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  1. Spike
    Apparently, so does John West........A LOT!
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 30, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Spike
    Spike was walking up the stairs of the church to the room with the scanner on it. He figured he could get it open with the ducky device he found in Ducky's coat. Upstairs was a real mess. There was a giant hole in the middle of the hallway from the explosion in the wine cellar, so Spike had to hold on to whatever was left of the railing to sneak across.

    Finally getting to the door, Spike pulled out the ducky device from his pocket. The scanner had a thin rectangular hole in it, so Spike put the ducky devide in there. After a few minutes, it beeped twice and the door unlocked. Pulling out his flame gun, he kicked the door open and looked around the room. There was a girl in there, walking away.

    "Go away! Leave me alone!" she shrieked. She got up and hid behing a crate. Spike put his hands up to show that he meant no harm. "It's okay, it's okay! I was sent here by your Dad. I'm Spike, I was asked to bring you back home."

    The girl got out from behind the crate and looked at him. "My father? He sent you? Well...okay. I'm Catch The Rain. My friends call me CtR."

    Spike held out his hand to help her up. "C'mon, let's get out here." She nodded and took his hand to get up. Spike pulled out his radio phone and set it to Madi's secured frequency.

    "Madi, this is Spike. I've managed to retrieve her."

    "Good. We're going to send a chopper to a designated checkpoint. Take the girl and head for the pick-up. I'll upload the coordinates to your SP right now."

    "Right. Spike out."

    He put his radiophone back on his belt and looked over to CtR. "C'mon. We're going to a find a chopper and get out of this place."

    They went out of the room and into the hallway. Spike jumped down the hole in the hallway and caught CtR as she jumped down. Then, just when they were about to head through the door, a man in a dark blue cloak walked out behind them.

    "Ahhhhhhh. I see YOU'RE the one who's been causing these.....minoe disturbances."
    Spike turned around and pulled his un out of his belt. The cloaked stranger just laughed at this.

    "No, no, no. you should'nt be so jumpy. It causes bad first impressions, you know. However, you've already left quite an impression on me already, Mr. Spike."

    Keeping his gun pointed at the stranger, Spike sneered. Just who ARE you? Are you the leader of this circus?"

    The cloaked man laughed again. "My name is Jubileeus Von Krader. But you can simply call me "Jube". I feel like we're companions already, Mr. Spike."

    "Well then, my 'friend', I hope you don't mind if we ead for the exit." Spike went to reach the doorknob, but some invisible force caused his hadn to retract.

    "You? By all means. The girl? Not so much. You see, I need her to achive my goals. If you take he, then all the trouble I've been through up to this point would be for naught, no?"

    "And just what ARE your plans, exactly?"

    "I guess I can tell you. It's not like you'll live to stop me, after all. Like you, the girl was infected with the virus that we ALL share. I plan on sending her back to KH-Vids and having her infect her father, and then, the REST of the forum. Then, my comrades and I will come in, and I will become the new Head Administrator."

    Spike looked at Ctr and then looked back at Jube. He put his hand over his neck. " So then, that wasn't a dream?" he was reffering to when he was injected with something in his neck.

    Jube laughed some more and waved his hand at Spike. "That's correct. you are ALSO infected with this virus. But, they are at quite and early stage, and I have to left the viruses griow if i'm to send the girl back to her country, you understand? Why don't we just..sit here and wait it out?" he said with an evil smile.

    Spike shot Jube in the head and, as Jube fell to the floor, he grabbed CtR's hand and ran through the door. When the door slammed behind them, Jube got up, stretched his neck a bit and the bullet in his head ell out. He smiled again as they left through the graveyard...

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 28, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spike
    And it was awesome! They changed the gameplay abit since Guitar Hero 2, but in a good way. And they even made my favorite guitar look more kick-@$$ than ever before <3. Now all I have to do is try beating Tom Morello for the 7th time >_>.
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 28, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Spike

    City Bus Son

    Just lyrics to a tune, courtesy of the gentlemen of Fahrenheit 451
    *takes a bow*


    Al I do is watch
    As everything drives through me
    And when you've seen the things I've seen
    You'll know the intensity

    Life's in constant motion
    But here I am, standing still
    I see everybody come and go
    I wonder how they feel

    All I have to do is watch
    while everyone puts up a show
    All I am is a city bus son
    That's all you need to know

    We are the children of the road!
    The highway is our home
    We like to see your lives pass by
    As we forget about out own

    We'll sit down on the seat
    and stare sheelpy out the window
    We'll put up a toothy smile
    And watch the people come and go

