Ah, I see you finally found my true form. Well done you're a worthy rival. Oh, no King Kong lost....it was the movie when King Kong fought a...
Blasphemy!!!!! Mecha-Godzilla was okay....at least better than space Godzilla. But nothing beat the one the only Godzilla. I mean come on his...
HAAAAA, nice. But nothing beats Bently Jones.
Hmmmmm.....yes yes that does make sense.
I demand you tell me why?! Or this get settled the old fashion way.............................with a spelling contest.
This and that. Worst band name ever.
I'm doing pretty well for the most part. What about you? How has life been without my awesome presence.
I would count this one. I'm glad you're doing well.
Well I'm glad I brought the RANCOR!!!!!!!!!! Oh, how is it going by the way?
Well I'm glad I brought the Rancor!
Till next time!
Great now I have to call Bruce Campell to come and kill you with his boomstick.
You know that is how evil dead starts.
Oh, now I'M the weird one. *goes back to chanting*
This is like one of my fantasies.....but....I'm not going to tell you which one.
And the Bee Gee's.
But three is a crowd.
And then there were three.
So either we have no time on our hands....or we are both just really lazy.