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  1. Roxas is Hot
    Thread by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 13, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Roxas is Hot
    Ooh, I see.~
    Once I get caught up with F.F I'll have to take a look into it.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas is Hot
    Axel on the...13th floor, I believe?
    Still can't beat that mofo.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Roxas is Hot
    That lady in the back looks oddly familiar.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas is Hot
    Is it good?
    Rumor around my school it is sucks hardcore.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Roxas is Hot
    That's hot.

    Except for the last three.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Roxas is Hot
    Lololol 2009.

    -Nobody name: Sexx
    -Weapon: Toenail clippers
    -Appearance: Medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kind of fat, glasses.
    -Accent/Catchphrase: You're hot.
    -Element: Water.
    -Nickname: The Roxas Humper.
    -Personality: It's horny all the time. The victim: Roxas.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Roxas is Hot
  9. Roxas is Hot
    I think it's called 'The Dead & The Gone'

    It's about some kid and his sisters in New York City. There's this huge ass meteor that slams into the moon and brings it closer to Earth. So now everyone's dying from disease/tsunami's/earthquakes.
    It's pretty good.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. Roxas is Hot
    So when a person reaches the age of 18, they can indeed look at pornography and not get in trouble, right?
    I think it's 'yes', but y'know.

    Just askin'.
    Thread by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Roxas is Hot
    D8 He does, seriously?
    Oh. Well.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Roxas is Hot
    I'm taking that that MegaMan is the blue one, then.
    It kind of makes sense now that I think about it-
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Roxas is Hot
    What the ****.
    They cancel a prom over a LESBIAN?!

    Of all things to cancel a prom over...a collapsed ceiling, some ungodly disease, whatever else fits your fancy...but they choose a student whose sexual preference differs from others. That's ****ing ******ed. Not only do they ruin that one opportunity for her (especially her), they ruin it for everyone else. Am I the only one who defiantly feels this goes against her rights?

    Who the hell runs that school? Kick his ass out.
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  14. Roxas is Hot
    I'm a Roxas whore.
    If it has Roxas in it, I love it.

    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Roxas is Hot
    MegaMan is the pink one, yes?
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Mar 11, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas is Hot
  17. Roxas is Hot
  18. Roxas is Hot
    Alright. So here's the case.
    This Friday we are off to Walt Disney World for my graduation present. And I should be pissing my pants with excitement and puking up rainbows, right? Wrong.

    See, we went to WDW last year. And it was an utter disaster.
    It started with a delayed flight. Which lead to lost luggage (Magical Express...they take care of our luggage for us, which I regret anymore).
    We had people that HAD to have their medicine, or shit would have gotten ugly. So finally at three in the morning the staff root through the airport and finally get it.
    So the first day goes by fun and fine, then my mom suddenly starts puking half of her organs down the toilet. This goes on all fucking night, and I can't sleep because I'm worried/trying to help my mom. And I can't sleep with the sounds of her half-choking on her own vomit. She spends that day deciding which end of her should go in the toilet first while we try to enjoy the next day.
    Then my dad gets it. Then my two aunts. Then my two older cousins. We had a group of 12 and half of us got it. For some reason my sister and I didn't get it, along with my two uncles and smaller nieces.
    And this lasted for the entire 10 days. Except for the first day and last.

    So when we all get home and those affected recover, my mother said that when she pulled up the comforter on one of the beds it smelled like vomit. And my mother would know...she's been an R.N for God knows how long. I do sound terribly judgmental, but I blame the entire goddamn accident on the unchanged comforters. Not only did that fuck up our entire trip, but it's DISGUSTING.

    I'm afraid of this happening again, needless to say. And I don't want it to. This is my graduation present, and I don't want some maid who got lazy or forgot to change our rooms before we arrived to screw it up. I've lost my trust in Disney (despite how dramatic that sounds) and I've turned myself into a germophobe. Or something near it.

    TL;DR- I don't fucking want to go to Disney World because I'm afraid of us all getting sick with this GI bug crap.

    Help me be less snooty, please! :(
    Thread by: Roxas is Hot, Jan 20, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Roxas is Hot


    MAYBE a .
    Post by: Roxas is Hot, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Roxas is Hot