    We're that blind spot in the sun
    Where no one pays attention
    But when you realize we're there
    That's when you look at our direction

    The world's just a dream
    Where you see everything drive by
    You wonder how much is real
    Then you wake up with a dry eye

    You're alone in a crowded room
    To get where you need to be
    But honestly, it's all you need
    To help you keep your cool

    I really don't know much
    I just know what I hear
    But nowadays that's all I need
    To make it though the year

    We are the children of the road!
    The highway is our home
    We like to see your lives pass by
    As we forget about out own

    We'll sit down on the seat
    and stare sheeply out the window
    We'll put up a toothy smile
    And watch the people come and go

    We're that blind spot in the sun
    Where no one pays attention
    But when you realize we're there
    That's when you look at our direction

    All I have to do is watch
    while everyone puts up a show
    All I am is a city bus son
    That's all you need to know
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Spike
    I know this one's a bit late, but i haven't been in the mood to write one, lately. Anyway, better late than never.

    It was 2 hours since Spike got his last call from Madi. The mountain was just THAT tall. Pulling out his binoculas, he could see where the lift began. "Well, it seems pretty close by. Should take me at least 3 minutes or so if i power-walk."

    Putting his binoculars away, he started pacing towards the summit. While he was running, he checked up on the things he had gotten from libregkd. There was 3 flash grenades, a shotgun, a couple of herbs (well, everybody needs to cut loose once in a while) some boxes full of flame bullets, incendiary grenades, and shotgun shells.

    After a few minutes of running, he finally reached the lifts. He pulled his gun out of his belt and looked around. There should've been spammers crawling out from every nook and cranny of the place, but it was empty. "That's weird. I thought I saw Spammers up here, earlier...."

    Going towards the loft, he could see the church. It looked like it was going to be at least a 20 minute ride. Suddenly, there was a big tug on the wire as the lift shook up. Looking to the side, Spike saw the spammers climbing down the wire.

    "Awwww, dammit! And here I was hoping for a few minutes of peace. Oh well..." He didn't have to aim too carefully, since the spammers would lose balance everytime he shot them. Soon, they were coming from the other lifts. He kept shooting them down, being careful not to shoot the wiring. One of them climbed up the wire and jumped down into his lift. Quickly turning aeound, Spike elbowed the Spammer in the ace and punched it a few times. The spammer dodged on of the punches, but it tripped over the edge of the lift.

    Suddenly, everything went quiet. All the spammers' faces wnet blank and they let go o the wire or got off when their lifts reached the top. "What? What would they do that for?......."

    He looked to the edge and saw Ducky in front of the church. Ducky just sneered at him and went inside.

    "So, looks like I'm fighting the Chief next.....Bring it." When his lift reached the church, he jumped out and rolled on the ground to break the big fall. He reloaded his un as he went into the church.

    It wasn't a very big church. It had two floors, but the first looked pretty compact, so there would'nt be much to expect from the second. Climbing up the stairs, he saw a locked rook at the end of the hallway. "That must be where they're keeping her."

    He ran up to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. He checked out the lock and it looked like it needed a special kind of key.

    "And I'm willing to bet my 2nd gem that Ducky has that key somewhere in that big black coat of his." He kicked the door and looked around for a door where Ducky would be.

    He was wrong about the 2nd floor, after all. it was a lot bigger than the 1st. How this building can hold up it's balance , he had no idea. He opened up a door and looked inside, expecting to see Ducky. instead, it was just a typewriter and a cellar full of old Communion Wine bottles.

    When he walked out the door, Ducky popped up with a rocket launcher and fired it right at Spike. As if on instinct, Spike backflipped right over the Rocket launcher. He had a masive pain in his neck afterwards. he looked behind him and noticed the huge hole behind him. he checked his body as to make sure he didn't have a hole blasted right through him.

    In disbelief, he got up and gasped. "I'm alive?! How did i dodge that?" Ducky looked at him and chuckled. "It seems as though our Leader has given you some of our power. Why he did this, I do not know, but I'll be sure to ask him when you're DEAD!"

    He threw the Rocket launcher at Spike and ran towards him. He opened the door to the Wine room and made Ducky run into it. He picked an incendiary grenade out of his belt and threw it in the room. Before closing the door, he smrked at Ducky with a mischievous look on his face. "Astala Fuengo." Then, running down the stairs, there was a HUGE fiery explosion. Looking up, he let out a sigh of relief.

    Then, Ducky jumped down, parts of his body covered in gruesome burns. He stretched hs arms and his shoulder tore right off, extending his arms.

