last night my parents got me a new puppy!!!! and he is going to be small isnt he cute!!! :3
everytime i see this i always bust a gut[video=youtube;F00pnxYwIso][/video]
So a week or so ago my libary had a book sale and came across a book called The dogs of babel. It is a fantastic book. Its about a man who comes home to find the police in his back yard to find his wife dead. They said she was up in their tree and was found face up. They said it was either an accident or sucide. The only witness there was their dog Lorelei. When the where done asking him qustions he was home alone with the dog. As he looked around the house he went into their libary to find books where in the wrong places. There was somthin weird about this to him so as he tried to figure it out he is also trying to teach his dog how to talk to really know what happened. The ending was sad but at the same time happy. I just wanted to know if anyone else has heard of the book and read it. Wanna know what you guys think! If no one has read it I adivse you do its a real good book. :3
here is the stock Make it how ever you wish this is for anyone :3 If I did this request wrong please imform me ><
Im having the worst night of my life on the verge of tears. Anybody willing to give me a hug and tell some jokes? And how is everything this fine night
I hope this doesnt come across me as whining. If it does im sorry My life isnt the best at all. Im raising a baby that isnt even mine ive been taking care of her for 3 years. Ever sence she was born her parents didnt want her so hence why im raising her...She lives with my grandmother who is really nuts. I mean it she has mental problems. So she treats me like crap. Tells me everything i do wrong. To her I cant even wash the dishes right. Long story short because of her im realy stress and fell into a deep depression. I cant afford to go to tharapy... Even if I help pay my family doesnt want to deal with it. I dont sleep anymore no matter how hard I try. Im so tired but i refuse to take pills due to past expraicne that hurt me. I cut all the time and attempts to kill myself. Ive cut my throat but never seem to get it deep enough. I feel like no one care about me here where i live. For some reason people reject me. Im EXTREAMLY shy... if a girl looks at me they istantly hate me... My real life friends turned on me. So being lonely makes everything worse. I'm just about ready to kill myself. Ive made plans on how to do it where to do it.... I know people will tell me to talk to family about it but i mean it no one will listen. I see no point in liveing. Please help...
Sadly im off this site for a bit got alot going on and things i have to get ready for plus i dont have a LT it finally broke T_T and im getting tired of always asking people to use theirs>.< I will come on here and there to see how things are going! Ill come back (hopefully) at the end og Agust ^^ Until then bye y'all <3
I gave up for the longest time but i was bord so i tried again. i put stock in the right for a reason. i like it but eh what ya think?
I just fell down the outside stairs and im hurting! Who is gana pay my medical bill :3
Im lonely :cryinganime: Some one talk to meh
Well these are just tests im trying to figure out the camra use's and stuff. So dont get to mad at me now but these I thougt where nice Spoiler Lovely Face Spoiler Flashing Light ( I took this while cars were passing by Spoiler arf Spoiler lone tree Spoiler evil glare Spoiler book cat Spoiler lamp Spoiler summer flower Spoiler Moutain sky
This is to surprise her!! :yelling: XD she is gone for a bit and she has been down so hopefully this will cheer her up :3
Well I love to write poems and short stories and so on but ill be posting my poems here! Commet if you wish but please note i already know i have grammer problems so im working on it! My heart cries out in pain The one I love has forgotten my name He has found another in his life But why cant I do the same? He says he loves me But I know its a lie I just stay so I dont break out and cry In my heart you will always be mine But I know in your heart I have died.... The moon light is bright I stare with wonder what you are doing Are you thinking of me? Or are you sleeping tightly Or are you looking at the same moon I am? I wonder so much about you I wonder if you ever wonder of me I close my window and go to bed I say my prayers then I said "I wonder what you are doing" Im sitting alone under a tree Looking at the leafs on the tree's sway back and forth I hear the birds cherping People weezing after a run Seeing a dog flop on the ground as the family has fun I lay back on the grass looking at the sky falling asleep as I listen to the children run by
And I must say it was the saddest thing Ive herd about. I just say a moive about it today and what her and her family and everyone went through at that time was horrible. I was wondering what everyone else thought on her life? Also if I posted this in the wrong place deeply sorry
Well this is how you play! somone posts a 10 word sentace like its a story and other people add to it.It can be what ever you want hence why i put random! have funs :3 So a girl walks down the street to go somewhere
here is some sigs i made today... the second is bd sorry D:
It is now after Sakura's time and some how the sakura cars are now back to being called the clow cards... How ever the are now also new cards. New cards that hold difrent powers and if they are not found and taken control of the new owner weird things will start happing all over the world! There is now more than one chosen one and some want that cards to help save the earth from the horrible fate but others want the cards to take over the world and lead it to its doom Now all the chosen ones who want to save the world have band together and call themselfs the pure ones! althought not all members have been found yet. The other chosen ones are now called the Evil angel clan. The two now fight eachother to get all the clow cardsand both have a difrent purpose. Who's side wil you choose? In this RP no charaters can be used that are in card captors seeing as their time has ended but they can be mentioned! Please have some people be on the bad side and some on the good. All played must have a chance to win a battle! You can make your own cards! everyone can have the same elements BUT that all must have difrent powers! be creative this is for fun! I shall hope everyone knows the rules by now if anyone needs help feel free to ask! Everyone starts off with three cards!! Temp: AT THE TOP PUT WHAT SIDE YOUR ON! Name: Age:(you can be any age you want expet for like 3) Appearance:(pic please) History: (please be a paragraph long) Personality: (also a paragraph long) Favorate eliment and why: Starter cards: Weapon: Everyone must have atleast a paragraph long when you post! if you honestly cant thats fine. YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR ATLEAST 4 OTHER PEOPLE UNTIL YOU CAN POST AGAIN. Give people time to reply and catch up! This rp is for fun! i will post my temp once others do ^^
I dont really post my problems much but i really got nothing else to do no one (In real life)will help me... I got alot of stuff going on in my life but that i wont get into deteil. my family tries to aviod me as much as possible for some reason. To be honest im a person who is shy. but even when i speak up for help no one will listen... All of a sudden my mom just freakin hates me and whats nothing to do with me and same goes for my dad... How can i handle by just getting by?... Also im so lonely... i have no friends... i dont go out much and the freinds i did have turned on me for some reason... somone i love and care about lives in my state but in a city thats hours aay and i cant see him. and im hurting so bad with being alone. i cant be with him and my family aviods me and i have no friends im not trying to complain. i jsut really dont know what to do anymore. and lately i just turn to sucide...
Right now what i really need from you khv.....if for atleast 50 or more please.....just bang their heads against the wall so i can laugh :3