Finally I get to do my finger pyramid like I'm an evil mastermind. ....................... Yes, that felt good.
Both or maybe neither, hmmmm.
I smell a hit in the future.
*Kiryu and Burnitup is filmed in front of a live studio audience*
That explains why that woman started yelling at me when I dowsed it in gasoline and set it on fire.
Haaahaaa, yeah it is weird that this game doesn't have more of a following. I still need to pick up the fourth one though.
Note to self water in the engine won't start up your bike.
It is the lead characters name in the Yakuza series.
Sausage and pepper with provolone cheese on wheat bread.
I had a fantastic sandwich today.
Man, I hate it when I read a series of books (mainly for this topic a trilogy) when you finish and you get that conflicting feeling. You know where one part of you is bumped out that you can't read anymore stories of your favorite characters. But then the other half of you is glad that at least everything (for the most part) was wrapped up nicely, and you are glad it didn't over stay its welcome like some book franchises that go on and on until they are a shell of what you remember. Oh right-ism.
That looks exactly how one of my Sunday nights ends. No one wants to talk about it and someone is going to get attack by a rapid dogism.
Your last sentence just blow my f-ing mindism.
My nose is all stuffyism.
I'm glad we all believe in the power of friendshipism. Flawless victory.......ism.
You have done everything or perhaps nothingism?!
I see what you did thereism.
I'm going to add and -ism to everything I say in real life. I kinda going to make it like my new periodism.
Yeah, at my expense it seems recently.
How do you know that there is no one? Unless this is a self hating statement then in that case my joke wouldn't make any sense. Not that I would need to see why my joke needs to make logical sense, cause normally when I hear a sentence like his. I can only assume that he is referencing a group of people and not just himself.