    Spikes eyes grew wide. "What in the name of God are you?" he asked.

    Ducky looked at him with a menacing face "We are the future."

    He lashed his arms at Spike like a whip. Spike tried to jump right over it, but Ducky's arm hit his leg and sent him flying to the wall. He shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and shot at Ducky. His shoulder muscles were sticking out, so the gunshots must've casued him incredible pain, yet the muscles did'nt tear.

    Ducky picked up some benches and whipped them at Spike. This time, Spike was able to roo to the side and avoiid being hit. he looked up at the chandelier on top of Ducky. As unusual as it was, it seemed to be electial. it would take a lot of electricity to power up an old chandelier that was hangin off the roof of a church.

    Then, he thought of someting. he looked around the room, looking for a switch. THere was a lightswitch right behind Ducky. If Spike could somehow get Ducky to move, he coould flip the switch.

    Ducky lashed his arms at him and Spike jumped over them as if they were jumpropes. He pulled out a flash grenade and a pair of visors. He put the visors over his eyes and threw the Flash grenade in Ducky's face. Ducky roraed with pain and has his hand on his eyes, as if trying to rub out the blindness.

    Spike jumped over Ducky and kicked the switch open. Then pulling out his shotgun and holding it with his left hand, he aimed his handgun at the chandelier and it burst into flames. And because of the electical wires, it was also sparking violently. Ducky regained his sight and lashed out at him again. Spike jumped u0 and aimed for the chain that was holding up the Flaming electric chanelier. He shot the chain and it broke off, causing it to fall...right on top of Ducky!

    Ducky started to shake violently, as if he was having a seizre. His body caught on fire and his arms melted off as he roared in pain, and electricla charged running through his body. Then, Spike pulled out his shotgun and shot Ducky in the stomach, making him fall hard on the floor. Ducky sopped screaming and all was quiet.

    Spike walked up to Ducky's carcus and searched the pockets of his coat. THe only thing that was in it was this green tube tht read 'Ducky Device' on it.

    "This must be the key to thatdoor upstairs" he said as he slipped in into his pocket. Whne he turned around, Ducky let out a sigh of pain. Spike quickly turned around, amazed that Ducky wasn't dead. Ducky looked at him and sighed "Foolish KH-Ver. Once you get out of this Church with that girl, he will send his minions after you, wave after wave. you won't make it off this island alive."

    "And who's 'He', exactly?"

    "He's someone with immense power. His eyes and ears are all over this island. He may even be watching us right as we speak. We accepted his offering of power, hoping that he'd protect us."

    Spike looked around and lowered his voive a bit. "Care to give me a name?" he asked him.

    "His nname" he tried to force the words out, but blood was dripping out of his mouth. "His name is J-" he stopped suddenly as his eyes lost color. He was dead for sure this time. Spike lifted his hand and closed Ducky's eyelids with them.

    he loked at the 'Ducky Device' in his hand and headed towards the stairs.

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 25, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Spike
  7. Spike
    ...I've been really stressed out, lately. Things just haven't worked out well, and I'm just a wreck nowadays. Has it been showing on the forums at all? If it has, I just want to let you guys know that I'm not a jack***. It's just that there's been so much to deal with and I don't know how to deal WITH it, you know what I mean?
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 24, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spike
    Huh? Huh? Huh? HUH? HUH?!?!

    This thread brought to you by Coors Light; THE SILVER BULLET!!
    because that other beer tastes know...
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 23, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Spike
    What can I say? People like their salmon XD
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 23, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Spike
    ...And no one at home's said a thing (when they're here, anyway....). I think I'll go for week 4 :D
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 23, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Spike
    It was an hour since Spike got up to get to the top of the mountain. The mountain was really hard to walk on, and the hundreds of spammers in it didn't help things, either. The lift was all the way up the summit, and even if he DID somehow manage to get all the way up there, he'd still have to fight off the spammers that were guarding the place.

    He checked his flame gun ammo and reloaded it. Hopefully he had enough bullets to get through the mountain with some to spare. He didn't want to have to run into that creepy merchant again.

    Just then, a hand poked his shoulder from behind. Spike quickly turned and had his gun pointed at the person's face, and , coincidentally, it was libregkd. Libregkd made his usual grin and opened his jacket. "I see that you're running out of supplies, stranger. How about you take a look at what I've got?"

    Spike shrugged. "Hey, how about you cut me some slack? I mean, do I REALLY have to pay? What are you going to do with the money, anyway? We're in the outskirts of Southern Spain. It's not like there's anything to profit fom, when you think of it."

