When the baby panda sneezes, the big panda is like "WTF!?!?!?"
Hey!! Welcome to Kh-vids.net!! My first language is not english too, but don't worry. Everyone here helps and tries to understand. Anyway, read the rules, post lots and have fun!!
I noticed you were invisible, but what I meant was that your always viewing the forum.. Hmm... Orange kitty?... I'm running out of ideas...
... Ok... your having to much thoughts about it... Troubled Kitty
Of course I'm kidding!! That would be rather gross, if it was true.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OrgXIIILover!!
^Actually you got really near of the origin of my Username... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larxene fan? Yeah, that was lame...
Hyper-active Garfield. Your always on!! How do you do it??
Really? At least you only skip a letter. Some users have read Denoc instead of Desmonic. Neko. I always think of you has Neko... Why? I have no idea..
Nice!! Hehehe!! That was a good laugh. I can't wait for more of it!!
The Devil... Yeah, don't ask...
WOW!! Awsome chapter!! Kuxir is right Mansex is an idiot *gets bricked by Xed*... Ok.. maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to say... But anyway, really nice chapter!! And the explanation drawing, was a cool touch too!!
Awsome battle, man!! Although, I don't remember that reaction command on the tower. I have KH2FM and it has one similar to that, but I don't remember it on KH2..
That many e-mails, just for this? The english lines seem cooler though.
You got that right.
This chapter is awsome, and its only the first part of it!! I definitely can't wait for the rest!!!
FINAL FORM PWNS ALL!! XD But Limit is really awsome too...
Daniel? Michael?
What? I didn't saw his profile, I didn't know he was a guy! I was just trying out names...
Maybe............ Rachel?
Ok, I give up. I can't think of nothing else... What's your name?