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  1. Desmonic
    Sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the future KH games will feature him, right? I mean he could make a game about Riku or Mickey ( yeah, haven't played BbS nor did I spoil it for me, so I don't know if they have some story/character development for these two in that game).

    Anyway, I think that at E3 we will get some news about the next KH project. Or at least I hope we get some news..
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Desmonic
    Sorry, but I can't read Japanese so I really don't know if the translation they got is or not accurate :P

    But, either way this actually makes some sense.. I wouldn't really be all that surprised if indeed the next KH wasn't KH 3. We need a kind of bridge that connects all the games ( KH 1, KH 2, CoM, 358/2, BbS and Coded) so that not only we can better understand the whole story we can also get some kind of premise or preview even for what is actually going to be KH 3.

    Just my opinion though.
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Desmonic

    "In this week's Famitsu, Nomura talked about more than just Final Fantasy Versus XIII possibly not being ready for E3 2010. As with most likely EVERY Famitsu interview the man gives, he was asked about his most famous franchise, Kingdom Hearts. This time, he noted two important things, both about the future of the series.

    1-The next game in the series will not be called KH3 and will not star Sora. Instead, you will play another integral character. This game will connect the complicated stories spread across previous titles... but we've yet to hear about a platform or a release date.

    2- He wants a KH title to be released every year in order to keep the fans pleased... presumably, at this rate, the next one will be coming in 2011... and I'm guessing that it'll be the one noted above.

    Yearly iterations, eh? I don't know about you, but to me, something just doesn't sound right here... and I know what that "something" is, too. Yearly iterations of a franchise, especially an RPG one, is dangerous business that could lead to a drop in game quality.

    When prompted to answer whether we'll see KH3 in 2012, Nomura refused to answer. However, this doesn't mean he doesn't want it out at all. he actually wants it out ASAP.

    Thanks to Examiner for this important tidbit of news."

    So, no KH3 so soon? Hmm.. Can it be that rumored KH title at the end of KH:BbS? ( What's it called again?)

    Also, sorry if old.
    Thread by: Desmonic, Feb 18, 2010, 37 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Desmonic
    Oh. Well.. whatever game is coming before "KH3" might a "KH: *insert title*". Heck we don't know if "KH3" will indeed end up as "KH3". It could change name in mid-development..
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Desmonic
    KH4? Where did that come from? O.o?...
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Desmonic
    1- True, but my point was that the PS3 ( or 360 for that matter) aren't "hardcore only" consoles you know? They also have loads of "family friend" games .

    2- I'll give you that.

    4- Ah but you see, Nomura is only directing FF XIII Versus ( he only designed the characters for FF XIII if I'm not mistaken..) which happens to be a PS3 exclusive and he happens to have mentioned several times that it will remain a PS3 exclusive.

    5- Never said that we needed realism. What I said was ( or what I tried to say was) that the game on the PS3 or 360 could have much more detailed enviornments, enemies, weapons, and so on and still be cartoony. Imagine gameplay with the level of detail the cutscenes from the intro and ending from KH1 or KH2. Still cartoony and even more awesome!

    6- True, 6 months ago he had interest in doing so. Problem is, what about now? None of us know.

    7- Oh yes, there is still hype for it. Just not nearly as much as I saw before gameplay pics were shown. Also I'd love for KH3 to at least be announced. That way we could know that the production of the game had already begun. ( And on a personal note I think Halo Reach will be the biggest thing at E3 :P)
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Desmonic
    What the..?..

    I provided a link to the "news" on Furthermore, none of the links provided in said vgchartz page had the interview you linked above. Also their source for the news was Nintendo Everything(linked).

    And even if that wasn't enought the interview you linked above was from JUNE 29 of 2009, and the interview with the info that KH3 production would start soon is from the latest Famistu magazine.
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Desmonic
    Actually, no. That's the not the interview. See the June 29 date near the title? Yeah.. They still talk about the production of BbS and Coded.

    1- Ever heard of Little Big Planet? Mod Nation Racers? Ratchet and Clank? Sonic? The Lego series? Buzz? Singstar? All these games ( and a lot more) are on the PS3 ( and other consoles as well). It may be a "hardcore" console, but it definitely doesn't forget the "family-friend" side of things.

    2- True, but I wouldn't say KH is a 100% "family-friend" game (if you ignore the the cartoony looks). The story for example is far to deep for say a 7 year old fully understand.

    3- That's true.

    4- Why? Nomura has shown that he definitely doesn't like the 360.