    Libregkd made an annoyed face. "Hey, I'm just trying to make a living."

    "Yeah? Well, I need these things to keep ON living!", Spike yelled.

    "Well then, tough luck for you."

    Spike, looking really agitated, poited his gun at libregkd's face. "Hey, look at this; I have this coupon that says 'Everything in the store is free or I get to shoot your head off! One day only!"

    Looking down the barrel of Spike's gun, Libregkd gulped. "....Well then,....ummmm,.... that's a pretty good coupon..."

    A few minutes later, Spike was walking away from a grumpy-lloking libregkd with a proud look on his face. Moving up the mountain, he saw a couple of spammers. He pulled out his binoculars to check if anymore were near the area. He wanted to move as discretely as possible wothoug getting any unwanted attention.

    Looking up ahead, he saw a wheel-barrel full of gunpowder on top of a cliff. He could pull the support off an blow them up, making it look like it was an accident. He slowly moved upwards, hiding behind hay stacks, and crouched to the top of the cliff. Then, he kicked the support and the barrels of gunpowder went tumbling down. Pulling out his gun, Spike shot the wheel barrels and they exploded, burning the spammers to ashes. When the other ones came down, Spike ran for a nearby crate and hid behind it. He closely watched them and counted how many there were. "Seven. Well, I was sort of hoping for less, but what the heck?"

    He jumped over the crate and shot at the unsuspecting spammers. Some of them were so starled tht they fell off the cliff to their deaths and the others died from bullet wounds. One of them was stil standing and headed towards Spike. Spike didn't have enough time to relaod his gun, so he roundhouse kicked the spammer 'till it fell off the Mountain side.

    Waiting to see if any of the other ones were coming, Spike's radio phone beeped. Bringing it up to his ear, he could hear a vicious cackling n the background? Confused, Spike checked the frequency that was calling.

    "Don't worry, it's not whoever you're hoping it is." the anonymous voice said. "It was very hard to track down your frequency signal, Mr. Stantine. You're certainly well-equiped for this....."

    Spike was a bit confused. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, as if he heard it somewhere. He just shook his head and thought he imagined it "Who is this? And how do you know my name?"

    The stranger just laughed some more. "I'm someone who knows you, yet someone you don't know. You could say I'm a familiar stranger. Quite the oxymoron, isn't it?"
    "You mind giving me an appropriate answer?!" Spike yelled. He didn't have time to play games with the ennemy.

    "All in due tie, all in due time. That is, if you make it up the mountain...."

    In complete shock, Spike looked around for snipers, cameras or someone with binoculars.

    "Don't think you can see me, friend. I've got you through satelite-cam. Well, I have work to do, so I'll leave you with this: Keep pissing us off, and we'll have you pissing blood."

    The signal ended. Feeling thrown off, Spike kept waliking up the montain. He could'nt shake the feeling that there was more to this story than just a kidnapping...

    Just then, hegot another signal. He quicly put the phone back on hyis ear. "Hello?!"

    "Spike, I have some bad news.." Madi said

    With a small sigh of relief, Spike kept listening in. "Shoot"

    "It seems that whoever we're dealing with has a satelite network. They can track down transmissions and frequencies. However, we can't seem to be able to get a fix on where their transmissions are coming from. I'm speaking to you from a secured frequency right now, but I'll be radioing you a bit less, from now on."

    "Awww, and I was enjoying all the company we've been having." he said jokingly.

    "Anyway, I'l try to upload any useful information I find to your CP. "

    "Alright. Gotcha."

    "Oh, and Spike..."


    "Be careful"

    "Gotcha. Spike out."

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 22, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Spike
    ....This is how ALL your fates will end....


    Thread by: Spike, Oct 21, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spike
    Spike was still walking through the woods. It seemed as if this forest was much thicker than the one on the other side of the lake. Checking his map, he looked for where the church was. Madi said she uploaded the church's coordinates. He looked at the Legend and saw an Inuyasha icon that said 'Church' right next to it. "Well, I hardly think this is the case to put chibi heads as an icon, but I digress."

    The Church was pretty far off. The fatses route he could take was through the woods, into a village and onto a lift over the mountaiside next to the village that led directly to the Church. He pulled out his binoculars and looked around the mountains for any sign of a lift. He caught sight of a zipling and it was, in fact, the lift. However, there were spammers all over it, so getting through the lift would be a fight.

