Im sitting here on two comps one chatting to ppl and the other waiting for the superchick online live event CD release party.....your thoughts?
im still trying!!! I think this one look nice :3
My phone kept ringging at 3 AM last night!! wich one of you did it fess up>.>
As title said tis some of the stuff I made with gimp. Im still new to is but i say the are pretty good
Well I had this idea for a while so I guess we will try it I hope it goes well. Just a high shcool life of the Tsubasa charaters. Please note I havent finished all the mangas and mayhbe other people ahvent so try to keep the spoilers to a minmum>< Tsubasa High Syroan,Sakura,fai,mokona And Kurgane have finshed their jounry and now they have to live a high school life. They try to get good grades seeing as its everyones last two years in high school. Okay guys! I hope all of you know the they rules alot of you should. You can have Tsusa chartaters and XxHolicxx Charaters if you like! U ask that a few of you please make a techer template as well! And you cane make you own orgial chartaer as well ^^ Temp: Age: NAme: Gender: Bio: (please make it atleast a paragraph long) Personality:(also a paragraph long please) Likes: Dislikes: Appearance:(pic or discription is fine) Grade:(11 or 12) I shall have my temp up soon! And I will be playing Sakura. Also if your a chartaer from the mangas no temp is needed just the name please ^^ Teacher temp: Age: class they teach: bio: Personality: Gender: Appearance:
Okay this is a seires im making... Not so much like a book but i concider it that way. I posted it on a few sites alot of people liked it. Im still making it ofcoruse here is all the I have writen so far. Please comment...if you dare>.> XD Chapter 1. Lyric's story. Lyric has a happy and normal life. At the age of five she attend school like everyone else. She was a very talented child. She cought on to things fast and was an amaziing artist for her age. She started reading four months after she was in kindergarden. She read everyday kid books like the cat in the hat. But normaly by that time the other kids where struggling and still trying to learn to read and actually understand what the words meant. By the first grade she knew ALL of her times tables. She was brilaint but the second grade. she knew everything there is to know. She went through three difrent sience books at the age of 6. And most of those were high school books.Her parents were very proud of her. But at the same time they knew this may effect her life as she gets older. Well once she turend 11 she was in a terrible car crash. She has forgotten alot of things. She mostly forgot about all the high school stuff she leanred. But she was at the grade level she should have been at. She didnt know about the car crash. She frgot about it when it happened. But for some reason she didnt forget aything else but the things she knew and the car crash. Now she is in high school. Learining at the same level as everyone else. Her mother and father think its great how she is at the same level as very one. Though at the same time they feel bad for her. But the find it strange how she only forgot her high school classes at the age of 11 and she cant remember the car crash....Yet...How does she remember everything befor that? Its still unknown to people.To them it doesnt matter as long as their daughter is safe and she is happy. But then again what can be happy about a high school life? At tims she went through alot. Being picked on by other girls. But it only proves they were jealous of her. She was a very beautifull young lady. She had long blonde hair that is down past her shoulders,bright blue eyes that stand out,and she was 6ft tall. At her school they can wear what every they want. Lyric likes to wear long dresse's and skirts. She was always the fancy type. But other girls get jealous of her. Most girls have to war make up to make make themselfs feel pretty or look pretty. But not Lyric. she only wears a light colored lip stick. She looks wonderful the way she is. But at times she doesnt get why other girls get jealous. she think everyone looks wonderful they was they are but people dont see it the way she does. She has a very kind personality and a bit shy. She is very sweet to people she thinks of everyone else befor herself. She loves to learn new things she is open to learn anything. She is looking into a collage to get into once she is done with highshcool but that is three years away. She is almost 17 she thinking about looking for a job. But her parents forbid it. They want her to finsh school first then she can think about getting a job. Her parents are afraid that if she does get a job at such a early age her grades will go down. Lyric laughs when they say that. She always gets A's and B's but she doesnt fight with them. When she has her free time she keeps her nose in a book and listens to music. At times Lyic gets a bit lonely. Sometimes she would want to go on a date...But no one is really her type they are to wild. Thy get drunk and they smoke. Its not her kind of group. She fell inlove once. But he ended up treating her wrongly so she left him. Sh had a broken heart for months and months but as always she gets back up on her feet. There is this one person she is intrested in. His name is Edward. But she never really talks with him. She rather not to talk to anyon that dosnt talk to her first. She thinks she is being a bother or she is just to shy. Well one day after school Lyric went out shoping for things for dinner that night. She was takeing her time makeing sure she got everything and she even got stuff to make for desert. As she was walking home she was listing to her music but she heard and felt fire trucks raceing right past her. It got her a bit shocked she almost fell. She didnt know wer they were going she was