    5- The thing is, both the 360 and PS3 allow for a much more faithful representation of the world, enemies, characters and all that makes a game atractive for the eye, and the game itself a much more deeper experience.

    6- Read above. It's an old interview, not the latest.

    7-Yes, that is true. But again, notice how epic the artwork for that game was ( Epic Mickey) and how everyone was excited but when the first screens showed up the hype for that game went from " Awesome!" to "Meh"(not saying that there aren't people that are still excited for the game). So I'm guessing that with the Wii's history, it won't actually sell that much( usually only Nintendo titles sell well on the Wii). Also it's a bit dark for the "family-friendly" Wii audience ( in my opinion that is).

    Now, with all that said I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were for the Wii ( and exclusive). But at the moment, all we can do is wait.
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Desmonic
    Well considering Nomura's love for the PS brand I could easily see it as a PS3 exclusive. But it could also be for the Wii.. 60+ million units sold speak quite loudly XD
    Post by: Desmonic, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Desmonic

    "First Aonuma reveals lots of Zelda Wii details, then Square Enix talks about working on 5 unannounced titles, and finally Kingdom Hearts' Father slips two key details that may just reveal what he has in store for fans this year... this latest edition of Famitsu magazine has been nothing but glorious.

    This time, like on many other times, Nomura's interview was about Kingdom Hearts - he talked about Sora's character, Kingdom Hearts: BBS, and... Kingdom Hearts 3.

    In fact, he let these two very key details slip:

    - Nomura believes Birth By Sleep shows that the Kingdom Hearts Osaka dev team has similar ability to create a quality KH title
    - Kingdom Hearts 3 will be implemented as soon as possible

    Essentially, this means that KH3 could start its' presumably long cycle of development by the team that has done KH: BBS - they're free of work (as far as we know) and they've shown that they can create a great KH title. Couple that knowledge with the fact that he wants to begin work on KH3 ASAP, and you've got yourself a sequel."

    Discuss :)
    Thread by: Desmonic, Feb 6, 2010, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Desmonic
    .... except for the fact that it already sold 1.8+ million....
    Post by: Desmonic, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Desmonic
    I'll repeat then:

    (all) FF sales in Japan -

    1- First week of sales that completely destroys everything else;
    2- Very weak sales following the 1st and/or 2nd week. ( From 1.5+ million to 40ish thousand a week and lower)

    The real surprise here was that it beat New Super Mario Bros! That game had been selling around 500 thousand per weak in Japan ( it's already at the 10 million mark)
    Post by: Desmonic, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Desmonic

    Yeah, the thing with all FF sales in Japan is:

    1- First week of sales that completely destroys everything else;
    2- Very weak sales following the 1st and/or 2nd week. ( From 1.5+ million to 40ish thousand a week and lower)

    As for the sales of Birth by Sleep, I'm quite surprised. I knew it was going to sell very well, but almost 450 thousand in Japan?! WOW!
    Post by: Desmonic, Jan 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Desmonic
    Sorry if old.

    Media Create Weekly Software Sales [Gpara]


    01. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) - 446,000 / NEW
    02. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) - 159,000 / 2,867,000
    03. Tomodachi Collection (DS) - 94,000 / 2,596,000
    04. Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 54,000 / 1,474,000
    05. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS) - 49,000 / 466,000
    06. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - 42,000 / 1,844,000
    07. Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver (DS) - 37,000 / 3,577,000
    08. Inazuma Eleven 2: Fire / Blizzard (DS) - 37,000 / 1,013,000
    09. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 33,000 / 1,669,000
    10. Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) - 27,000 / 533,000

    11. Taiko no Tatsujin Wii Dodoon to 2 Yome! (Wii)
    12. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (the Best) (PSP)
    13. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (PSP)
    14. Momotarou Dentetsu 2010 Senkoku Ishin no Hero Daisyuugou ! No Ken (Wii)
    15. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
    16. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
    17. Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue (DS)
    18. New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
    19. PokePark Wii: Pikachu no Daibouken (Wii)
    20. Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next Plus (PSP)
    21. Pen 1 Grand Prix: Penguin no Mondai Special (DS)
    22. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (DS)
    23. Sangoku Musou (Wii)
    24. Tamagotchi no Narikiri Channel (DS)
    25. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (PS3)
    26. Dragon Quest IX (DS)
    27. Mario Kart DS (DS)
    28. Power Pro Kun Pocket 12 (DS)
    29. Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel 3 (PSP)
    30. Tales of Graces (Wii)


    DS - 12

    Wii - 9

    PSP - 6

    PS3 - 3
    Thread by: Desmonic, Jan 14, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Desmonic
    Sorry, let me fix it.