    Putting his binoculars aside, he continued walking through the woods. He stopped and hid behind a torn down fence, because there were spammers on every corner. He could've dropped them right there, but he knew that others would come swarming in at the sound of gun-fire. Walking around the fence, he put his gun away and tried to crouch into the bushes. When he saw the spammers leave, he leapt out of the bushes and headed eastward.

    Eventually, he walked into a gate, but it only lead into a house. "There should be a back door on the other side. I can take it and it just might lead to a shortcut. I just hope that nobody's home..."

    Slowly opening the door, he pulled out his gun into the opening and tried to avoid making the doors screech. "Since I'm here, I might as well check to see if I can find something useful." Halfway up the stairs he noticed some portraits on the wall. They were portraits of the man in the black coat, Ducky.

    "Okay, now I REALLY hope no one's home." He started walking at a slower pace, trying to avoid making a sound. He accidentally stepped on a loose floorboard, though and it went crashing through the floors, ending it's fall with a loud thud. Spike was just looking down with a blank grin, not knowing what to make of that. "Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn...."

    In the basement a small kitten with a purple collar around it's neck was pattering it's way to the stairs.

    Spike could hear the sound of the cat's footsteps, but when he stopped to turn around, it stopped. "Must be the sink. It's probably leaking."
    He kept walking, but when he turned around, this time, the kitten was standing in front of him, licking it's paw.

    "Awwwww. How's going, kitty?" He went to pet the kitten, but it let out a lion-like roar as it's fangs gew and it's claws extended. It slashed him on he leg and ran to the top of the railing. Spike was jumping on his foot, putting his hand over his other one to stop the bleeding."Ow! God dammit. Mutated KITTENS now, too!?!?"

    He pulled out his gun and shot at the mutated spammer-kitten. It was moving too fats and it ran past all of the bullets. Then, it jumped onto the chandelier and from there jmped on Spike's face. Spike was struggling to get the cat off, turning around left and right to sheke her off. He pulled the kitten off his face and threw her at an armoire full of wine glasses and crystal. On the kitten's impact, there was an extremely loud crashing noise as all the glass and crystal shattered.

    Spike slid on the floor to the left and shot at the kitten, hitting it's paw. The kitten jumped back and started licking it' wound. Spike walked up to it to finish it off, but the kitten put a sad face on.

    "Awwwww, you don't know any better, do you?" He pet the kitten on the head, and when it went to lunge at his chest, he caught it with a berlap sack that was on the ground and swung the bag around on the broken glass. The cat was still moving, but she could'nt get out of the bag. He used the bag to smash open a window and threw it,with the kitten inside, into what seemed to look like a wooden dumpster.

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, ya litter-munchin' *****!!"

    He wiped his hands to signify a job well done. When he got into what seemed to be Ducky's room, he found a big key lying on a desk. "This might be the key to the church. I should probably hold on to this."

    He walked downstairs and looked around. There definetly was a back-door. "Hopefully, this was worth getting beaten up by a cat.", he muttered. As he opened the door, the cat was standing there, looking POed. When she jumped at him, he kicked it mid-air, picked her up and threw her into the oven. He looked through the oven widow and saw the kitten make the cute sad face again, but he flipped the cat off and turned the oven on. Gas was streming out of it, then, with his mouth covered, he pulled an Incendiary grenade out from his pocket and threw it into the house. He ran like crazy to the backdoor when the house blew up behind him, the shock sending him flying. When he got up, he wiped the dirt off his feet and put on a satisfied smirk. "I'm more of a dog person, anyway."

    He pulled out his gun and did a cowboy flip with it. Then marched onwards through the woods. After a little while of walking, he could see the village and the entrance to the lift. However, the village was abandoned, literally showing ever meaing of the term 'Silent as the grave' (no pun intended). He slowly walked into the village, putting his guard up, when he noticed how the ground was more like a hill. He felt his foot hit a rope, and eard the sound of wheels turning. Looking up a head, he saw a ginat boulder rolling his way. "Aw, hell Naw!!!

    In the last second, he jumped out of the boulder's way and saw it rolling towards a shack that, ironically enough, was filled with gun-powder. He eyes widened and he ran like crazy to the mountain summit. Bhind him a gigantic exposion erupted the village and burned it to ashes. Oanting, he found a crate full of hay to dit one. Catching his breath, he looked at his watch and decided that he could rest for a little while.

    A half-hour later, he got up and pushed the gate open, heading to the top of the mountain to get to the lift.