hopeing it was a false alarm. Even when its somone she doesnt know she still doesnt want anyone getting hurt. She was just around the conrer to her house but she saw smoke. She ran to the the house and it was up in flames. SHe was hopeing her parents made it out alive and not hurt. As she stood there watching her house burn down a fire man came up to her....He was talking to her and the next thing you know Lyirc droopes all of the bags of food and fell to her knees and just started crying.... Chapter one End Chapter 2 Edward's story. Edward is a normal kid. He has always had trouble in school but has gotten better over the years. He is layed back and always has a serious look on his face. Once you look at him you can get a bit scared of him but all the girls love him. If you really get to know him he is a very sweet,loveing,funny,careing guy. But at times he is serious and will not tolerate with others who hurt him or the people he cares about. He loves art he puts together so many thing. He loves to draw whats around him. It helps him calm down and just think over things and to let things go. At the age age of 6 his dad left him and his faimly for another women. He dwells over it and at times he hated him for it. He doesnt want to be anything like his dad when he gets older. At times he goes to see his dad just out of respect. As he grew older he always felt the need to be there for his mother and two older sisters. He does what he can to take care of them. At the age of 14 he got a job. His mother wasent makeing a enough money to support everyone. Though young he still found jobs doing garden work for people. His mother was verfy pleased with him and so were his sisters. His mother got back on her feet and was able to find a better job working at a phone company. He stopped working after that and stayed working on his school work. When he turned 16 a fw more problems with bills came up again so he got a job at a fast food place. After a few he months had gotten a notice that his father had died in a fire. He was upset about it but kept moving on. His mother didnt take it so well after he had died she had gotten very sick. Both edward and his sister Martha worked and Meena stayed home takeing of their mother. It was like this for aboyt 3 months,his mother finally got better and was able to work again but Edward made her cut down on her hours majorly so she wouldnt get hurt again. He put in more hours at his work b ut made it so he still had time for school and with his friends. He grew use to his life his sister made it so he only wokes two days out of the week while she worked full time since she was done with school. Back.b; The way Edward acts you wouldnt even think he has been liveing life so hard. Him being layed back at school makes it seem like he never worries about anything or anytihng terrible ever happens to him. He's not much into dateing he's never really put thought into it. He see's a pretty girl here and there but never talks with them at times he gets anyyoed when some girls just keep stareing at him he tries to keep clear from them. And at times he is also afraid to date a girl he doesnt want to make the same mistakes that his father did. He like two grils though he thinks its wrong so he never talks with them. He likes lyric thinks shes sweet but he is to afraid to talk with her he also likes a girl named jenny...But her mind is kinda....well...out there. He sees them every now and then he says hi when he runs into them but then he just leaves. Well one day after he got off of work he stopped by his friends place to hang out or for a while. On his way hime he could smell smoke in the air. He wondered what it was but just pushed the thought aside and just kept walking home. A few kids ran by him saying the flames might spread to their home Edward didnt know what to think but he did know those kids lived not to far from where he did. Maybe about two houses down. At this time he really started to get scared so he ran as fast as he could. He was hopeing his motehr and sister wernt home hopeing that if the fire was close they could have gotten away. As he made the left at the oak tree there was a little area with houses thats were he lives. He saw the smoke and ran faster until he came up to his house and saw that it was his house that was on fire. He just stared in fear hopeing his family made it out alive. A gril fire fighter came up to him and spoke to him. HE turned to the house that was burning to ashes and started crying. He balled his hands into fists as he cried. Chapter two End p/ Chapter 3 Jenny's story Jenny is an out there girl. She is 17 and acts a little crazy. She acts like she has no cares in the world and just always smiles and plays around. She has hair down to her neck and its brown. She wears ripped jeans and werid clothes but thats how she dresses. She may act like she has no care in the world but alot does go on in her life good things bad things all the things a normal family would go through. Her father died a year after she was born so she doesnt know him at all but she did know he loved her very much from what her mother tells her. Her father always thought big pof her and always wanted the best for her. She is the only child in her family so she gets spoiled from time to time. She is a very sweet girl and wants to be friends with evrybody but alot of people are afraid of her by the way sh acts but she doesnt let it get to ber cause she already has a few friends and a loveing mother she says it is all she needs. Somtimes being an only chold can be a down side for her she can get a bit lonely at times when she is home all by herself. Afgter a whole she got tired of feeling feeling lonely so she bout a new born kitten. No one wanted to take care of it after its mother died so the sold it to jenny. Jenny