Jackie? Brian? Bob?
Godzilla? King Kong? Xemnas? Xehanorth? Ansem? Kairi? Naminé?...... Spider-Man?
Dewey, Johny & Stewie?
Wow... that's weird.. Did you defeat the cucumber?
It's not that hard... I would just start with a limit, then wisdom form and he was doomed.. You don't even have to spam any magic, just shoot at him.. The hardest was Xaldin. The only guy I died in the entire game. not even Sephiroth managed that!!
Nice chapter!! And I loved that joke chapter! I didn't noticed the real one below, and actually thought it was the real one!! Hmm..... I wonder what would happen if the Withe Disorder and Organization XIII started a war between them.... Wich side would Sora pick? It would be really awsome if something like that happened! Anyway, can't wait for your next chapter!!
Definitely the Warriors fight!! It looked so much more real than the Outsiders fight scene..
My favorite things in KH2; 1- Drive gauge; 2- The new limit commands with the characters of every world; 3- The magic gauge (YAY no more ethers for me!!); 4- Sora's new moves (they own everyone!!). And that's all of it I think...
Can anyone tell me a good place to lvl up Wisdom Form? The place I used (TWTNW, the city streets) as been packed with nobodies instead of heartless...
^Ditto. Besides, you have to enjoy the good things in life! That's so true... Damn tampons!!!
^Yup! those damn cars are becoming to fast to control!! XD The only unexplainable is reason 4... those things aren't usually fast... o.O
But aren't songs poems in a way? But anyway, I liked it very much!!
Very nice poem!! I like it very much!! Good job, you managed to express your feelings very well. BTW, good for you!! Now you can do things more freely, instead of being "commanded" by your mother.
I now that, just don't know what for...
XD I noticed you weren't making random threads or updating your story, but I eventually forgot about it......................... as always.....
Sorry... I only start to notice missing things ( or people ) like two, two and half months after. Yeah, I'm a bit slow xD. So sorry didn't notice..
Hmm... How long were you gone?
What do you mean hacked? ^And yeah, if you don't want that to happen again, it's not a good idea to post it here..
Rey! Welcome to kh-vids.net!! Read the rules, post lots and have fun!!
Yeah. They are great, even in these PS3 and XBOX 360 days. I love the musics from those old games, their cool and remind me when I was little...