I'm found and I won't run away Bless your heart you gave me a home and a new start And I will leave you never Sleep at your feet and stay guard at your front door I will keep things together I've been chased by a rain cloud I was lost and nearly drowned and kicked around But now I'm found and I won't run away I killed myself, threw away my mental health but nobody was blinking an eye Backyard, basement, falling on the pavement Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye It's true I ran away before but be sure I am no tail-chaser I know a good thing when it throws me a bone I'm your best friend forever I've been chased by a rain cloud I was lost and nearly drowned and kicked around But now I'm found and I won't run away Nothin' Left To Say But Goodbye-Audioslave