Okay, well.... Today..... Something amazing happened.... And I mean some really freaky stuff.... What happened was.... YOU GOT PUNK'D, SUCKA >D
Everytime I open the lid of the trash can to put the garbage bag in, I'm thinking there's a raccoon in there, waiting to lunge out at me (damn you to heck, Family Guy). I just can't bring myself to take out the garbage without a blunt object in my hand.
Well, my bro just gave me 15$ for agreeing to wear this eye-patch over my bad eye every day until the end of Halloween. Pfft, sucker. Money makes my feelings happy :D
Vincent Volaju- Cowboy bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door Dave Grohl-Foofighters' Lead Singer It's not just the beard. If you saw the video for "The Pretender", you would see EXACTLY what I'm talking about. The facial expressions are identical. Plus, it's Bebop, people. When have they NOT made a music refference?
That's it, Baldwin!! Let her have it!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t4no6SKjjA&mode=related&search=
Well, I was poking around YouTube and found this catchy number. I pre-warn you: It will make you say "I told you so" SO many times, you will lose most of your friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGoeHsK8lUg
Well, SOMEBODY has to say it. Yeah >_>.........Anyway, have a good one.
Well, it's Monday noon, I'm bored, I just finished reading The Most Dangrous Game, and you all get a 10 second head start. Startiiiiiiiiiiing now. Ans Sofa, so help me God if you do that thumbs up thing, you're first D<.
Hey! An unused Notebook. I think I'll write down all the names of my friends in it :D. *finishes notebook, then closes it, but doesn't notice it says Death Note on it*
Dude, seriously, these guys frekin; rock! I started listening to them when I heard "Play It Loud" on SSX 3, and I have nearly an album's worth of their songs already. I seriously recommend this stuff. It's good for the soul. Play It Loud Secret Weapon Everything Sucks (When You're Gone) Responsibility I'm Ok, You're Ok Chick Magnet
This is the best game I've EVER PLAYED!!! I was playing for the past 7 hours and I'm completely obsessed with it. >.> I think we're all out of coffee. Anyway, my point is: THIS GAME FREAKIN' PWNS ALL KNOWN LIFE!!!! Who agrees?!
I: I hereby claim this mouth in the name of Incissor! *Another tooth appears* B: I don't think so I*gasps*: Bicuspid!! I should've known... B: I challenge you to a fight to the death! I: EN GARDE!! *can't move* B: Well, then, should we bit the tongue? I: On three. One...two...
Chef's attorney would certainly want you to believe that his client wrote "Stinky Britches" ten years ago. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself! But, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Bender Bending Rodriguez. Bender is a Robot from the TV show Futurama, famous for his rants on how he wants to destroy all humans. But Bender lives and works with a bunch of humans. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Robot, a beer-fueled, human-despising mechanical life form, want to work for the Planet Express delivery company, with a bunch of meat-filled humans? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Bender! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, [approaches and softens] does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Bender lives with humans, you must acquit! The defense rests.
DON'T GOT TO THE LOCAL CLINIC. I went there today because a car ran over my foot yesterday (it's a long story, don't get in it) and I ended up waiting 3 hours in line to get a number and then wait for them to call out my number doctor. In the end, we stayed there for 5 hours. I know that because the only thing I had to do was look at my watch every 5 minutes.
Make Some Noise It drives me insane How it's quiet everyday The only thing you hear are the people who complain But that's just not enough for the kids like us We wanna hear it loud and make our ears tunr into dust Plug those guitars Ready-up the drums Like it? LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE!! [Chorus] Let's turn it up Make it loud Make the people wanna shout C'mon, make a sound Crank it up and beat it down We wanna hear the noise Do it for the girls and boys Tear it up and trow it out Make some noise and up the sound! [/Chorus] We're the ones who like to hear it loud Drown every drag and contreversy out You know you like it I know you love it YEAH! Stop what you're doing Turn it up right now This scene's way too quiet Let's make it way too loud Anybody puts it down You makie them hit the floor Then help the sucker up ANd show him out the door! [Chorus] Let's turn it up Make it loud Mke the people wanna shout C'mon, make a sound Crank it p and beat it down We wanna hear the noise Do it for the girls and boys Tear it up and throw it out MAKE SOME NOISE AND UP THE SOUND!!!! [/Chorus]
Okay, I just got out of the church and I'm at the merchant's place. Should I sell the Punisher for the Red9? What do you guys think?
*blows nose into 33050475894th tissue* I, I was watching the last episode of Cowboy Bebop a-and in the ending..... SPIKE DIED!!!! TT^TT WHY?!?!?! HE WAS SO COOL, DAMMIT! WHY COULD'NT IT BE ED?! OR FAYE?! OR EVEN EIN?! WHY SPIKE?! No man should ever outlive his fictional space cowboy TT^TT
666 posts babeh. Awwwwwww yeaaaaaaah *kool aid man comes in* Oh ye- *kills with Satanic powers* Oh yeah, indeed.
This is like nothing you've ever seen before It's: SPIDERMAN!.... Vs. THE MASTER CHIEF! In the most cunning dangerous fool-hardy chalenge of them all MAJOR DANCE-OFF COMPETITION!!!!