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 19, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spike
    I've had to deal with Yaoi sketches, puppy versions, but this? THIS, people, is what really ticked me off !!!!! D< (and believe you me, it takes A LOT to tick ME off)

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 18, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spike
    Spike was trying to cross the lake with the boat he just found. He had to get to the other side to get Deathspank's daughter out of the church (I haven't figured out who could fit the role yet, so bear with me). It wasn't a clean lake at all; the water was filthy, there were rocks with some mold around there,a even the trees around it were just as dead as the water. A real swamp.

    When he was halfway across, there was a small sound, like the sound of a wave swirling by. Spike looked around , but there was nothing there. He kept going and suddenly, a GIGANTIC catfish with a jagged scar across it's stomach came flying out of the murky lake, splashing water everywhere as it flew right over Spike's boat and landed in the water with a thud. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF JEBUS WAS THAT?!?!"

    It got caught on the rope that was sticking out of the boat and started dragging it around the lake. Spike looked around and saw some harpoons lying around. He picked one up and shot it at the monster's back. It made a turn, and Spike barely managed to avoid the shrap, jagged rocks. He pulled out another harpoon and shot it at the catfish. It went below the water, and everyhing went eerily quiet.

    "It's trying to sneak up on me...." Spike thought, "If I stay quiet and alert, I'll be able to find it...."

    He waited, then the sound of a swirling wave came up from behind him, as the catfish jumped over the boat and Spike harpooned it in the stomach. It tumbled across the water and was floating. Not dead, but paralyzed from the pain. Spike pulled out his knife and cut the rope that was stuck in the monster's teeth, then he tied it to a harpoon and threw it towards the shore. While he was tugging on the rope, the cat fish dove down again and jumped head first RIGHT AT Spike. Right when he was about to go inside the mouth, Spike pulled out his flame-gun and shot it a few times in the face. A tiny fiery explosion erupted the atfish's head and it fell into the water, then resurfaced with it's belly up. Spike noticed a vest floating it's way out of the bloody monster's mouth. He fished it out and checked it. It was Vivi's. "Well, that explains the harpoons and the scar on the fish...."

    He grabbed hold on the rope and pulled his way back to shore. There was a small cabin nearby that he could rest in. His head was hurting him immensely, though. As if something were tearing his neck open. When he got into the cabin, he fell down to his knees. His eyes went red and started bulging, and his lips inflated. Suddenly, as if he had no mind of his own, he started yelling "SHOOP DA WHOOP!!" several times. He woke up startled, checking his eyes and mouth nervously. They were normal. "I guess it was just a bad dream....."

    His radio-phone was beeping, and he picked it up. "Spike, your last transmission was TEN HOURS AGO. Are you alright?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine. My eyes hurt, though, and I ran into a giant catfish earlier. It seemed to be mutated or something."

    "Mutated? Strange...I'll have researchers take look into it. Anyway, we've verified the location of the church via satelite cam. We're uploading the coordinates into you're map right now."

    Spike nodded "Alright. I'll continue playing my par, then. Spike out."

    He walked out of the cabin and into the woods with his flame gun ready.

    TO BE CONTINUED........
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 18, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spike
    WHen Spike woke up, he was in another cabin, tied up wth the stranger that was in the dresser. "Well, you're finally awake. That was quite the catnap you took.", the stranger said.

    Spike shook his head, trying to get rid of the drowziness. He turned his head to the stranger. "Who are you?", he asked him.

    My name's Shadowjak. I was a moderator who was asked to look up strange activities going on in the mountain side, when I got ambushed and locked up in a dresser."

    "Looked more to me like you were hiding.", Spike replied. Shadowjak sighed "As if.....Well, now that I introduced myself; who the heck are you?"

    "My name's Spike. I was sent here to rescue the Pre-"

    "The President's daughter?"

    Spike was taken aback. "Yeah. How did you know that?"

    Shadowjak put on a serious tone " Psychic powers." after a little while, he chuckle "Naw, just kidding with ya. I heard them mention the President's daughter being locked up in the village church."

    Spike sighed. "Well, it's a start. Since were on this topic, just who are 'They'?"

    "They're spammers. Trolls, if you will. They used to be ordinary members, once upon a time, but they were infected with this virus that eliminated all possiblity of intelectual thought. You can't just kill them with regualer guns, either."

    "Then how do i get rid of them?". Spike asked.

    "There's only one way, and it happens to be my specialty: you have to flame them. It takes these special bullets to flame a spammer. But, I'm sure you can find some lying around somwhere."

    Spike shrugged. "Not like I have much of a choice."