    There, all done! Enjoy! =D
    Post by: Desmonic, Nov 12, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  16. Desmonic

    I was never a huge Pokémon fan, but I always hoped that one day Nintendo would develop a 3D Pokémon adventure game with 3D battles, mini-games, the works. Well, Nintendo have finally heard my prayers and are creating one for Wii, and I'm actually pretty excited. The trailer shows Pikachu fighting and racing other Pokémon, as well as platforming and adventuring throughout an overworld. I've always wanted to see this in a Pokémon game and wouldn't be surprise if a lot of others did too. There's not much info on this game besides what's seen in the trailer, but uh, Pokémon fans discuss this, I suppose.
    Thread by: Desmonic, Nov 12, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Desmonic
    Post by: Desmonic, Oct 12, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  18. Desmonic

    Resistance 1 had an awesome story and gameplay, Resistance 2 had one of the best multiplayer modes I have ever played! Let's hope they join the best of both worlds!

    Side-note though: The movie is said to be released in 2011, but the story itself could be set in 2010, right? So Resistance 3 could actually release in late 2010, and not in late 2011.. We'll have to wait for an official announcement from Sony/Insomniac.
    Post by: Desmonic, Oct 11, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  19. Desmonic
    So yeah, I'm making this thread because no one here seems like they've heard about this little gem exclusively on the PS3. But anyway, the game is an amazing work of art and it's hard as heck.


    Demon's Souls is an RPG straight out of Japan and you can tell it's had a Western influence by it's Oblivion stylization. In the game you are a warrior who has lost his soul to a demon and have been sent to the Nexus, the only part of the game where you are safe from harm (unless you're one of several noobs who somehow manage to fall off the ledges of the stairwells). While in the Nexus you can upgrade your weapons, buy supplies, deposit supplies, and level up your character. You can level up as soon as you defeat the first world and regain your body, it seems like a simple task but it's not. The kingdom of Boletaria is a dangerous place infested with some nasty creatures that will kill you if you're careless (trust me you will get careless). If the enemies kill you, then just like the NES days you start the level all the way over from the beginning no checkpoints and you lose all of your souls.

    If you lose all your souls all is not lost you can get them back if you make it to the spot where you died... which can be a pain in the ass if you were deep into the level, not to mention you are severely punished for dieing by having your body taken away leaving you as a soul with half it's health taken away until you get your body back. And if you die before you can reclaim your souls then they're gone for good, so let's say you have 10,000 souls and you die, they're not gone for good but if you die again all that effort is gone, and no you cannot store your souls away you can only use them as currency or to level up your character.

    Another thing I like about this game is it's unique take on online co-op. While in the game you can see the ghosts of other players in their world conquering or losing the same stage you are in. These ghosts can help you figure out puzzles and warn you of danger. You can also touch bloodstains which are the remains of dead players who met an unfortunate death. The bloodstains will show you a phantom replay of how that player died and can also benefit you when you're in a jam. After beating the first level you can summon blue phantoms to help you out when you're in a jam, especially during boss battles, and if you happen to be pulled into someone elses game and die you are not penalized, and if you defeat a boss in someone's game you will also get the souls the boss will disperse.


    There is a dark side to online play, and they will be a nuisance for unsuspecting players. Black Phantoms are other players who invade your game and give you hell. They can stalk you all the way to the end of a level, and appear when you least expect them to. If they kill you, you of course lose and they regain their body back, of course if you're a black phantom you win your body back as well. But if you are a black phantom and lose your soul level goes down.


    Altogether this is a great game and one I am glad I never overlooked, if you look at Metacritic, it has been getting beastly scores, and for a game that isn't well know you definitely have to get it, but remember it's not for everybody. What's beautiful about this game is that it is difficult but everytime you die it's more than likely your fault, and the crazy thing is you keep coming back for another ass kicking.


    A few trailers

    Metacritic Score
    http://www.metacriti...mon's souls

    This game is fun, and if you own a PS3 you should atleast rent it.
    Thread by: Desmonic, Oct 10, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Desmonic
    KH1 for me. It just has a better story, a more challeging gameplay and has a bit more "rpg" to it.

    KH2 is awesome too, I love the combat system ( the drive forms and the summons) but it's story and overall gameplay are a bit weaker than the first KH.
    Post by: Desmonic, Oct 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone