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  1. Spike
    ...To The Hypno Toad

    Thread by: Spike, Jun 25, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Spike
    Well,you read the title.I think it's pretty straight forward.

    Dad:Xemnas,because he thinks he's the superior even though sometimes we don't get along

    Mom:Zexion,because she manipulates me to do her dirty work (like removing the weeds just now)

    Older Brother:Lexeaus,because he's strong and he rebels against my dad sometimes

    Me:Xigbar,the quick smart-*** of the familly :D
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 24, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spike
    Well,when I press log out,it looks normal,my username isn't there or anything.But when I go back on this site later on,it's signed in all by itself.What the heck?Am I logging off or not?
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 23, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spike
    I have an issue of Nintendo power in my hands,and I'm reading up on the characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.And I saw,SOLID SNAKE from Metal Gear Solid is in it!That's so awesome!And I want to know what else to expect from Brawl.Anybody know anything?
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 22, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Spike
    What was the most entertaining thing you've done in any KH game?I'm playing KH2 right now,and I went in the station tunnel in Twilight Town.I saw the skateboard and I went on it.When some Nobodies appeared,I forgot I was on the skate board for a sec and I hit them with it.They went flipping everywhere!It was so fun.I just kept doing that and they were flipping about all over the place!
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 22, 2007, 386 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Spike
    Heyo everybody.I've noticed lately the forum has gotten a little tense lately,so I've decided I'm going to do my favorite Familly Guy-inspired comedy thread.Every thursday,I want someone to go on this thread and give me a topic.Whatever the topic is,I'll find the one I like most out of the suggestions,and I'll do my best to rant about it.As a starter,I've decided to do a personnal favorite: Dumbass Resident Evil zombies

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?:

    How long it took the zombies of Resident Evil to learn how to get through a wooden door!I mean c'mon,I've heard of trial and error,but this is friggin' ridiculous!So,say you're a zombie,you and your friends want to eat some guy whose passing through.Oh no!Lunch just went through a wooden door!(Les gasps)Hey,here's an idea,why don't you just turn the shiny knob on the door instead of waiting for the ****** to reload on ammo for his Hand Cannon ,so he does'nt blow your friggin' heads off again!

    But you know what they did instead?They made it so that the zombies don't open the doors,they crash through them.If they opened them,you would'nt hear thwm coming in,but crashing the doors,well you better be playing some Ozzy Osbourne pretty loud on your damn iPod not to hear that s***!
    *RE4 Zombie crashes through the door*

    Hey!Look,you got through!Maybe in another 4 games you'll learn how to open a door properly,but,hey, I'll uncaringly just judge you!
    *gives him a pat on the back,he falls apart*

    If everyone agrees to it,and if I'm allowed to do this,I'll do something like this every thursday.If it's not permitted,or if no one thinks it's funny,I won't continue this. I'm just doing this out of boredom.

    Thread by: Spike, Jun 21, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Spike
    Everybody has the one song that's catchier to them than any other.Which one is yours.Which song do you think is the catchiest?

    Mine is F*** A Dog In The @$$ by Blink 182.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 21, 2007, 52 replies, in forum: Music
  8. Spike
    Nobody better go on this thread.I left my cousin in my room while I went to the bathroom to wash my eye because it was burning for no reason,and he got on and posted this thing.I'm sorry for being a dumbass and trusting my cousin with my computer.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 21, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Spike


    Heyo,everybody.I've been on this site for 2-3 months,but never introduced myself.I just learned that I could if I never did before,and I need to get my mind off something.
    So here are a couple things about myself:

    My real name's Steven,I'm Greek/Scottish/Canadian(Also a bit of an alcoholic,but it does'nt show:D).I like watching anime sometimes.Mainly Trigun,Black Cat,Bleach and One Piece.I don't read any manga(I don't bother when I could watch the show).
    My favorite kind of music is mainly rock and very little hip-hop.This has nothing to do with anything,but I HATE koalas,it's a long story that I know none of you want to hear). Also,I'm a Pirates of the Carribean fanatic.Also,I don't care much for politics...or yaoi(no offense to the Yaoi-lovers out there.)
    So,I hope no one is too annoyed by this thing.Just thought I'd be a gentleman.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 20, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Spike
    1 or 2 weeks ago,my girlfriend broke up with me.I didn't really talk about it,so I was okay.Lately,though,someone brought it up(no hard feelings to that person)and now I just can't get her out of my head!I miss Katie so damn much. T_T.
    I'm so ashamed of myself for posting this thread,but I feel like it's the only thing I could do to get this thing off my chest.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 20, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Spike
    You know your bud's a Kingdom Hearts fan when:

    -He/she draws you and him/her on the wall with chalk
    -When he/she keeps giving you ice cream out of nowhere
    -He/she wears a black hood indoors
    -His/her username(or part of it) on anything in the computer is Oblivion
    -Plays a bass while trying to turn your glass of water into a copy of him/herself

    Anybody got other ideas?
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 19, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Spike
    ...Now it's confirmed.I was shaving in my bathroom earlier.And I forgot the other medicine cabinet door was open.I go to close the one in front of me and the knob on one cabinet hit the mirror as I was sliding it closed and the mirror shattered!My left hand was bleeding like crazy!And when I went to sit on my brothers bed,it collapsed.(I only weigh 189 pounds for all the smart-@$$es out there).
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 19, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spike
    I was watching cutscenes on the site just now,and I noticed,the Dusk's mouths are zippers!I don't see a handle anywhere but there is no doubt,those Dusks have zippers for mouths.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 19, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spike
    Yeah,what the title says.My dumbass of a little cousin is sleeping over,and I went to the bathroom for a few seconds,and when I come back,he edited some of my posts and posted in other stuff.
    So,sorry if he posted anything weird.I hope he did'nt do anything to get me banned.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 19, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spike
    ...about beer!Let's all watch this educational video about beer,brought to you by Vash.
    I did'nt know what section to put this in.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Spike
    This is a music video by Steriogram,one of the best UK bands for me right now.It's the video for their song "Own Way Home" and I don't know why,but this video is really awesome.I heard the song was made about some guy who F***ed
    them over big time,I don't know the specifics,though.

    It's a cool video,so watch it:
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  17. Spike
    Seriously,fake realities, mysterious beings coming into a virtual world, and Roxas' fake memories. Not to mention the mysterious guys in black coats, the scene where the struggle weapon turned into the keyblade, and who can forget how Roxas is the keyblade's ''Chosen One''. Plus the use of anagrams in names. Like how Neo=One and Roxas=Sora.
    Well,I guess Roxas is Square-Enix's Neo.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 16, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spike
    Well,since nobody answered on my Anime character theme song thread,just post the name of your one favorite anime or video game character.And,if you want you can put in the theme song you think suits them best.

    Vash the Stampede from Trigun rules.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 16, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spike
    Well,you read the title,so you get the idea.Post the name or picture of your favorite Anime or Video Game character and post a video of a song song that you think fits that character's personnality.Or,try to find an AMV on YouTube or something that just so happens to have the song you had in mind.

    My favorite Anime Character:Vash The Stampede-

    His Theme song:Staring At The Sun from The Offspring(My personnal favorite-

    But,if any of that is too hard,just post the name of your favorite fictional character and type the name of the song you think suits him/her.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 16, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  20. Spike
    But now I'm bored out of my mind with it.I don't want to stop playing it,I just wish I could fight the bosses all over again without making a new save.Does anyone have any codes or something?And if you do,how do I put them?''
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone