I must know more about that game.....sounds AMAZING! Have fun at class.
So sweet, and yes never heard of a single one of those games. What kind of games are these?
Hey, when you are done with your article would you mind sharing it with us? I would really like to read it.
Damn PSN outaged.......How am I supposed to pawn people in Killzone 3?
Oh yeah how could I forget about Victor Zsaz..that crazy ass dude. I'm just hoping that the Riddler will play a bigger role in this one than in the last one.
BTAS was the best medium aside from the comics. I heard that the villians are... Joker Harley Quinn Two-Face Catwoman (anti-hero) Solomon Grundy (rumoured) Black Mask (rumoured) Penguin (rumoured) Mr.Freeze (rumoured) And there are a few others I have heard to be in but I'm going to wait until there is confirmation.
Oh, yeah. I never thought that as long as I was alive they would make an amazing Batman game. Glad I was wrong and now an awesome looking sequel with tons of new villains for me to lay down my dark knight justice. If you can't tell I'm a huge Batman fan....so I very eager to play.
Eders Scroll:Skyrim Batman Arkham City (most wanted game for me) Uncharted 3 (second most wanted game) Resistance 3 (i think it comes out around november)
That was PURE EPICNESS!!!!! Man I can't wait for November. So many games I'm going to buy.....probably won't be eating for awhile.
I like fish burgers.
That pic just makes me wish that Elders Scrolls:Skyrim was out now.
I'm sorry...I'm not following?
Gone and to never come back
I was just joking, I acutally really good when push comes to shove. Seems it is the only time I can say things truly right. :/ I'm an enigma.
Total agreement on Glee, that's gleerific. No, please don't be mean like that seriously......I always do the wrong thing.
Your first sentence makes me laugh for some reason. Noooo, please no crying......I'm terrible when it comes to women crying.
Yes, I'm the fact man. I win.
Fact: Those facts apply to me.
Fact: I don't believe your two facts.
Oh no sir, so help me mjolnir. I'll get into space.