bottle feeds the babt kitten and gives it love and evrything it needs. Now the little kitten is only 2 months old jenny and her mother simply fell inlove with her. The named the cat Melody cause she brung joy to their life though melody is a sound but they didint care it means happiness to them. Alot of times after school so goes to get Melody she cant walk nor has she opene her eyes but she picks her up after school and goes to vists her fathers grave. Sh brings him flowers and just spends time with them. She talks with him even though she knows he's not there she knows h is somwehre listeing to her other people look at her like she is crazy but she doenst care. She tells him everything like how her day at school went what melody did how her mum was doing. She just talks like he is there with her face to face. Jenny dated somone once but it didnt go well. she didnt love him or anything she just wanted to be his friend right after the first date. She laughs about it now and doesnt think dateing is for her. She isnt into anyone she just acts as her crazy self with her little kitten by her side. She often reads up in her room or she takes a walk to the park with her friends. She may be crazy but she doesnt do much. She thinks about moveing out at times. But at the same time is to scared to live on her own. She is afraid that things will go worse for her so she just keeps it as a thought. One day she left for school and decided to take Melody with her. She had to hide her from the teachers and she was able to. Once the last school beel rand she went outside and took melody out of her back pack and held her. They both smelled smoke but melody brushed that off and started walking to the semitary. She made it there and sat there with Melody talking to her dad. A few hours passed and she got her stuff and started on her way home. Smoke was still in the air and she say black puff clouds. As she got closer to home the smoke got closer. She started to panic and praying to herself saying its not her home its not her home..... She made it home and her house was up in flames. She held her cat tight and she looked to the left and saw a firemen wheeling out a dead body and she instantly knew it was her mum cause she had the day off today. She looked at Melody then a firemen came up to her and she just ran off crying. Chapter three End The sun was riseing. The morning was cold, clouds filled the sky. The day befor today three teenagers lost their family. They all died in the same way but each child does not know about the other familes dying. A girl with long blonde hair was walking emotionless into the city. A layed back boy also walking into the city simply saying why. A playfull girl with a cat also walking into the city simply crying. These three people all lost close family soon to find out this happned for a reasong. This now begins Chapter 4 The day of fate. Lyric, Edward, and jenny all walked into the city not aware one another is there and not aware that the all lost their family on the same day and in the same way. Lyric looked up to see the sun, Edward looked around the city wondering why he came here and jenny just sat down on the side walk infront of a store holding her cat. After a while Lyric wonders over and stands intfronf of the store and edward just simply trips over the news stand. Lyric saw him but didnt know who he was. "Sir? sir are you okay?" She said blanky and going over to him and picking him up. Tears were still streaming down her face. "Uhg.... Ya ya im fine" He replied angryly and he looked up. "Lyric?" He asked. Lyric looked blanky at him for a moment or two and a surprised look came on her face "Edward? What are you doing here? Its Tuseday thought you would be in school" She told him. Edward just looked at her. He was holding back the tears as he flashed back to the sight of his home burining. He saw a tear go down Lyric's face. "Hey whats wrong?" He asked. "Nothing" She simply replied. Jenny was getting angry with all teh talking and just wanted to scream but she didnt. " YOu know its nice you two are meeting up and all but could you please just... WELL GO!" Jenny yelled. Edward was angry at the rude comment he had heard Lyric was a bit shocked. "Hey listen you dont talk to us like that you hear me!?" Edward shouted. Jenny held her cat tight and stood up to face them both. She was about to yell at them but she blinked and looked at them both. " Your edward and LYric!!! Ive seen you two around school! Ive met you guys befor its me jenny!" "Jenny?" Lyric said puzzled."Oh thats right! I remember you! Sometimes I see you at your fathers grave. I go see my grandmother there at times" She tried to smile but she couldnt. Edward nodded to let Jenny know he knew her at this point he couldnt talk either as he remembers his house bruning down. Listen...." Lyric sighed. " If you dont mind... im going to go my own way from here. Dont get me wrong its nice seeing you both. And your little cat.... But yesterday my house was on fire.... And my family was there.... They died..." Edward just looked at lyric "What?.... A fire?.... Thats what happend to me yesterday...... My sisters my mother the only family I had left died in a fire yesterday as well." "Wait.... You two..... Your not jokeing are you? Wait ya you are TELL ME YOUR JOKING" Jenny cried out. "My family died the same day and the same way!!!" The three teens just looked at echother. They all were crying. Lyric fell to her knees laying her head on the hard cold sidewalk. Edwatrd looked at Jenny then at LYric an walked over to her. "I can honestly say I know extaly how you feel. Losing your family who you loved... Even if they really didnt care about you back... But we have to get through it we cant let it ruin our lives. We all know we wont always have the ones we want with us its apart