    All of a sudden, a spammer with an axe came into the room, swinging violently at them. When it went to cut Spike's head off, he slightly nudged forward, making the axe cut the ropes, and kicked the spammer in the head, knocking him on the ground. Then, Shadowjak got up and left the cabin. Spike sighed and put his hand over his head "Why does everyone keep ditching me?"

    Before the spammer got up, he ran outside. When he was about to go outside the door, a man with a hood was shouting at him from the window. "Hey, stranger. Get over here. I got something that might interest you."

    With his knife at hand, he went outside to where he sw the merchant. "Ah, there yuou are. I've got a collection of things that might inteest you." he said. Then he opened up his coat to reveal guns, bullets, grenades e.t.c.

    Spike scrathed his head. "Who are you? no offense, but when a stranger is trying to sell me weapons, I would'nt mind having a name."

    The stranger chuckled. "I'm just a simple weapons merchant. But if you MUST know, my name is libregkd. I sell weapons, obviously."

    Spike nodded and looked at what he had. "Do you have bullets I can use to, I dunno...flame spammers?"

    "Just your luck, and mine, I happen to have a few boxes of those. 1000 each. And if you're buying bullets, you might as well buy a gun, too." he said with a cynical grin on his face.

    Spike rolled his eyes and shrugged. He pulled the money out of hia back pocket an dtook the gun and boxes of bullets from him. Libregkd counted the money in hand and gave him a slimy grin. "Pleasure doing business with ya." he said as he walked away.

    As if right on cue, the spammer he knocked out earlier came outside and headed towards Spike. After loading his new gun, he shot the spammer in the head and a small firey explosion struck him just as the bullet hit him. Spike looked at the gun with a satisfied look. From behind the gate, Spike could hear dozens of spammers headed his way. He approached the gate, kicked it down and started firing. He didn't shoot to kill, but he shot them off the bridges and let the ground do all the dirty work.

    When he passed the swarm of spammers, he got to another gate and cut the rope that held it shut with his knife. There was a huge lake. it seemed that to get back, he'd have to go on that boat and cross the river.

    Suddenly, hs radio phone beeped. "Spike, you're last transmission was 7 hours ago. Where the heck are you?"

    Spike shrugged. "Well, I got caught up, I guess. I also got a hunch on my target's location: she's supposed to be in a Church back in the village. I have to cross the lake, first."

    "You have to hurry. In the eantime, i'll try to upload a map into your portable CP. It should be able to trace where you've alredy gone from this point on."

    "I read ya. Spike out." he hung his phone into his belt and got into one of the boats. Rowing across, he could hear something coming rom every direction. Completely unaware of it, there was something stalking him from under the lake....

    Something big....

    Thread by: Spike, Oct 17, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spike
    Personaly, it's never happened, but I wish I could say the same for these poor folks.
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 17, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spike
    This was kind of weird yet exciting. Ryuk was really well made for this. After watching this, feel free to start babbling rants and stuff. I also had NO idea where to put his thing.
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 16, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Spike
    When Spike looked out the window, there were several people with pitchforks and torches. The only sound he could hear was the monotonous, lifeless sound of them saying" Shoop De Whoop"

    He pulled his dart gun out of his belt and shot one of them in the head, but it just got back up and kept walking. Without turning, he threw his dart gun over his shoulder and it hit an awakening Da Freak in the head and made him fall back onto the ground. Spike looked around for a way out of the cabin. He headed for the stairs and jumped out of the nearest window to the roof. When he looked down, there were hundreds upon hundreds of zombified people,. All of them saying "shoop da whoop" in the same eerie monotone. It also seemed that the car was gone "Damn b******s. They left me to die."

    Looking for a way down and away from the mob, Spike went to the back of the cabin ad jumped off the roof. Taking a second to stick the big fall, he kept running toward a nearby gate. The lever for the gate was really old and rusted so, he forced it to move and ran through.

    While running through the woods, avoiding bear traps, he saw another gate door that was wide open, so he went in there, only to see that he entered their village. "Great. I'm in a literal loony town!"

    The village seemed deserted, so Spike decided to do a bit of recon before anyone came back. At the very center of the village, there was a fire with a person in it. The person's eyes were ripped out and he was skewered in the chest with a pitchfork. After looking closely, he noticed that it was Crono's body! Spike got down on all fours and started gagging. When he got up, he put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from yelling. "What in the name of God? What the heck's wrong with these people?"

    His radiophone rang again, and he put it next to his ear. "Spike, what's going on?", Madi asked. "Well, there are some homicidal village people out to get me, one of the escorts sent with me is skewered and burned right now, no sign of the other, though, and I have no idea where I am, but I seem to be in a village somewhere."

