Dammit. I'm not looking forward to the upcoming hours. >>
Is a man. A big BIIIIG man. If I were a man he'd give me an erection. I love him that much. <3 On a side note: I just ate a moldy PJ'nJ sandwich and didn't know realize said mold until the last bite. Discuss?
That's a cool word. ************. I shall use it for now on.
I'm crying and sweating as much as I can!
First impression? Tired of the impression question yet? What are you listening to now? Favorite band? Play an instrument? Do you like marching bands? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite color? Do you like doing mathematical things? Have you ever broken a bone? How do you do? Do you like cheese? Do you have 358/2 Days yet? What song am I listening to now? What skin do you use for /khv/? Are you on any other forums other than this one? What's your impression on Facebook? Will you be my friend?
I would but my sister is about to get on for an hour, so... -__-
He was the only reason I watched that show tonight. <3
Just keep going. D<
That Lisa woman is incorrect. Snuggles are those cute awesome little blanket things with sleeves and Twilight is a shitcake that sold out because the fatass baker got lucky.
>:< Gr. I'll make some more and send another!
I have not fapped at all this month. I demand Jesse McCartney at my door, dressed ENTIRELY as Roxas with sex toys and vibrators in his arms. Along with a bedroom with a nice, peaceful enviormnent and spare clothes.
Sorry, I had to laugh at your misfortune for a bit.
The guys at my school just go around saying: 'R UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.' Or 'U RRRRRRRRRRRRRR.' Or 'UR JAAAAAAAAAAACKED' It's ******ed.
Can you make a thinger of Roxas in !@#$#$%#$^$*J()a?
Should be there. Got it?
Goddamn! I have not touched myself at all, y'guys. Except for anything above my waist that does not count as my boobs.
nopfaptober? Do we win a prize if we didn't fap?
An orgy would be appreciated.