of life" "My family being murderd it apart of life!!!??????" Lyric shouted. Edward didnt reply. HE sat down next to her and patted her on the back. Jenny sat down aswell and put Melody down. Melody rubbed against everyone comforting them. Edward then gently shook Lyric's arm "come on get up. We have to find a place to stay it looks like its going to rain." Lyric nodded and stood up and the three friends started to walk by a near by hotel. No one talked everyone just cried to themselfs. Rain slowly stared to drop down from the sky and meldoy started to hiss. Jenny put her cat in her backpack and kept walking. "You three.... You do know that your family died all for the same reason" Said a man. The three turned around. Edward looked at him with hate in his eyes "What do you mean? for a reason!? Are you the one who did this?" He screamed The man shrugged"You have to find out" He said and was gone in a flash. Lyric looked around. "How are we supose to find out!? Where are we supose to go!!!???" She shouted out in anger. "Well come and see for yourself" somone said. A bright light took over the city Lyric put her arm infront of her eyes to block the bright light Edward just closed his eyes and Jenny held onto her backpack and looked down with her eyes shut tight. "Whats going on?! Why is the light-" Jenny was cut off. The light faded away and Lyric looked around Jenny and edward opened there eyes and out of the packpack a cat head popped out. There were somewere with not walls and no floor it looked like there were in the sky but there feet were on some type of plat form cause non of them were falling. "What the..." They all said at once. Edward got to his knees and slammed on some hard surface. "Well by the looks of it were are in the sky but we arnt falling due to a platform of some sort... But were are we? How did we get here?" He said confused. Lyric just shrugged. Jenny shruged aswell. Meldoy jumped out of the bag and kept jumping up and down. "What are you doing?" Jenny laughed. Right then somone appeared. A man with blue eyes black hair and in just a t-shirt and shorts. "Your families are gone. So you all are to move on with life." The man fanshied into air Suddenly the three teens were in a forest. There were tall tree's with green leafs hanging down. There were willow tree's pine tree's. There were also wild flowers. Jenny looked at Edward at Edward looked back. They wernt to sure on what was going on. All they knew is that they wanted to get out. Meldoy was running around but jenny grabbed ahold of her as fast as she could so the little kitten wouldnt get lost. Edward gazed at jenny for a second "Wait...." He said worriedly "What is it?" Jenny replied. "Were's Lyirc wasent she just here?" "I thought I saw her were did she go?! "I dont know I thought you knew!" "Why would I know?!!" jenny yelled. The both looked around hoping to see Lyric but she wasent in anyones sight. The two didnt want to leave the spot they were in. they were afraid they would get seperated if they even took a step ahead. They both thought for a moment on what to do. Edward though if theye would stand side by side as they walked the wouldnt lose sight of eachother. Jenny thought if they could just get a rope and tie it around thier waste that they would be stuck to together.... Then again she thought that would be a stupid idea seeing as the person she is with is a guy. She tried to think of somthing else but befor she could come up with somthing she heard a scream in the distance. "Thats lyric!" Jenny said and ran strait ahead "Jenny wait!" Edward yelled but it was too late jenny was long gone with melody. "Women" He said and started running in the direction jenny was running Jenny stopped and Edward cought up with her and they saw Lyric backed up into a tree with blood running down her arm. Infront of her was a hungry wolf. She face the wolf and grabbed the tree behind her she cried in fear. Help me" She said. Jenny looked at the beast infront of Lyric she doesnt know what to do but she knows she must do somthng fast. Edward came up from behind her "any ideas on what to do?" He asked "NO idea at all just know that we have to do somthing and fast!" She exlamied Edward went through his pockets and grabbed his pocket knife "What luck" he sighed. "Lyric if you dont want to see this I'd advies you'd close your eyes" Lyric nodded on closed her eyes and heard the wolf yelping and it finally stopped. "cover up the body please?" Lyric said her eyes still closed. "Done" Edward said. Lyric opened her eyes and the wolf was coverd in leves and branches. She slid down the tree and was looking down at the ground and clenching her arm. Edward looked at her and looked at Jenny. "Do you have anything that can help her bleeding?" HE asked Jenny shook her head."No im sorry I lost my bag" "Alright" Edward pulled a cloth out of his pocket and took off his belt and then put the cloth over Lyric's arm and was about to tie the belt on her arm. "I have to put it on pretty tight so its going to hurt feel free to yell" He told her. Edward tightened the belt tight around her arm but not tight enough to stop the blood from flowing. Lyric flinnched and sighed. "Well what do we do now?" jenny asked. The three teens looked at eachother. They all shrugged. Lyirc just held he arm looking in the distande Edward loked down thinking and jenny was holding her cat petting her trying to keep calm. Chapter four End. I shall post more of my chapters here ofcrouse so look out fr upsated if you wish ^^
Hello there!! Im new here! A fried told me to join this site but idk her screen name here>< I hope I can make some friends here I love KH its awsome! I hope to fit in here you may call me by my screen name or my name rachel it doesnt matter(or Lyric people call me that XD) Well I hope to have a good time here!