    "Don't forget your objective. You HAVE to rescue Deathspank's daughter."

    When he heard footsteps coming from the forest, Spike ran into the nearest house and barricaded the door. "Madi, I can't talk right now. I think they're coming. Spike out."

    He saw a shotgun hanging on the wall, so he picked it up. Luckily for him, it was loaded. He walked downstairs to see if there was a cellar he could get out from just in case someone came in. When he did, he heard the sound of banging somewhere. Readying his shotgun, he went in deeper and saw there was something in a dresser. He quickly opened the door and someone fell out. pointing his shotgun at the stranger, the starnger got up with his hands up.

    "Whoa! take it easy there, cowboy" Putting his gun down, he offered the stranger a hand, but he shoved it away and got up on his own, then wiping his sleeves.

    Spike out his hand back. "Who are you", he asked the stranger. The stranger pulled out a cigarette and checked his pockets. "Before that, I have to ask you a very important question......You got a light?"

    Spike checked his pocket and shook his head. The stranger sighed and threw the cigarette away. Just then, a tall man with a black trechcoat and a small duck logo on his shoulder came in.

    Spike pointed at him. "Who's that?" he said in surprise." The stranger looked ready as if being prepared to get attacked. "His name's Ducky. Notice the psycho spammers amuck about outside? He's their leader."

    Spike ran up to hi to kick him in the face. but Ducky caught his foot with his hand and flipped him over to the ground and threw him at the stranger, knocking them both out cold.

    A few hours later.....

    Spike was barely concious. A man in a hood was laughing in the background. "Feeble human. Let me give you...our power" Out of nowhere a man with a small syringe containing a bright green liquid in the vial came in and injected something into Spike's neck.

    The hooded man laughed again. "Soon you won't be able to resist this...radomn power."

    The hooded man laughed some more and Spike went completely unconscious again

    TO BE CONTINUED..........
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 16, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spike
    It was a gloomy-looking day outside. Everything seemed to be deserted as you can hear the crows further off in the forest. A car came driving by, and in it was Spike, Vivi, and Crono. Spike was looking out the window. It was a long plane-ride and an even longer drive.

    He poked Vivi's shoulder. "How long is this going to take?", he asked him. Vivi looked back and then turned back to the road "You're job is to find and bring back Deathspank's daughter. If I were you, I'd be worried about my skin instead of how long the carpool is."

    Crono pulled over and got out the car. Spike looked surprised "Why are we stopping? I'm pretty sure we're not there YET." Crono sneered and walked over to the grass where he was taking a leek. "I gotta take a leak. It's either on the grass, or on your face."

    Crono finally zipped his pants and got back in the driver's seat. "Sorry about the wait"

    A half-hour later, there was yelling in the distance, coming from a cabin. Crono puled over again and looked over to Spike. "That noise sounded like it came from that cabin....Maybe you should go check it out?"

    Spike looked back at him in surprise. "Oh, yeah, thanks a BUNCH." He got out of the car and went into the cabin. Right in front of the door, the walkie-talkie on his belt started ringing. Spike picked it up and , then put it on his ear. It sounded like a woman's voice "Hello, Spike? Do you copy? This is agent Madiyasha. I'll be your communique for this mission"

    Spike shook his head "Madiyasha, huh? how about I just call you Madi for short?"

    Over the radio, Spike could hear a sigh "Fine. Anyway, my point is, you'll be needing some outside help for this mission, so if you get any new information, be sure to use your radio to report it."

    Spike nodded "Copy that. Spike, out" He hung the radio back on his belt and went back to entering the cabin. When he got there, there was a man by the fireplace, making popcorn.

    Spike approached him carefully, then all of a sudden, the man turned around and wacked him in the face with a frying pan. It was Da Freak. He looked wild and kept hitting Spike with the frying pan. Spike jumped back, pulled out his gun and looked at Da Freak "What the heck was that for?"

    Da Freak suddenly stopped, then, looking even crazier, he pointed at Spike's red shirt and started shouting "RED! HE'S A BLARGING RED!! THERE'S A BLARGING RED SHISNO IN THE CABIN!!"

    When Da Feak went to beat him to death with the frying pan, Spike pulled out his dart gun and shot him in the shoulder. Da Freak was calming down and he fell over. From outside, there was the sound of foot pringts and the feint murmur of people.

    Spike turned his head towards the window and looked out side. "I wonder what THAT could be?"

    TO BE CONTINUED.......
    Thread by: Spike, Oct 15, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone