Good eyes man!! I wonder what their talking about...
WOW!! Awsome pics!! Man.. these new KH games will rock!! I can't wait for more images or some vids!! KH:Coded seems the more interesting for now.... The graphics are great, and I'm sure the story will be great also!!! Nice job in geting these Xaldin!!
DBZ:BT3 is gonna be awsome!! They've improved several things from the transformations to the characters, and added new characters(that for once are GOOD new characters), new battle satges, etc.. (this as probably been said by now, but I just don't want to read all of the previous posts :P ) I can't wait for it to come out!!
Thanks guys!! So, KH:Coded is for the cell phones; KH: 358/2 is for the DS and KH: Birth by Sleep is for the PSP, right? Won't they do anything for the PS3?
So, I'm sorry for my absence in these last few days, but my PC got all weird and I had to re-install Windows XP. Now that the work is all done, could anyone tell me what has happened with the KH series? Cuz I'm kinda of confused with so much information..
Wow... 3 new KH games? But I'll only be able to buy the one for the PS3(if the rumors are true..) I'm really curious about their stories now... TGS better start soon!!
Cool!! I wish I could be there... By the way, when is the TGS? I wanna pay attention to those days for updates..
Thanks. This vacations were really awsome... To bad I have to go back to school on monday... Damn you school!!!
Rather useless, but funny!! Nice to meet you too!
I'm really not the pinkish kind of guy.. Anyway, thanks and congrats for becoming a part of the staff!
Premium color?... Ok.. I'm definitely not becoming a premium user.. And thanks.
Well, after a long vacation I'm back. So, what did I miss? And what's with the mood thing below the private messages and the pinkish color on some usernames?
Thanks guys!! Now I gtg.. Bye!!
Awsomeness!! My name means Famous Warrior!! Who would have thought that Boris meant small?..
Well, tomorrow I'll be leaving temporarily and I'm only coming back in September. So I just wanted to say good-bye!! See you all in September!! :) :action-smiley-030:
At the time I thought it was cool, cuz I hadn't even heard it before, but now it's just a normal name...
For me the best place was from Naught Skyway forward... (in KH2Fm it was.. but I think it isn't the same in KH2) But the place were Ansem reveals himself to Mickey should be fine..
Hmm.... I wonder when she will update the story.. I haven't even seen her online lately..
I look a lot like Roxas, but my hair is black, and my eyes are brown..
I remember the trouble I had against kurt Ziza... The last no magic part was so damn annoying!! The Phantom is almost all about speed.. whatever you do, do it fast!! Well, good luck with the battles!!